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(KR) dog registration fee?

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Dog registration fees?




My name is Changkil Park and represents Voice4animals at Seoul. I need your

help on informatin.


Seoul city has about 680,000 dogs and city government will start registration

plan from next year.


We are going to advise to the city government over the policy on registration of

pet dogs.


Opinions are so much devided what is the right price for the registration of



I would like to have information from other citis over the world. Would you

tell me anything about the following:





1) How much the dog owner pay for registration?


2) Do you have incentives? Any discriminating policy between male and female



3) cost of micro chips?



Changkil Park





e-mail: guidingdog


fax: +82 2 6442 6332


Phone: +82 2 991 1430


home page: http://www.voice4animals.org









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>Seoul city has about 680,000 dogs and city government will start

>registration plan from next year...Opinions are so much devided

>what is the right price for the registration of dogs.

>I would like to have information from other citis over the world.

>Would you tell me anything about the following:


>1) How much the dog owner pay for registration?


This varies widely in the U.S., from about $10 per year for

all dogs up to about $50 for sterilized dogs and $250 for

unsterilized dogs.


Nowhere in the U.S., however, has ever verifiably achieved

more than 40% licensing compliance, and 15%-25% is the normal

compliance range.



>2) Do you have incentives? Any discriminating policy between male

>and female dogs?


Some communities have differing registration fees for male

and female dogs, but this is quite counterproductive, and has been

widely recognized as counterproductive for decades.


Where the fee is set higher for female dogs, more people

keep male dogs, who are much more likely to run at large. Where the

fee is set higher for male dogs, more people keep female dogs, who

are much more likely to have litters.



>3) cost of micro chips?


This again widely varies. Some communities have added

microchipping to their licensing process at an added fee of only

$5.00 per animal. Others charge $65 or more.


Microchipping helps to return lost animals to their homes,

but makes a real difference in the numbers of dogs in shelters only

if the dogs most likely to escape and roam are microchipped. These

are the dogs kept by younger people, people without fenced yards,

people in rental housing, and senior citizens--the least affluent

part of the human population. Setting high microchipping fees

therefore discourages both licensing and microchipping among the very

part of the population where licensing and microchipping could do the

most good.


The following may also be useful to you--




From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2002:



Dog & cat licensing compliance, costs, and effects


Regulations of any kind seldom succeed unless a large

majority of the people or institutions to be regulated are already

voluntarily in compliance or willing to become compliant with

relatively little nudging at the time that the regulations start to

be enforced. If more than a small percentage object to a regulation

enough to become scofflaws, the enforcement burden becomes

overwhelming, and the regulation eventually tends to be ignored or


Data gleaned from the ANIMAL PEOPLE files about dog and cat

licensing indicates that it follows the trend. Because compliance

with pet licensing tends to be less than a third of the 90%

compliance rate that is usually the minimum needed for regulations to

be within the reach of effective routine enforcement, there is no

demonstrable relationship between the rates of licensing compliance

claimed by animal control agencies in eight representative cities

whose data ANIMAL PEOPLE examined and their rates of dog and cat

killing per 1,000 human residents:


Dog/cat licensing rates Killed/1,000

Tucson 57% 42.9

Chicago 25% 18.2

Philadelphia 25% 19.7

Seattle 25% 11.2

San Francisco 15% 2.6

Salt Lake City 13% 9.9

Fort Worth 10% 32.1

Milwaukee 10% 10.5

U.S. average 28% 16.8


[2004 note: as result of successful nonprofit low-cost &

free dog and cat sterilization programs, founded and operated

independent of public funding, Tucson and Chicago have approximately

halved their killing rates in the five years since this data was



There is a demonstrable relationship between compliance and

the cost of a license. The lowest license fees, on average, are

charged in the Northeast, including the New England states, New

York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and these states do appear to

have the highest rates of licensing compliance. The next lowest fees

are charged in the Midwest, with the next highest rates of

compliance. The highest fees are charged in the West, whose

compliance rate is only two-thirds of the rate in the Northeast.

However, contrary to the findings of single-city surveys

done mostly in the 1970s and 1980s, before the majority of owned

dogs and cats in the U.S. were sterilized, charging markedly higher

fees to license unaltered animals appears to create a disincentive to

licensing more than to encourage more people to get their pets fixed.

