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Replacing animal experiments in India

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

(India) 3000 animal replaced in experiments

*The annual use of over 3000 animals has been replaced with alternatives at

a higher education institute in the Indian state of Gujarat. InterNICHE

Partners the Gujarat Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(GSPCA) confirmed this week that Bhavnager University has agreed to end the

use of over 3000 mice, rats and rabbits for dissections and severe

experiments in pharmacology, biochemistry, zoology and health science



*The alternative that will replace the many pharmacology experiments is the

CAL Pharmacology Compilation, produced by Dr R Raveendran. This software was

produced with grant funding from the InterNICHE Humane Education Award, a

program sponsored by Dutch anti-vivisection organisation Proefdiervrij. The

Award has supported humane education initiatives from teachers and others

internationally, facilitating direct replacement of animal experiments in

education and training.


The CAL Pharmacology Compilation was launched as freeware, enabling it to

be freely duplicated. Over 4000 copies have been distributed across India by

InterNICHE and its collaborators, including the Indian Journal of

Pharmacology, and many more copies have been made locally.


Snehal Bhavsar from the GSPCA, the prime mover in achieving the curricular

transformation at Bhavnager University, has been encouraging colleges and

universities across Gujarat to abandon experiments in education, with

success rooted in her strategic and tactical skills. In her role as CPCSEA

nominee across much of the state, she is able to place demands on

universities, as well as on companies involved in research and testing on



The CPCSEA is the Indian government agency that supervises animal

experimentation. It is often described as inefficient and careless at the

central level, but sometimes highly effective at the local and regional

level, such as in Gujarat. *


Changes in the requirements for education issued by the Indian government

and applied by CPCSEA nominees have played a major role in changes away from

animal experiments too. The CPCSEA Guidelines address dissection in zoology

and other science courses.


Dissection and experiments at the basic level of bachelor degrees were made

non-compulsory in 2006. However, curricular regulations from the 'outside

examiners' working for the Indian government's Department of Education still

demanded dissection at this point of time, so a conflict had been created.

Aware that the dissection was not truly necessary, and considering the cost

and extra requirements for all work with animals, the teachers themselves

co-operated to successfully lobby the Department to remove dissection from

the curriculum for the whole country. The change had impact at university

level but also in the last few remaining secondary schools that were still

doing dissections (most dissections at secondary level had stopped by 2001).


As well as addressing basic education, the Guidelines promote the '4Rs' of

reduction, replacement, refinement and rehabilitation at MSc level and for

research and testing. Requests in protocols sent to the CPCSEA in Gujarat

for animal use by lower MSc students are now rejected.


Permission for most experiments at Karamsab AR Pharmacology College, for

example, has been withdrawn: not only are the experiments effectively no

longer allowed, but the college has insufficient space for an animal house

of the 'high' standards now required. Only higher MSc animal use is allowed,

and this is for 'mild' experiments only. The killing of healthy animals

after experiments at all levels has now been severely curtailed, and their

rehabilitation costs must now be paid for.


There is a growing number of private colleges with high numbers of animals

used in their MSc courses, but many are not registered with the CPCSEA as

they should be, and so do not have the same checks by nominees as government

establishments do.


In another approach to achieving change, CPCSEA nominees demanded quarterly

statistical reports about animals bred and used by pharmaceutical testing

companies in Gujarat. Analysis of the data showed a discrepancy: companies

were breeding so-called 'excess' animals who were not used and were instead

donated free to colleges and universities. This practice was therefore

stopped, thereby cutting the supply of free animals to educational

establishments across the state.


At the same time, the cost of computers has been decreasing, so some

educational establishments consider that if they would now have to pay for

animals, and struggle to meet the strict requirements, it may be wise to

invest in buying hardware and using alternatives instead.


By demanding that educational and research and testing establishments have

their own animal house – and well-equipped with suitable maintenance,

climate control and other conditions - the level of practical and ethical

standards concerning animal breeding and use that must be met has also

increased. As a result, some establishments no longer apply for clearance by

the CPCSEA in the state, and the experiments are abandoned.


From 2004, animal use in education was already significantly and constantly

decreasing across Gujarat. This was a direct result, according to Snehal

Bhavsar, of the two-fold approach employed: information provision, outreach

work and training in alternatives provided by InterNICHE, and her own

sustained engagement with and pressure on establishments on the issue.


