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Monica/ How many times a week do you...?

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I don't know how old your children are but I remember when my four boys hit 12

or so, and all within five years I could not keep food in the house, let alone

when they had friends over. I couldn't bring food in without it disappearing

immediately and that wasn't food that was good for them either sometimes, just

something to fill them up...back then and where I lived healthy food was thought

to be anything that you put into your stomach. It is my belief that food in its

healthy form is the basis for a quality life and one that pays off throughout

our children's life time. There are schools now being undergoing massive

transformation as this message gets through to them. You are setting the stage

for your children's lives. Go for it no matter the cost if you can do it. Food

is not only for the body but for the soul. In many cultures the table is the

center of family and religious life where all gather together to share. Food is

the center of social gatherings. Breaking bread with each other is important and

if your children can't have their friends over and share food then they will go

elsewhere and that you don't want. It is far more about life itself and not just

about filling one's gut. And if you are including everything in that budget like

vitamins maybe you could sit down with your receipts and break out the cost of

the food that is just for the humans in the family. Then separate out what it

costs for the vitamins, then the household, then personal products, and then

animals. All separately. If the nearly $200 a week is what it costs to feed your

family properly then so be it. Husbands can be a real pain in the butt! LOL And

it happens in nearly every family I know where the husband bitches about the

wife's spending habits and especially the food budget. But if you fed him cheap

crap he would soon complain about that and your cooking skills. Just the hazards

of having a hubby. Ask him if he would like to save a dime while he is in the

hospital having by-pass surgery if he survived his heart attack? Yes, buying

bulk is cheaper, but you can't eat only bulk foods, you need fresh foods and

lots of the food doesn't come in bulk. Especially vitamins. And then of course

many things age and get a little rancid if you buy too much. Keep on!!!!! You

are the one who has the common sense to understand the repercussions of eating

junk. I think that we mothers are the hope of the world as we force companies to

get their heads out of their butts and give us what we want. (Oops, did I just

say " butts?) (Twice even) (mea culpa PT)






Dh insists I spend too much $ on groceries. I can't seem to slash my

spending either! Well, I guess if I bought the same junk I see other

moms buying for their families i could! Junk is cheap. Good, fresh

food isn't. I think of it as health insurance:) I must go to the store

5x a week...I know that is a lot...it always ends up being close to

$200 a week for the four of us, and the occcasional grandparent and

kids friends. I buy what I can at our local grocery store, then also

have to make trips to my health food store(30miles)for staples and

vitamins....but I only do that about once a month. So....to me the

only way to get the grocery bill WAY down is to eat

ramen,lunchables,koolaid,etc.......BUT YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Who wants to

do that?!!! What I saved on groceries would have to be spent on meds

for hyperactivity, high blood pressure, and who knows what else:) So I

just deal with having to spend more than I think I should. Buying bulk

helps....but I am not organized enough (yet) to work that

out....Someday....I will be one of those women I marvel at who have

their family meals planned a month in advance, and everything in the

freezer........one can only dream:0)





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LOL! Well, i think both times you used the word

appropriately and we are all grown-ups here. ;)

i enjoyed your post and agreed with every word.

Monica IS spending wisely and doing great, IMO. :)


~ pt ~


To know that you do not know is the best.

To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease.

Only when one recognizes this disease as a disease

Can one be free from the disease.

~ Lao-Tzu (c. 600 BC)


, " linda " <lindai81 wrote:

I think that we mothers are the hope of the world as we force companies to get

their heads out of their butts and give us what we want. (Oops, did I just say

" butts?) (Twice even) (mea culpa PT)

> linda

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