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~ *January Roll Call*~

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Time for our monthly roll call. This is a good opportunity

for newbies to post an intro, and for us long-timers to

introduce ourselves to them. :)


1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

or dare to be specific, we don't bite]


2. Where do you currently live?


3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

a label for it?


4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

a month, what would you pick?


~ pt ~


Even though they may be directed toward others, your motives

come back to you as well.Ê The sincerity and integrity of

your motives will directly affect the qualify of your life.

~ Ralph Marston

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Sorry I've been silent for a while, busy with life!


1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

or dare to be specific, we don't bite]




2. Where do you currently live?


Sonoma County, Northern California


3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

a label for it?


Oh, vegetarian by heart. I do eat fish every once in a while,

and haven't been able to give up dairy for a while, but after

the holidays now, I think I will be vegan for a few weeks to fit

better into my pants! Lol.


4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

a month, what would you pick?


Salad. I love big dinner salads full of nuts and tofu....yum.




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, " ~ PT ~ "

<patchouli_troll> wrote:


> Time for our monthly roll call. This is a good opportunity

> for newbies to post an intro, and for us long-timers to

> introduce ourselves to them. :)


> 1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite] TheLilacFlower aka Donna


> 2. Where do you currently live? LA Calif



> 3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

> a label for it? vegetarian


> 4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

> a month, what would you pick? mashed potatoes


> ~ pt ~


> Even though they may be directed toward others, your motives

> come back to you as well.Ê The sincerity and integrity of

> your motives will directly affect the qualify of your life.

> ~ Ralph Marston


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> 1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite]


Meg, though some call me mommy and some call me worse. Stick with Meg.


> 2. Where do you currently live?


Florida, USA



> 3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

> a label for it?



lacto-ovo, two of my 4 kids are ovo, the other 2 and hubby are carcass




> 4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

> a month, what would you pick?



hummus, baby carrots and pita bread, with an 03 Chateau St. Michelle

merlot and goats cheese thrown in for good measure :D

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1. What is your name? [computer usernames are

fine, or dare to be specific, we don't bite]


gsmattingly / Gary


2. Where do you currently live?


Dublin, CA - San Francisco East Bay area


3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you

were to choose a label for it?


ovo-lacto vegetarian


4. If you could only have one dish to eat

for every meal for a month, what would you



Not sure. Let's see, what would be healthy?

Mixed fruits and vegetable salad? Rice, tofu,

vegetables and hot sauce?



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> 1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite]




> 2. Where do you currently live?


fredericksburg, va


> 3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to

> choose a label for it?




> 4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every

> meal for a month, what would you pick?


a hot and spicy asian noodle soup








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> 1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite]


i am PT, but my real name is.... well, what is " real "

anyway? *lol* i am the list-founder and co-moderate

with susie and Shawn; couldn't do it with them!



> 2. Where do you currently live?



i live in " sunny " Grants Pass, Oregon, but right now it is

rainy and cold . The Rogue River is raging! i went and

checked out Hellgate Canyon over the weekend and it

looked incredible! Movie factoid: Hellgate Canyon is

where they filmed portions of the movie 'River Wild'

with Meryl Streep [sp] and Kevin Bacon.




> 3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

> a label for it?



i am a nice vegetarian... somebody here said this last time

we roll-called and i just loved that description. *lol*

i eat some animal products still, like cheese and eggs, butter

and sometimes use cow milk in cooking, but i don't eat meat.

Every vegan dish i have tried i have loved.



> 4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

> a month, what would you pick?



Garlic smashed potatoes, and now i want them with

that vegan southern gravy Bron shared with us on top, too. :)


~ pt ~


We part at the crossroads,

You leave with your joys and problems,

I, with mine.Ê Alone, I look down the road.

Each one must follow one's own path.

~ The Tao

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>1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite]




>2. Where do you currently live?


Near Eugene, Oregon, typhoon zone


>3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

> a label for it?


Ovo-lacto since 1982, 9 years vegan (1992-2001)


>4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

> a month, what would you pick?


Hmmmmm . . . . . probably pizza or bean burritos just now with some

really interesting salads.



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> 1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite]


linda with a little l



> 2. Where do you currently live?


Eugene, OR, home of University of Oregon Ducks




> 3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to

> choose a label for it?


Strict Vegan (foods, products, clothing)



> 4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every

> meal for a month, what would you pick?