An InterNICHE speaking tour in 2003 took the message of full replacement and

the evidence of superior student performance when using alternatives to 22

locations right across India. 1600 copies of the InterNICHE book and

database 'from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse' (2nd ed.) were distributed at

the same time. Meetings were also held between InterNICHE and the academic

councils and CPCSEA.


In 2004 over 400 university teachers were trained at events in 10 cities in

India in the largest training event of its nature ever held worldwide. The

'Alternatives, Animal Welfare and the Curriculum' series of seminars was

organised by InterNICHE and the World Society for the Protection of Animals

(WSPA) in conjunction with many committed local organisations across the

country. The GSPCA was the local organiser in Gujarat.


*Travel support was provided to senior university officials, heads of

department and research students to attend the day-long seminars. Teams of

teacher trainers self-trained and then demonstrated in detail a range of

alternative tools chosen according to the Indian curricula for different

disciplines. Many of the tools were provided by the InterNICHE Alternatives

Loan System. Others, such as calf anatomy models, were Indian-made. Teachers

and others have since been requesting of the GSPCA and InterNICHE further

training in alternatives.


As Snehal Bhavsar continues to address humane education, complaints from

students to her in her role as GSPCA representative and CPCSEA nominee about

harmful animal use have guided efforts for a targeted increase of pressure

at specific establishments.


Moreover, half of Gujarat's population is Jain, a religion where the value

of non-violence towards people and animals is specifically acknowledged, and

this is impacting positively on the process of change. Historically, some

Jain academics have advised followers not to enter medicine and related

fields because of the dissection and vivisection that might be expected of

students. As far as civil rights are concerned, those with religious or

otherwise deeply held convictions concerning the integrity of life should be

able to enter all fields of study. The issue illustrates the potential of

alternatives to help make real the government pledges to make education

fully inclusive and non-discriminatory.


The replacement of the 3000 animals at Bhavnager University is highly

significant and a major success for campaigners. However, it is dwarfed by

the changes in education across the whole of Gujarat, which comprise an 80%

reduction of animal use in many courses over the past 12 months. This

translates to replacement of over 10,000 animals, achieved in a state where

animal use in research and testing is one of the highest in India.*




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This news made my day. After spending decades helping develop software for


and entertainment, it's really heartening to see software that actually supports


welfare (or any other welfare for that matter). And being one of those


teenagers threatened with not being able to get into college for refusing to

dissect a frog,

it's great to see software that may help folks like the Jains continue studies

in Biology and

Medicine. If we can make software that allows virtual trips to other times and

universes, all

in order to battle every intergalactic being imaginable, it just makes sense

that we can

develop virtualization software that would replace the use of animals in any


whatsoever. Thanks for posting this!


ps.If there is a way to get a copy of the compilation here in Nepal, we will

promote it.



aapn , " "



> http://experienciasanimais.blogspot.com/2007/12/india-3000-animal-replaced-


> Saturday, December 01, 2007

> (India) 3000 animal replaced in experiments

> *The annual use of over 3000 animals has been replaced with alternatives at

> a higher education institute in the Indian state of Gujarat. InterNICHE

> Partners the Gujarat Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

> (GSPCA) confirmed this week that Bhavnager University has agreed to end the

> use of over 3000 mice, rats and rabbits for dissections and severe

> experiments in pharmacology, biochemistry, zoology and health science

> education.

> *

> *The alternative that will replace the many pharmacology experiments is the

> CAL Pharmacology Compilation, produced by Dr R Raveendran. This software was

> produced with grant funding from the InterNICHE Humane Education Award, a

> program sponsored by Dutch anti-vivisection organisation Proefdiervrij. The

> Award has supported humane education initiatives from teachers and others

> internationally, facilitating direct replacement of animal experiments in

> education and training.


> The CAL Pharmacology Compilation was launched as freeware, enabling it to

> be freely duplicated. Over 4000 copies have been distributed across India by

> InterNICHE and its collaborators, including the Indian Journal of

> Pharmacology, and many more copies have been made locally.


> Snehal Bhavsar from the GSPCA, the prime mover in achieving the curricular

> transformation at Bhavnager University, has been encouraging colleges and

> universities across Gujarat to abandon experiments in education, with

> success rooted in her strategic and tactical skills. In her role as CPCSEA

> nominee across much of the state, she is able to place demands on

> universities, as well as on companies involved in research and testing on

> animals.


