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QOTW: Nov. 27th- Dec.3rd

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Here is this week's group question:


Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

applicable what was the isolated incident that

prompted the change?


The QOTW [question of the week] is just for fun

and to encourage sharing of ideas. Add your response

when you find the time. :)


~ pt ~


The doorstep to the temple of wisdom

is a knowledge of our own ignorance.

~ Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

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Omgoddess! Didn't you get enough of me and my reasons already to last a life

time? But good question and I will be interested in hearing the answers. Maybe I

will chime in at some point...under an alias.


I will say that I am a vegan due to the fact that laying hens and dairy cows are

the most abused factory farmed animal...a chicken is considered the most abused

animal in the world actually. This includes the so called free range or organic

layer hen. When you use dairy products you support the veal industry whether or

not you want to. When you eat eggs you support the fact that the male baby

chicks are immediately culled out and killed and mostly by inhumane methods such

as stuffing them into plastic bags and left to suffocate. Have you ever seen a

baby chick? Cute as can be. They kill them because the chickens have been

genetically designed to lay eggs and won't be suitable as a broiler. Broiler

chickens have been genetically designed to grow rapidly so as not to use much in

the way of resources and they don't make good layer hens. Then give up eating

chicken. Then the pig, and then the cow. So, when talking to some one that wants

to transition to a vegetarian diet I suggest that they give up eggs and dairy

first, then chicken, then pig, and then cows and all of the other animals that

we eat. Why not the beef cow first? Because if you want to have an impact on how

many animals are brutalized think in terms of how many you eat. You end up

eating far more chickens in comparison to how many beef cows you eat. You use

way far more eggs and dairy products than you eat chickens...Kind of like you

eat only one lobster, but if someone put one shrimp on your plate you would

holler about being hungry...you would have to eat a lot of shrimp to equal one

lobster. What was the one incident that turned me into a vegan? PETA sent me the

video " Meet Your Meat. " Seared into my brain and the eyes of this one particular

dairy cow is etched there permanently. It is devastating that all of these years

I have been a participant in the harming of all animals.


" Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it. "

Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


~ PT ~


Here is this week's group question:


Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

applicable what was the isolated incident that

prompted the change?




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Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

applicable what was the isolated incident that

prompted the change?


Well I was slow at this one but first of all I had to lose some weight (100

pounds and it is still gone) so I started with Richard Simmons I could have 5 oz

of meat/fish a day or 3 cups of beans. Well the beans won out so that is how I

got started the real incident I think came after I read Diet for a New America

by John Robbins. Boy that was an eye opener.

We always raised our own beef so I was really not aware of the abuse. I was

aware of some things from going to teh Culinary adn of course we had to see all

those horrible slaughter house movies. I have evolved since then and it bothers

me to kill anything(well a spider maybe we have black widows)

I am going to start going a bit more vegan this year-I did not buy any dairy

today I got Silk Nog, and have 4 eggs left. I also bought a couple new books to

get me on the tofu scramble thing and I think it is possible. I have no desire

to support such industries.

Well I am getting off the soapbox-----------------next!





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Your story is pretty typical...Robbins first book got me off to vegetarism when

it came out and then over the years I didn't think about being a vegan until I

saw Meet Your Meat. I instantaneously became a vegan and never a look

back...since the darn cow stares at me all of the time reminding me of all

animals' plight. If you need help just holler...some recipes are easily

converted to vegan and some aren't.

You can do scrambled eggs too with the tofu...a package of Fantastic's Tofu

Scramble is a start...I add sesame oil to it (not toasted) and a little mirin

(sweet cooking rice wine) and scramble it in Earth Balance. I put them in corn

taco shells too along with salsa, and tofutti sour cream for a wonderful vegan

breakfast. I buy organic, but the package stuff isn't...I eventually want to

stop that, but one step at a time as long as it is vegan. Robbins book called

The Food Revolution, 2001, is great too and very up to date. I am reading Jane

Goodall's new book (2005) called Harvest for Hope and it is a treasure as is




Linda C

Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

applicable what was the isolated incident that

prompted the change?


