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QOTW: Jan. 1st - 7th ~ resolutions?

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A new year, a new month, and a new week have begun.

Time for our group QOTW [questions of the week].

Here they are:


*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


*What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

yourself and for our global community?


And on a food-related note:

*Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

so, what will you be having?


~ pt ~


Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

~ Seneca (4 BC-65 AD)

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*Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if


We have family from all over so we do pork & kraut & potatoes and black-eyed

peas & collard greens.


i made pinto beans, greens and kraut since I didnt have any black eyed peas.

Turns out we didnt eat here and went to my husband's grandparents so I skipped

the pork and opted for plain kraut, mashed taters, 9 grain bread, fresh veggies

and diet coke :)


As for resolutions...i have the typical, lose the baby weight, rearrange my

financial life and to effect peaceful change in my family.


Meg G

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NOPE! Never make resolutions. No desire too either anymore. Weird I suppose.

What do I hope? I hope that individuals begin waking up (and they seem to be) to

the fact that we have a responsibility to the global world and to every sentient

being living on this beautiful planet. And that we are all literally completely

interdependent. It is not a metaphor or a new age thing either. Oh, last night I

heard something on TV...the largest living system on the earth is a grove of

aspen trees...they are all connected under the ground. I saw something like that

on the TV series " Northern Exposure " (my all time favorite series) where Joel

showed Maggie a mushroom field (in Alaska) where the fungi went on and on and on

for miles, as far as you could see, and every single one was connected under the

ground. Amazing. But so are we (now there is a truly horrifying idea...ROFL).

And no, we don't have a special dinner anymore but used to for New Year's Day.

For all of you who have just celebrated Christmas and New Years in style I hope

that you will now get some well deserved rest...that is my New Year's hope.



" Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it. "

Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


~ PT ~

Sunday, January 01, 2006 8:49 AM

QOTW: Jan. 1st - 7th ~ resolutions?



A new year, a new month, and a new week have begun.

Time for our group QOTW [questions of the week].

Here they are:


*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


*What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

yourself and for our global community?


And on a food-related note:

*Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

so, what will you be having?


~ pt ~


Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

~ Seneca (4 BC-65 AD)






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At 08:49 AM 1/1/2006, you wrote:

>A new year, a new month, and a new week have begun.

>Time for our group QOTW [questions of the week].

>Here they are:


>*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


Yup. To become healthier and to economize.


>And on a food-related note:

>*Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

>so, what will you be having?


Nope. We'll watch 3 games of football on TV today, and we'll

probably have (veggie) burgers or a large salad with beans and other

protein for dinner -- whatever I can come up with between the second

and third games LOL!


Sherry in Oregon (Go Seahawks!)



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You are not going to accomplish either my dear if you don't stay away from the

Lotus Garden. Now, of course I am caught. If I concede to our going there then I

will be engaging in sabotaging your New Year's resolution. If I don't then I am

depriving myself of heavenly treats. What say you?


" Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it. "

Mohandas Gandhi


linda's Growing Stitchery Projects: womyn47


Sherry Rose


>*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


Yup. To become healthier and to economize.




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, " ~ PT ~ " <patchouli_troll>



> A new year, a new month, and a new week have begun.

> Time for our group QOTW [questions of the week].

> Here they are:


> *Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


Yeah - be more positive, stop binging so much, get to the gym more and not gain


more weight.



> *What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

> yourself and for our global community?



Myself - to get out of my recent " funk " and become a more positive, upbeat

person and to

not be so stressed all the time.

The world - that all of our friends and family return safe from overseas and the

US realizes

we can not be the parent of the world without great harm to ourselves. I feel so

much has

been sacrificed because of this war. Our economy is struggling, our people are


and our image in the world is suffering.

I also hope the people on this planet realize the harm they are doing to our

home. With all

the horrible things going on here I really worry about how we are going to have

a home in

the future. good thing I can't have kids ;-) it's less for my worry wart self to

stress over


> And on a food-related note:

> *Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

> so, what will you be having?


