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QOTW: Dec.11th - 17th ~ holidays?

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Here is the question of the week:


What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?


Is there a traditional dish you have adapted to fit your

vegetarian lifestyle? [Or perhaps there is a traditional

dish you'd like suggestions for adapting to veg?]


~ pt ~


Month of December - the shoe is covered with dirt:

Heavy the land, flagging the sun;

Bare the trees, still is the muscle.

~ anon. Welsh poem

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What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?

Well, my sister and I celebrate Yule - pagan. I am

working on wiccan but not there yet. still a lot to

learn. However the rest of my family is Catholic so I

am around Christmas stuff and mass ect.


Is there a traditional dish you have adapted to fit

your vegetarian lifestyle? [Or perhaps there is a

traditional dish you'd like suggestions for adapting

to veg?]

I have yet to make a good vegan pumpkin pie. I can

make a runny one that tastes good but lacks the

correct texture.

Other than that I just do the lentil loaf, potatos

(mashed or sweet or both) and a salad.








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> Here is the question of the week:


> What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?


Christmas & Yule.

Christmas with my wife and her family.

Yule with my wiccan and pagan friends.


> Is there a traditional dish you have adapted to

> fit your vegetarian lifestyle? [Or perhaps there

> is a traditional dish you'd like suggestions for

> adapting to veg?]


No, but it is certainly something to think about.



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In a message dated 12/12/05 2:40:54 AM,





> What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?


i am what i affectionately refer to as a " holiday slut. " if it involves

food, presents, and friends, i'm all for it. so this time of year, i celebrate

chanukwanzaamas, and i have a big ole chanukwanzaamas party every year (this

year i have to figure out how i'm going to fit 40 people into my 1000-sq ft

apartment...). i'm going to serve a TON of vegan food, and i do a white

elephant gift exchange. should be a lot of fun. :)


> Is there a traditional dish you have adapted to fit your

> vegetarian lifestyle? [Or perhaps there is a traditional

> dish you'd like suggestions for adapting to veg?]


heck, i adapt everything.











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New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! :-)


As for trad dishes, nah, no veg haggis, thanks

LOL (although I once saw a recipe for either

vegan or veggie haggis) and I never have been big

on plum pudding . . .


We usually escape the dead bird/dead pig

celebrations by going out to asian restaurants

(usually can find several open) over the holidays

and/or cook the same sort of thing at home ;=)

Lovely - no adaptation needed.


Happy holidays everyone.


Love, Pat






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, dr patricia sant

<veggiehound> wrote:


> As for trad dishes, nah, no veg haggis, thanks

> LOL (although I once saw a recipe for either

> vegan or veggie haggis)


mmmm I love vegetarian haggis - essential here in Edinburgh for Burns

Night at the end of January or even at Hogmanay. Traditionally eaten

with mashed neeps and tatties (turnip and potato)and washed down with

copious amounts of malt whisky. I may have to go out on the hunt for

one tomorrow, LOL


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I guess I kind of celebrate Christmas - " kind of " in that I love the

decorations, the time off work, the idea of having a special feast.

But I'm not Christian, I live hundreds of miles away from the rest of

my family and the thought of being around people eating loads of meat

means that I have long since opted out of a family holiday and spend

the time on really treating myself to a vegetarian feast. This year

I'm planning cashew nut roast, with tomato and mushroom sauce, roast

potatoes, parsnips, chestnuts, broccoli, redcurrant jelly, followed by

Christmas pudding. Fortunately most of the puddings for sale in the

supermarkets over here are suitable for vegetarians these days.


Mmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it...


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Well, you certainly made me hungry and I am busily wiping the slobber drooling

down my chin. However, tell me...is the recipe for the cashew nut roast in our

files? If not why not and will you share it? And the gravy sounds

different...would you share it too. About the Christmas pudding...are you in the

states? If so, is there a brand name to look for...its it vegan or just



" Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it. "

Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47



Monday, December 12, 2005 11:26 AM

Re: QOTW: Dec.11th - 17th ~ holidays?



I guess I kind of celebrate Christmas - " kind of " in that I love the

decorations, the time off work, the idea of having a special feast.

But I'm not Christian, I live hundreds of miles away from the rest of

my family and the thought of being around people eating loads of meat

means that I have long since opted out of a family holiday and spend

the time on really treating myself to a vegetarian feast. This year

I'm planning cashew nut roast, with tomato and mushroom sauce, roast

potatoes, parsnips, chestnuts, broccoli, redcurrant jelly, followed by

Christmas pudding. Fortunately most of the puddings for sale in the

supermarkets over here are suitable for vegetarians these days.


Mmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it...