Ouch, that is a toughie...I love my veggies, but think I would be a mad woman

at the end of the month if I had to pick just one veggie. So, maybe a stir fry

with noodles and tons of different veggies, onions, garlic, nuts and peanut

sauce. (did I cheat?)





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1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

or dare to be specific, we don't bite]

Melissa, Mel, assilembob, crazy lady :D


2. Where do you currently live?

Killeen, Tx...otherwise known as Ft. Hood's other



3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to

choose a label for it?



4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every

meal for a month, what would you pick?


I don't think I can do this...I am so finicky. I get

super duper cravings and that is what I have to have.

Although non-spicy tex-mex is the best bet...burritos,

tacos, tamales, rice, beans...yummers.

Also LOVE Asian foods...aand italian foods...and






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good in man " --Legend





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1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

or dare to be specific, we don't bite]



2. Where do you currently live?

rural Minnesota



4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

a month, what would you pick?


homemade bread, butter, cheese, jam and fresh fruit. And a mixed greens


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> 1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

> or dare to be specific, we don't bite]




> 2. Where do you currently live?


Chicago, IL


> 3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to

> choose a label for it?




> 4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every

> meal for a month, what would you pick?


mushroom barley soup

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Hi everyone,


I'm still here in Haarlem, Netherlands.


I have been doing quite a bit of experimenting with new recipes/ideas

recently. My husband is beginning to feel the effects of arthritis and the

homeopathic doctor has recommended that he take a supplement called

Glucosamine. As well as taking the supplement he has to change his diet to

exclude many things including refined flour, all dairy products from cow

milk, sugar and (the most difficult for him LOL) chocolate. He is still

permitted goat and sheep dairy products but I honestly find it easier to

cook vegan recipes and he can use the goat cheese on sandwiches etc if he

wants to. In the past I have not cooked too many vegan recipes so I will

have to try to adapt many of my old favourite vegetarian recipes and broaden

my repertoire with some more vegan recipes.


As well as rethinking my cooking I have decided to make another change in my

life. This one will have much more far reaching consequences as I have

decided to resign from work. I asked my employer about 6 months ago if I

could work part-time (4 days a week) but permission was denied. Of the four

people in our section one already works 4 days a week and one works 4.5 days

but the new supervisor does not approve of part-time employees and will not

allow anyone else to work less than 40 hours a week. The long working hours

plus the travelling time mean that I am away from home for 12.5 hours a day.

Add to this all the household chores and it makes for very long days. I

turn 60 in a couple of weeks and I just don't feel that I can continue at

this pace for another 5 years (or maybe 7 years - the Dutch government is

considering increasing the retirement age to 67). As well as the long days

I am also finding it difficult at work as the new supervisor treats his

employees as " units of work " rather than as people so the stress is

beginning to tell in the section. Hans (my husband) is on a low income as

he works for a non-profit charitable organisation. We have discussed the

consequences of my resignation at length and we both feel that living on an

extremely tight budget is far preferable to me trying to continue working

very long hours in an extremely unpleasant atmosphere. As I will be

resigning I will not qualify for any government benefits so our budget will

be VERY tight. However we both believe that there are far more important

things in life than money. Of course I will look for other work, either

part-time or closer to home, but realistically the chances aren't too great

for 60 year old expats. We figure that if I do find a job it will be a

bonus rather than something we are relying on.


We have to give two months notice and I am planning to hand in my

resignation at the end of January which will mean that I will be able to

finish work at the end of March. Even if I handed in my resignation now it

would be counted as having been given on 31st January. I know that my

supervisor will make things unpleasant for me from the time I hand in my

resignation to the time I leave so I figured I will wait as long as possible

to tell him I will be leaving.


One good aspect of having more free time will be that I will be able to

spend more time posting to my various groups. I'm afraid that I have been

very remiss in that respect recently but, until I am otherwise advised, I

have to go along with the theory that there are only 24 hours in the day and

seven days in the week (LOL).


Cheers for now from Marie

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1. What is your name? [computer usernames are fine,

or dare to be specific, we don't bite]



2. Where do you currently live?




3. What sort of vegetarian are you if you were to choose

a label for it?


That's a good question.

Not a fan of eggs and don't like milk never have, however If I am out to eat

and something is made with eggs in it like say cake, cookies I would eat it

although I don't cook with eggs or milk.


4. If you could only have one dish to eat for every meal for

a month, what would you pick?


That is a tough one. For almost 2 years everyday I ate the same thing for


stir fried brown rice, veggies and tofu.


I also love salad.








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