> The CPCSEA is the Indian government agency that supervises animal

> experimentation. It is often described as inefficient and careless at the

> central level, but sometimes highly effective at the local and regional

> level, such as in Gujarat. *

> *

> Changes in the requirements for education issued by the Indian government

> and applied by CPCSEA nominees have played a major role in changes away from

> animal experiments too. The CPCSEA Guidelines address dissection in zoology

> and other science courses.


> Dissection and experiments at the basic level of bachelor degrees were made

> non-compulsory in 2006. However, curricular regulations from the 'outside

> examiners' working for the Indian government's Department of Education still

> demanded dissection at this point of time, so a conflict had been created.

> Aware that the dissection was not truly necessary, and considering the cost

> and extra requirements for all work with animals, the teachers themselves

> co-operated to successfully lobby the Department to remove dissection from

> the curriculum for the whole country. The change had impact at university

> level but also in the last few remaining secondary schools that were still

> doing dissections (most dissections at secondary level had stopped by 2001).


> As well as addressing basic education, the Guidelines promote the '4Rs' of

> reduction, replacement, refinement and rehabilitation at MSc level and for

> research and testing. Requests in protocols sent to the CPCSEA in Gujarat

> for animal use by lower MSc students are now rejected.


> Permission for most experiments at Karamsab AR Pharmacology College, for

> example, has been withdrawn: not only are the experiments effectively no

> longer allowed, but the college has insufficient space for an animal house

> of the 'high' standards now required. Only higher MSc animal use is allowed,

> and this is for 'mild' experiments only. The killing of healthy animals

> after experiments at all levels has now been severely curtailed, and their

> rehabilitation costs must now be paid for.


> There is a growing number of private colleges with high numbers of animals

> used in their MSc courses, but many are not registered with the CPCSEA as

> they should be, and so do not have the same checks by nominees as government

> establishments do.


> In another approach to achieving change, CPCSEA nominees demanded quarterly

> statistical reports about animals bred and used by pharmaceutical testing

> companies in Gujarat. Analysis of the data showed a discrepancy: companies

> were breeding so-called 'excess' animals who were not used and were instead

> donated free to colleges and universities. This practice was therefore

> stopped, thereby cutting the supply of free animals to educational

> establishments across the state.


> At the same time, the cost of computers has been decreasing, so some

> educational establishments consider that if they would now have to pay for

> animals, and struggle to meet the strict requirements, it may be wise to

> invest in buying hardware and using alternatives instead.


> By demanding that educational and research and testing establishments have

> their own animal house – and well-equipped with suitable maintenance,

> climate control and other conditions - the level of practical and ethical

> standards concerning animal breeding and use that must be met has also

> increased. As a result, some establishments no longer apply for clearance by

> the CPCSEA in the state, and the experiments are abandoned.


> From 2004, animal use in education was already significantly and constantly

> decreasing across Gujarat. This was a direct result, according to Snehal

> Bhavsar, of the two-fold approach employed: information provision, outreach

> work and training in alternatives provided by InterNICHE, and her own

> sustained engagement with and pressure on establishments on the issue.


> An InterNICHE speaking tour in 2003 took the message of full replacement and

> the evidence of superior student performance when using alternatives to 22

> locations right across India. 1600 copies of the InterNICHE book and

> database 'from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse' (2nd ed.) were distributed at

> the same time. Meetings were also held between InterNICHE and the academic

> councils and CPCSEA.


> In 2004 over 400 university teachers were trained at events in 10 cities in

> India in the largest training event of its nature ever held worldwide. The

> 'Alternatives, Animal Welfare and the Curriculum' series of seminars was

> organised by InterNICHE and the World Society for the Protection of Animals

> (WSPA) in conjunction with many committed local organisations across the

> country. The GSPCA was the local organiser in Gujarat.

> *

> *Travel support was provided to senior university officials, heads of

> department and research students to attend the day-long seminars. Teams of

> teacher trainers self-trained and then demonstrated in detail a range of

> alternative tools chosen according to the Indian curricula for different

> disciplines. Many of the tools were provided by the InterNICHE Alternatives

> Loan System. Others, such as calf anatomy models, were Indian-made. Teachers

> and others have since been requesting of the GSPCA and InterNICHE further

> training in alternatives.