Since the internet is back up I will get my Tempeh tacos recipe off live journal

and make

those :D I don't do anything specail really. Craving asian food but nothing to

make it with

and no where good to go in Killeen. Hopeing I will get to Austin tomorrow to go

to Veggie

Heaven. I will take pics of the food for you all!




" Sweet songs the youth, the wise, the meaning of all wisdom...to believe in the

good in

man " --Legend

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WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!???? You mean the sweet and sour

deepfried nuggets aren't healthful??? Guess I'll just have to say

three Ave McDougalls each time I dine there.




At 11:40 AM 1/1/2006, you wrote:

>You are not going to accomplish either my dear if you don't stay

>away from the Lotus Garden. Now, of course I am caught. If I concede

>to our going there then I will be engaging in sabotaging your New

>Year's resolution. If I don't then I am depriving myself of heavenly

>treats. What say you?


> " Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that

>you do it. "

>Mohandas Gandhi


>linda's Growing Stitchery Projects:





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This year my resolution is to try at least one new recipe per week.

I started out today with the Vegetarian Society vegetarian haggis

that was posted here some weeks ago. Here is a link to the site -

there are a lot of other recipes on that site that I want to try out

in the months to come.



For myself I hope to be well enough to be back at work soon. I am

employed part-time and self-employed the rest. I have been off work

since the beginning of September with what I think is a mild version

of CFS. In a few weeks time I shall be down to half pay and could

end up losing my job. I have some pieces of freelance work coming up

and need to find enough energy to do them. For the world I hope for

greater understanding and the only way that will happen is through

dialogue - I think groups like this one play their part in that.


For my New Year's dinner I had the vegetarian haggis with neeps and

tatties, brussels sprouts and asparagus. It was lovely. The recipe

made enough for 4, so I shall be slicing and freezing the rest ready

for Burns night.


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*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?: Yes, I am quitting smoking!


*What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

yourself and for our global community?: For me, I plan to go back to school

in May, at the age of almost 27... hehehe... I want to finally get my

college diploma... Global community: Just ready the paper in the last few

days have gotten me so depressed... in the city of Toronto, Ontario this

year, there were over 50 gun related murders... I want that to stop...

innocent people were killed... it makes me feel sick...


And on a food-related note:

*Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

so, what will you be having?: We normally don't have a NYD dinner, but this

year my Mom's family came and we had veggie lasgana, salad, and garlic bread

... yummy!







Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? ~Author Unknown

My Weight & Fitness Blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/fitnessdiva2005/

Messenger ID: thelittleprincess79




~ PT ~

01/01/06 11:50:29


QOTW: Jan. 1st - 7th ~ resolutions?


A new year, a new month, and a new week have begun.

Time for our group QOTW [questions of the week].

Here they are:


*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


*What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

yourself and for our global community?


And on a food-related note:

*Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

so, what will you be having?


~ pt ~


Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

~ Seneca (4 BC-65 AD)







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In a message dated 1/2/06 12:35:39 PM,




> *Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?:


-get out of debt

-stop dating idiots

-double or more my business

-start my book


> *What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for yourself and for our

> global community?:


for myself, i want to save enough money to get my master's degree, and i want

to get a book published and finish my album.


for the global community, i'd like to get rid of the current government and

put in people who actually care about the environment and the creatures living

in it. (hey, a girl can dream, can't she? :) )





> And on a food-related note:


> *Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if so, what will you

> be having?:


not really. but i went out for indian food for brunch.












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Great about the smoking...it is a toughie. I used a tape at bedtime and it

worked surprisingly. And then the revelation came to me about the second day

that cigarettes were my best friend. Really, literally. That did it...my best

friend was a blooming cigarette and it was out to kill me. I hope that when you

need support you will also use this group to help out. I am sure PT will agree

and if not she will smack me. LOL You can do this thing, you will never regret

it and the only regret will be why you ever started in the first place. If you

quit and then smoke then just quit again and again and again. With practice you

will get it.


Interesting, I went back to college when I was 27 after a divorce and had four

kids to take care of too. It was hard and it was the best time of my life. Go

figure. You'll love it! And in the end you will be so proud to have done it and

maybe you will go on to graduate work.