I am going to start going a bit more vegan this year-I did not buy any dairy

today I got Silk Nog, and have 4 eggs left. I also bought a couple new books to

get me on the tofu scramble thing and I think it is possible. I have no desire

to support such industries.

Well I am getting off the soapbox-----------------next!





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, " ~ PT ~ "

<patchouli_troll> wrote:


> Here is this week's group question:


> Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

> applicable what was the isolated incident that

> prompted the change?


lobster used to be my favourite food. one day, when i was about 8, my

parents took me to a restaurant where you pick out the live lobster

that they will cook for you. i never ate lobster again.


then, when i was in the eighth grade, my school took us on a field

trip to one of those eighteenth-century villages, complete with an

eighteenth-century slaughterhouse. stopped eating red meat then.


i quit chicken in 1994 when i realized i hadn't eaten it in a month

without thinking, and then made the jump to veganism 5 years ago after

i met some vegans and decided to do some research on why people would

shun dairy, eggs, and honey. i realized that it just didn't go with

my morality to continue eating those products, so off they went, too.


i've been a proud vegan for 5 years now, and i've never felt better. :)







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I am not total vegitarian but working my way that direction....Mine was

that I had a gastric by-pass and still am having GREAT difficulty digesting

meat. I can do most sea foods and dairy but have lots of difficulty with

almost everyting else.

Another big push was/is the Mad Cow disease and the fact that I do not

want my daughter to get it from beef. We are both slowly moving more and

more closer to being total vegitarians. (she eats a hamburger maybe once a


My daughter and I had dressing and potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pudding

yesterday. WE didn't miss the other at all. We both don't like most TSP

and any of the artifical meat style products (I often find them as difficult

to digest as the real stuff ) I am interested in the grinder type vegtable

loafs though....(hint hint) Haven't tried any but seeing chefs make them

on TV makes me soooo courious



> Here is this week's group question:


> Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

> applicable what was the isolated incident that

> prompted the change?



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A lot of the meat replacements are made from wheat gluten which can be very

difficult for many to digest so not surprised. Have you tried one that is just

from soy? Or have you tried soy period? It might be easier on your digestive



" Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it. "

Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47



Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:40 PM

Re: QOTW: Nov. 27th- Dec.3rd



I am not total vegitarian but working my way that direction....Mine was

that I had a gastric by-pass and still am having GREAT difficulty digesting

meat. I can do most sea foods and dairy but have lots of difficulty with

almost everyting else.

Another big push was/is the Mad Cow disease and the fact that I do not

want my daughter to get it from beef. We are both slowly moving more and

more closer to being total vegitarians. (she eats a hamburger maybe once a


My daughter and I had dressing and potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pudding

yesterday. WE didn't miss the other at all. We both don't like most TSP

and any of the artifical meat style products (I often find them as difficult

to digest as the real stuff ) I am interested in the grinder type vegtable

loafs though....(hint hint) Haven't tried any but seeing chefs make them

on TV makes me soooo courious




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Well I grew up on a cattle ranch in Montana. Saw & heard way more than I

could deal with.

I think one of the strongest memories was playing with the baby rabbits

and then being informed by my jack ass of a step father that is what we

were eating for dinner one evening. Never played with the rabbits again.





On Behalf Of ~ PT ~

Sunday, November 27, 2005 11:09 AM


QOTW: Nov. 27th- Dec.3rd


Here is this week's group question:


Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

applicable what was the isolated incident that

prompted the change?








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> Why did you choose a vegetarian diet and if

> applicable what was the isolated incident that

> prompted the change?



Just one day in college I was in the cafeteria line looking at the

lunch choices.... and I realized that I couldn't go out and kill a

cow, so I shouldn't be passing off the " dirty work " and making someone

else do it for me... so I quit eating meat right then.

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