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Another 'unfortunate incident', proof of barbarism

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Hi, dear friends

I want to share with you another unfortunate incident, which proves

one more time the way people in Greece think about animals. I find it

necessary that the whole world knows the brutalities commited here

against animals, for this could be a way to press at least the

politicians not only to give some thought to the matter and strengthen

the relative laws but also to be strict enough with their implementation.

Some friends of mine were a couple of days ago on a trip in Northern

Greece. After a long tour in various towns and villages they went in the

town of Kastoria, where among others the slaughter and trade of animals

for their fur is a long-time preserved tradition. Among the travellers

was someone who obviously was an animal lover, as he was carrying a lot

of dogfood with him and was trying to feed every stray on the road. As

my friends assured me the situation for the animals is horrible in these

regions. It is no secret to Greek animal lovers that the way people

handle the animals is the same as in the cities if not worse in the

countryside and in villages, where animals are regarded as tools or

things and suffer miserable lives and unspeakable tortures. In Kastoria

there were outside a church two stray dogs in pretty bad condition:

dirty, skinny, totally neglected. One of them seemed moreover quite old,

as he could barely walk. So, this animal lover of the team approached

the animals and gave them food, which they both immediately ate. When

the villagers in Kastoria saw what he was doing, one 'really macho

smart guy' stood up und started yelling at him: 'Why are you feeding

them? Their life is no worth. One of us here kills them from time to

time by hanging or by hitting them with a shovel. And they certainly

deserve it!'. The animal lover went on the other and there was a big

fight but of course nothing changed.

Seeing the brutalites commited all aver the world against animals, I

wonder sometimes how far must go the humiliation of a country and a

nation before someone decides to do something about it. The example of

Greece proves unfortunately that the humiliation has no end, although

issues like the welfare of animals are for the most Europeans since long

ago of high importance.

I feel profoundly ashamed for not only Greek but also human

everytime I hear of such atrocities against these innocent creatures.

Couldn't at least the European Union, whose member is Greece as well, do

something about it, in order to press the government to take measures?

Apart from this, to boycott Greece as a holiday destination could

probably have a certain influence, since people understand generally

better what has to do with their pockets.


Please feel free to spread this information, for the whole world must

know what is going on here. Greece ist unfortunately no better than

China or other similar countries, where animals suffer every day.


With best regards,


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