The lowest differential between the average cost of licensing

intact versus altered dogs is in the Northeast, which as well as

having the highest rate of licensing compliance also has a shelter

killing rate of approximately half the national average.

The widest differential is in the West, where shelter

killing rates range from some of the lowest in the U.S., along the

West Coast, to some of the highest, in the Southwest. The next

widest differential is in the South, with the lowest licensing

compliance and shelter killing rates tending to run between two and

three times the U.S. norm.

The Midwest, with a relatively low licensing differential

and relatively high compliance, has shelter killing rates which

mostly cluster just above the U.S. norms.


West Midwest Northeast South

Dog licence, intact:

$28.21 $11.72 $ 9.72 $17.86

Dog license, altered:

$10.50 $ 4.70 $ 4.58 $ 5.93

Dog licensing compliance:

24% 28% 32% 10%


The dog licensing sample size per region was in the low

dozens, roughly proportionate to human population distribution, and

appeared to be representative of both urban and rural areas.

Cat licensing is still so rare and compliance so low that the

data is inherently suspect, coming from only about 25% as many

jurisdictions as the dog licensing data.

Nonetheless, it seems to follow the same general

pattern--except that ANIMAL PEOPLE was unable to identify any

jurisdiction in the Southern states which has tried to license cats.


West Midwest Northeast South

Cat license, intact:

$20.00 $ 9.67 $ 8.20 n/a

Cat license, altered:

$ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 4.60 n/a

Cat licensing compliance:

15% 2% n/a n/a


The oldest regulatory approach to pet overpopulation,

directed at preventing public nuisances rather than at preventing

animal suffering, was to limit the number of dogs and/or cats per

home. This approach has recently been dusted off and pushed again

here and there as a purported defense against backyard breeders and

animal hoarders.

There is no evidence that it has ever worked, or will work,

since enforcing pet limits is as difficult as enforcing licensing.

However, ANIMAL PEOPLE was able to identify the threshholds

at which all but a few dog and cat keepers would comply with pet

limits. The table below shows at left the percentages of pet keepers

who keep common numbers of animals, and shows at right the

percentages of animal control ordinances that set limits at each


Limits restricting the number of dogs per household to four

or fewer, and the number of cats per household to six or fewer,

would appear to start out with high enough compliance that effective

enforcement might be possible, at least in theory.


Dogs/household Limits allow

62% / one 2% / one

25% / two 26% / two

7% / three 35% / three

6% / four+ 20% / four

4% / five

4% / six


Cats/household Limits allow

48% / one n/a

28% / two 19% / two

11% / three 38% / three

13% / four+ 24% / four

8% / five

5% / six




Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing

original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.

We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

for free sample, send address.]

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I think the Hong Kong regulations are quite good in this respect.


Registration of dogs is compulsory and includes rabies immunisation

and microchipping and must be done by 5 months of age.

It can be done by any registered veterinarian. The usual charge by a

private vet is about HK$250 (c.US$30). Or it can be done by the

Government for HK$80 (c.US$10) at one of their four Animal Management

Centres or by their mobile Rabies teams. The Government is the sole

importer of microchips and charges private vets HK$46 (c.US$5).


Last year the regulations were improved by requiring all dogs to be

registered before sale by a pet shop and on importation. That still

leaves a loophole which allows puppy mills and illegal importation to

flourish - we are campaigning (as we have been for 15 years!) to

make it a requirement that all puppies are registered before first

change of ownership (and have the mother's microchip number on their





There is no difference in charge between males and females and we

don't think there should be.

We have proposed a differential licensing fee between intact and

desexed dogs but the Government has rejected this idea on the grounds

that people with undesexed dogs will evade the law and increase the

rabies risk - they may be right!


I don't know the percentage compliance but my impression is that it is

high. Neighbours here tend to complain about dog " nuisance " and it is

known that the authorities are unlikely to take action if the dog is

complying with regulations.






> 1) How much the dog owner pay for registration?


> 2) Do you have incentives? Any discriminating policy between

> male and female dogs?


> 3) cost of micro chips?



> Changkil Park





> e-mail: guidingdog


> fax: +82 2 6442 6332


> Phone: +82 2 991 1430


> home page: http://www.voice4animals.org

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