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Tenfold rise in diabetes

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A tenfold rise in diabetes





A recent news story indicates that city dwellers in Vietnam are

now getting fat just like us Westerners.


But how could that be?


I mean, all overweight people know that it's genetic, that it's

their fate, their body type, that all they have to do is look at

food and they get fat.




I know, not funny.


But recent happenings (and many scientific studies) in Vietnam

and other developing countries prove beyond a shadow of a doubt

that genetics plays only the smallest role in weight and disease



What plays the largest role?


What you eat and how much you move your body.


Since 1990, diabetes rates in Vietnam have increased 10 times.


Ten times!


Must be a virus...


Actually, the increase has directly corresponded with the

influx of packaged foods stuffed with scrump-dilly-iscious

sugars and fats as well as all those deadly chemicals designed

to make it not rot on the shelves like real food (designed by

Mother Nature) does when it's been sitting around too long.


The medical problems have increased as the number fast food

joints increase.


Same as here in the west and as in other places where " modern "

foods have shown up.


You see, we're not genetic freaks. Even people who are

historically trim get fat and get the diseases associated with

it when they eat the same foods Americans do.


Since many Vietnamese are poor, in order to sell their tasty

" foods " , the " food " packagers are now packaging up smaller and

smaller sized portions so even the poor can afford their

addictive chemical potions.


Funny that people who live in the rural areas of Vietnam aren't

showing the jumps in weight and the phenomenal increases in the

diseases associated with being fat (either on the inside or out).


Because they don't eat packaged food.


They still eat traditional Vietnamese fare.


Years ago, people didn't have the choices they have today.


They ate food that was good for them that cleansed their bodies

internally or they didn't eat at all, basically.


But today is different.


Temptation is everywhere begging you to try it.


Food in boxes and at fast food joints is designed by chemists

and " taste engineers. "


I mean, think about it... the large companies who produce the

hundreds of boxed concoctions sold to us at every turn have a

choice - make their baked and fried potions taste good and

thrive or keep it as it would normally taste without all the

" natural flavors " they add and go out of business. Hmmm.


But poison is still poison no matter what flavoring has been



It's all about the money.


I remember a representative from a large donut maker saying,

due to pressure to make less fattening donuts, " It's almost

impossible to make a good tasting donut without hydrogenated

oils. "


Yup, it's true. If it's in a box and altered in some material

way in order to make it last longer and taste totally different

than it normally does, it's deadly.


And you do have a choice. You always have had a choice.


Since junk food (it's called junk for a reason - it is trash)

is not going away any time soon, if you want health that can and

should be yours, you have to take responsibility.


You have to say no today.


You have to choose health today.


You have to " go out of your way " and make good health " your

way " because others are just aching to give you their drugged up

potions at low prices so you'll get addicted and can't imagine

life without them.


Healthy people today aren't like healthy people of yesterday.


Yesterday it was easier.


Back in the 60s and 70s hardly any kids in elementary schools

were overweight.


Hardly any.


There were no soda and junk food machines in my school.


Just water fountains.


Today junk is everywhere.


Being overweight and sick is not yours or anyone's fate or

destiny. That is not how we were designed.


Diet advice books and diet cookbooks don't seem to be helping.

There are more of them available than ever before. And we're

fatter than ever before.


So most of them unnecessary.


All we need to do is eat less baked, fried and boxed non-food

and less food overall.


I know, it's not easy. It tastes good and it's so cheap and

easy to get... everywhere.



When asked in recent studies, over 70% of obese people said

they have a healthy diet.


Imagine that. Obese people saying they eat healthy.


You see, the way we've become now seems normal. When you've

done something your entire lives, you don't think it's wrong,

even if it is. Fast food and packaged garbage has been around

now as long as many of us have been alive, so it just seems

normal, and if we're fat, it must be genetics. " Since Suzy over

there eats like I do, and she's skinny, it couldn't be the food. "




If you are to go from fat, tired and depressed to trim,

energetic and happier as a result, you need to understand the

wrongness in chemicalized non-food.




Mike Brescia

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