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QOTW: ~ Meg

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LMAO! Now those are some winner gifts!

Too funny. :)


~ pt ~


Wind from the West, fish and bread;

Wind from the North, cold and flaying;

Wind from the East, snow on the hills;

Wind from the South, fruit on the trees.

~ Scots new year weather omen


, Meg <itszen4me@g...> wrote:


> OH! I forgot...we also got a shot glass checkers board which we regifted

> to hubby's brother.

> He said the loser drinks the equivalent of about 4 beers per game, can

> you imagine if they had actually used liquor? Alcohol poisoning waiting

> to happen.

> yes, a fine year indeed for gifts. I'm not complaining, just ruminating

> over the ignorance, LOL.


> meg

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  • 1 month later...

, Meg G <itszen4me wrote:


> Unfortunately we don't get NBC and we don't have cable, so no watching

> the olympics for us.


~ Aw! That's a bummer. No local channels show recaps or anything?

What about checking out online?


i check there to get the schedules, results, and articles.

i haven't looked for any direct viewing links, but maybe there are

some on that site.



> > 3. This is 'Random Acts of Kindness Week'. Have you thought

> > of ways to participate in this event? Have you ever benefited from

> > a random act of kindness from a complete stranger?

> Planning it kind of takes out some of the random, eh?? LOL I have been

> on both sides.


~ Well, i suppose technically it can take a bit of the spontaneity

out of it, but it can still be random, as in not knowing who will be

the person you randomly choose to benefit. i like to think ahead

of ways i can bless people with kindness, so i can be prepared to

do it... like, have a little extra cash in my purse so i can tell the

coffee barrista at the drive-thru to treat the next person in the

car behind me with a free latte, etc.... car washes are good for

this, too ;)

So tell me, how have you ramdomly blessed or been blessed? i need

some new ideas for this week. :)


~ pt ~


Blessed be that we can all help to create

a world in which we can all be proud to live.

~ Neil McTier

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the news may recap it, but I make it a habit not to watch the news

unless the world blew up, and in that case...wellll... :)


We have rabbit ears and we get 15 or 20 stations, the one local we don't

get is NBC, which is a huge bummer since all my law & orders are on

NBC! We were planning on getting cable again this month so we can start

watching the sopranos again next month but hubby came home

" reorganized " , as in jobless, Wednesday night so it'll be a while before

we get cable again. We don't really miss it though, aside from Sopranos

and last year's Six Feet Under.


As for being randomnly blessed...Years ago when I only 1 kid we were

poorer than dirt. I'm talking so poor we couldn't afford the laundry

mat and I washed clothes in the sink and we didnt drive anywhere except

for hubby to go to work because we couldnt afford gas, we walked the 1

mile to the grocery store with backpacks and a stroller to tote things

home in. Thinking back it was kind of fun, so much less complicated and

I was a lot thinner :P


Anyhow, this lady had kind of been going along with us in the store and

my oldest, who was 4 at the time asked for strawberries. I looked at the

price and said we'd have to hold off on them. She ended up behind us in

line and as she was leaving she turned around, quickly shoved something

into my diaper bag and left without a word. I thought " what on earth is

she doing? Does she want a dirty diaper? " and i looked and there was a

$20 bill.


I tried to repay it last year when I was at the gas station paying for

something or other. The woman behind me had a tiny old car and a young

son. This was early in the morning and she was probably taking him to

daycare, she had on a uniform from a local hotel. She was counting out

gas money in nickels and dimes. I only had $2 extra with me so I gave

the cashier the $2 and said " add this to her gas " and left. It wasn't

much, but I know what it's like to pay for gas in nickels.



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