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>>>>However, tell me...is the recipe for the cashew nut roast in our



Good thing you asked, Linda - I just went to look for the recipe book

and it is missing - it will be somewhere in the tip that is my spare

room so I will hunt for it tomorrow. Failing that I will try recalling

it from memory and post it in the next couple of days.


I'm in Scotland - I bought an assortment of single portion Christmas

puddings from Marks and Spencer and Sainsburys another supermarket

here. They are vegetarian rather than vegan as all contain egg and

some also have single cream. It would be very easy to substitute for

those though if you were making your own, which I have to admit I've

never tried. Maybe next year...


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--- ~ PT ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:


> What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?


we celebrate christmas. i put up 2 trees, decorate

the house and put lights outside. i like to make

things to give as gifts. this year i have been

painting and decoupaging tiny jewely boxes and

knitting lots of scarves. i plan on doing lots of

baking (cookies, breads, candies, etc...) next week

and making gift baskets full of edibles for my son's

teachers, our friends, and our neighbors.


it is just the 3 of us since our families are all in

texas. for the past several years, i have made a huge

indian meal with 2 or 3 main entree type dishes,

samosas, chutneys, and basmati rice on the

25th......we really enjoy this and hope to make it a

tradition in our house. i have not yet decided what

our entrees will be this year.


susie in va.






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Thank you for looking the cashew nut roast recipe up! I shall wait patiently.



" Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it. "

Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47



Monday, December 12, 2005 2:02 PM

Re: QOTW: Dec.11th - 17th ~ holidays?



>>>>However, tell me...is the recipe for the cashew nut roast in our



Good thing you asked, Linda - I just went to look for the recipe book

and it is missing - it will be somewhere in the tip that is my spare

room so I will hunt for it tomorrow. Failing that I will try recalling

it from memory and post it in the next couple of days.


I'm in Scotland - I bought an assortment of single portion Christmas

puddings from Marks and Spencer and Sainsburys another supermarket

here. They are vegetarian rather than vegan as all contain egg and

some also have single cream. It would be very easy to substitute for

those though if you were making your own, which I have to admit I've

never tried. Maybe next year...








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Being a Christian, I celebrate Christmas with my husband, but his

adult daughters celebrate more of a " Santa Claus Day " and that's okay

too. I am the only vegetarian and since we celebrate here I have

decided that this year the girls can deal with anything meat related.

My husband hasn't had poultry for over two years now so I think that

he and my peke Nigel are rather looking forward to me allowing his

daughters to use my kitchen. I do something really easy for myself

though it always seems to appeal to the " boyfriends " so I have to make

enough for them too. I press a block of firm tofu and then freeze it.

Then I thaw it and drain whatever water there is and marinate it

overnight in a mixture of soy sauce, pineapple juice, a little brown

sugar or honey,a little mustard, and a little ground cloves. Then I

bake it, bastiing every 10 mins or so, for about 45 mins. I can make

this in advance and since it tastes like ham and I used to like ham, I

don't feel like I'm missin out on anything.


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We Celebrate Yule with my one other pagan friend and her DH and then the

traditional Christmas for the family - actually I am trying to get away from the

Christmas one and stick to Yule but the kids have gotten used to those two big

feasts and don't want to give them up. They only get gifts at Yule however.

They have tried to get me to consider two gift days but I've resisted <grin>


Traditional foods: Our Dinner:


The usual F*wl - I am the only vegetarian, A Wheat Germ Roast or Beanie Loaf,

lots of dressing veggie and other, and my DS's famous " Smashing Potatoes " which

have enough butter and cream to make me gain weight at the mere thought. They

are soooooooo good though. He puts in lots of pepper and garlic salt Too .

Mushroom/onion gravy. Mmmmmmmm And, of course, mincemeat, pumpkin and apple



Yule Dinner:


Mulled Cider, lots of Asti, the F*wl for them, a Wheat Germ roast for me and

dressing, roasted taters, honey carrot coins, broccoli salad, Almond Cheesecake

and brandy.


And shortbread.... lots and lots of shortbread.... and white fruit cake, dark

too... gosh, I think I've gained 5 lbs thinking about it.


Heather O.




Gary Mattingly

Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:52 PM

Re: QOTW: Dec.11th - 17th ~ holidays?



> Here is the question of the week:


> What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?


Christmas & Yule.

Christmas with my wife and her family.

Yule with my wiccan and pagan friends.





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> What holidays do you celebrate this time of year?


Christmas, looking forward to Pope Benedict's first midnight Christmas

Mass. New Year's also.


> Is there a traditional dish you have adapted to fit your

> vegetarian lifestyle? [Or perhaps there is a traditional

> dish you'd like suggestions for adapting to veg?]


Have been vegetarian for so long, forgotten if I have adapted anything.


As a side note, spent all day yesterday taking my mom to the

cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic (top heart hospital in US) and her

cardiologist there is vegetarian, hmmm?



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