Remember that your crime rate in Canada is so far below what we have in the

states. Most of us would give our eye teeth to have such a low rate. I spend a

lot of time in Canada (I am over in OR) and have found the compassion there (BC)

for the homeless to make me realize that not all people in the world are as

greedy as we are here. They appear to understand that how we treat the least

among us is the measure of our humanity.






*Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?: Yes, I am quitting smoking!


*What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

yourself and for our global community?: For me, I plan to go back to school

in May, at the age of almost 27... hehehe... I want to finally get my

college diploma... Global community: Just ready the paper in the last few

days have gotten me so depressed... in the city of Toronto, Ontario this

year, there were over 50 gun related murders... I want that to stop...

innocent people were killed... it makes me feel sick...





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> *Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


officially, i haven't, but i really need to reduce the

stress in my life and learn how to relax. i have this

quote pinned above my desk...it's my ongoing



" if only i may grow: firmer, simpler, quieter,

warmer. "

-dag hammarskjold



> *What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both

> for yourself and for our global community?


i really hope i can figure out some way to make some

money to pay off our debt without sacrificing my

family, my house, and my sanity.


i wish that our current dumbass president and his

greedy, evil administration/cronies and all the wars

and problems they created would vanish.


> And on a food-related note:

> *Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day,

> and if > so, what will you be having?


i was sick in bed all day, but i had my son mix up a

batch of blue cornbread and i opened a couple cans of

black eyed peas.






for Good - Make a difference this year.


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I don't make New Year's resolutions, PT, as I find they set me up for swift

failure and many new guilt trips. :>)


But we did have a special New Year's Day dinner, and we invited a new friend

from church, a lady who has been very lonely, we've been finding out. So

since we were without family too, we have been getting acquainted with her

and enjoying each other's company. She has been gradually getting used to

the idea that we are vegans and that it is not as freaky as it may seem at

first glance. LOL


I fixed everything vegan, and this is what we had on Sunday after church



Icetea with organic sugar

Homemade biscuits (White Lily, no less!) with soy margarine, organic

blackberry and strawberry jam

Fried green tomatoes

Mashed taters with skins on and a delicious Onion-Mushroom Gravy, " Cream "

style, from my Southern Vegetarian cookbook (it's a reallll keeper and I

plan to make it OFTEN! Tastes the same consistency as old-style cream gravy,

but with a much better flavor!)

Tomato-Vegetable Gumbo served over Brown Rice

Blackeyed peas (traditional Southern thang, tradition for 'good luck' in the

New Year)


Naner puddin', also from the Southern Vegetarian cookbook


I did what prep work I could the night before, which wasn't much, but I mean

to tell you, you just CANNOT make biscuits ahead and expect 'em to taste

decent, you know. :>) So I cooked stuff and brought it out to dh and our

friend, " course by course " , you might say. Our friend just kept exclaiming,

" oh! This is SO GOOD, Bron! " after everything I brought out and served up.

And I have to admit that it WAS so good. When I got to the banana pudding

and she had had a goodly portion of that, I said, " Now, I have something to

tell you: This dinner was all completely vegan. That is, there were NO

animal products of ANY kind used to fix this food; no meat, no cheese, no

dairy, eggs, NOTHING. " She looked at me and at Jim (my dh) in amazement and

said, " REALLY? How on earth did you DO that, Bron? 'Cause this tastes sooooo

WONDERFUL! Can I take some home? " and I said, " You surely can, " and packed

her up a big portion of the gumbo. Yesterday she had finished the gumbo and

said, " Oh, you are such a good cook, and this food was just delicious! " for

about the fortieth time or so at least! :>) She talked about eating too

much at Sunday dinner, and I said, " That's the beauty of eating only

vegetables and grains as opposed to meat and dairy: you can't eat 'too much'

because everything you are eating goes into your body as the finest of fuels

for it. It is HAPPY when you eat vegetables and even more so when vegetables

are your protein and everything else instead of meat and dairy. So when you

feel stuffed outside, your body inside is saying, 'AHHHHH! This is

wonderful! About time I was treated so wonderfully!' and there is so much

protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals--not to mention antioxidants and

things like that--in vegetables and grains and fruits. So, you might FEEL

you ate too much, but your body is just tickled pink that you have fed it

the finest of foods, and will work so much better than it would otherwise! "

She said, " Really? Is that so? " and I assured her it was and that I could

send her (via email) some information about the same. So she said she would

like to read some of it. :>)


We only just finished eating the leftovers of that wonderful repast last

night for supper. MMM, MMM, good, tasted better each time we got 'em out of

the fridge, don't cha know.


Annnd...I have some more good news to report on the friends home front: my

sweet widow lady friend up North has written me and asked me to basically

help her go veg! She had her granddaughter living with her and her

granddaughter has moved back home, and as she said, " Bron, I think I could

go veg if you'd just help me and give me some direction here. I just feel so

sick and so bad and have such trouble with my asthma, and I know it's got to

be what I eat that's doing it, based on what you've told me already. And I

WANT to feel better. So if you'll send me some information and some of your

good recipes, let's get started! " <VBG>


I can't tell you how happy this makes me; this lady is so dear to me (and to

many others, too) and she has been getting increasingly worse and worse with

her asthma over the last year. When I informed her we were going vegetarian,

six months ago, she thought THAT was radical...and then when I told her we'd

learned veganism was the most healthy, and that it saved more animals'

lives, she REALLY thought we'd gone around the bend. She declared, " I could

NEVER go without meat, or cheese or eggs, Bron! " but now she's changing her

tune and I am soooo thankful for it. I have been really concerned about her

health for quite some time. And I've been dropping little " vegan seeds " into

our emails and into letters to her (snail) from time to time and just

praying one would take root. Thank God one HAS. :>)


I do believe the fact that I have now lost two complete sizes and have had

to reduce the amount of insulin I use, plus my blood sugar numbers are going

down to a good rate--all have had something to do with her change of heart

too. :>) And I've been sure to share these things with her.


Also, in the sermon this past Sunday morning, our minister (whom we

informed we were vegetarians the day we met him and his wife) made a

reference to a craving for something, as in " craving for a steak! " and then

he paused and said, " Oh, I don't know, maybe some of you, who are really

healthy, crave a salad with pine nuts or something! Good for you if you do! "

and went on with his analogy to a spiritual craving. Dh and I thought this

was a pretty good thing for the minister to say--i.e., about the salad

craving--because he IS a real " meat lover " , sad to say. But dh and I figure

we must be making some inroads with this guy or he wouldn't have thought

about a salad craving and mentioned it in the same breath as the steak one.


This morning I made a smoothie for dh's and my breakfast. I took a page from

my new Vegan Planet book by Robin Robertson (this is a FANTASTIC book,

chockful of recipes and hints and tips and things like " 12 reasons to go

vegan " , scattered throughout), and used a whole package of silken (soft)

tofu, some organic blackberry jam, 2-3 T. flaxseed meal, and some vanilla

Silk. DEEEE-licious! (she says as she smacks her lips drinking it, LOL)


Try it, you'll luuuuuv it!






On 1/1/06, ~ PT ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:


> A new year, a new month, and a new week have begun.

> Time for our group QOTW [questions of the week].

> Here they are:


> *Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


> *What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

> yourself and for our global community?


> And on a food-related note:

> *Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

> so, what will you be having?


> ~ pt ~


> Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

> ~ Seneca (4 BC-65 AD)







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> *Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?


Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. But when I do, they have to

SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Tangible), or

I will surely fall rank with the millions of others who have quit by

the end of this week!


That being said, this year I plan to workout 5 days each week. I

makeother goals as the year goes along, but one thing at a time allows

me to make it a habit.


> *What is your deepest hope for the New Year, both for

> yourself and for our global community?


Happiness and peace. Clearly not measureable, but I'll do my best.


> And on a food-related note:

> *Do you enjoy a special dinner on New Year's Day, and if

> so, what will you be having?


Nope... was out on a backpacking trip. We did bring along a little

split of bubbly though.

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