> As Snehal Bhavsar continues to address humane education, complaints from

> students to her in her role as GSPCA representative and CPCSEA nominee about

> harmful animal use have guided efforts for a targeted increase of pressure

> at specific establishments.


> Moreover, half of Gujarat's population is Jain, a religion where the value

> of non-violence towards people and animals is specifically acknowledged, and

> this is impacting positively on the process of change. Historically, some

> Jain academics have advised followers not to enter medicine and related

> fields because of the dissection and vivisection that might be expected of

> students. As far as civil rights are concerned, those with religious or

> otherwise deeply held convictions concerning the integrity of life should be

> able to enter all fields of study. The issue illustrates the potential of

> alternatives to help make real the government pledges to make education

> fully inclusive and non-discriminatory.


> The replacement of the 3000 animals at Bhavnager University is highly

> significant and a major success for campaigners. However, it is dwarfed by

> the changes in education across the whole of Gujarat, which comprise an 80%

> reduction of animal use in many courses over the past 12 months. This

> translates to replacement of over 10,000 animals, achieved in a state where

> animal use in research and testing is one of the highest in India.*




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Dear ,


The School level animals Experiments were stalled in 2002-03.College level

experiments are using asmaller number due to CPCSEAs directives .However Frog

Is used while it is protected under WPA and permission from Wildlife Deptt. to

Keep the frogs and kill those,is not taken.Nor the Suppliers have licences under

the ACT.


How ever much is needed to develop the Computer modules etc. Can you please

give the contact Info of Organisations/persons who have developed such

Module.Blue cross had developed Some .







Saturday, December 01, 2007

(India) 3000 animal replaced in experiments

*The annual use of over 3000 animals has been replaced with alternatives at

a higher education institute in the Indian state of Gujarat. InterNICHE

Partners the Gujarat Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(GSPCA) confirmed this week that Bhavnager University has agreed to end the

use of over 3000 mice, rats and rabbits for dissections and severe

experiments in pharmacology, biochemistry, zoology and health science



*The alternative that will replace the many pharmacology experiments is the

CAL Pharmacology Compilation, produced by Dr R Raveendran. This software was

produced with grant funding from the InterNICHE Humane Education Award, a

program sponsored by Dutch anti-vivisection organisation Proefdiervrij. The

Award has supported humane education initiatives from teachers and others

internationally, facilitating direct replacement of animal experiments in

education and training.


The CAL Pharmacology Compilation was launched as freeware, enabling it to

be freely duplicated. Over 4000 copies have been distributed across India by

InterNICHE and its collaborators, including the Indian Journal of

Pharmacology, and many more copies have been made locally.


Snehal Bhavsar from the GSPCA, the prime mover in achieving the curricular

transformation at Bhavnager University, has been encouraging colleges and

universities across Gujarat to abandon experiments in education, with

success rooted in her strategic and tactical skills. In her role as CPCSEA

nominee across much of the state, she is able to place demands on

universities, as well as on companies involved in research and testing on



The CPCSEA is the Indian government agency that supervises animal

experimentation. It is often described as inefficient and careless at the

central level, but sometimes highly effective at the local and regional

level, such as in Gujarat. *


Changes in the requirements for education issued by the Indian government

and applied by CPCSEA nominees have played a major role in changes away from

animal experiments too. The CPCSEA Guidelines address dissection in zoology

and other science courses.


Dissection and experiments at the basic level of bachelor degrees were made

non-compulsory in 2006. However, curricular regulations from the 'outside

examiners' working for the Indian government's Department of Education still

demanded dissection at this point of time, so a conflict had been created.

Aware that the dissection was not truly necessary, and considering the cost

and extra requirements for all work with animals, the teachers themselves

co-operated to successfully lobby the Department to remove dissection from

the curriculum for the whole country. The change had impact at university

level but also in the last few remaining secondary schools that were still

doing dissections (most dissections at secondary level had stopped by 2001).


As well as addressing basic education, the Guidelines promote the '4Rs' of

reduction, replacement, refinement and rehabilitation at MSc level and for

research and testing. Requests in protocols sent to the CPCSEA in Gujarat

for animal use by lower MSc students are now rejected.


Permission for most experiments at Karamsab AR Pharmacology College, for

example, has been withdrawn: not only are the experiments effectively no

longer allowed, but the college has insufficient space for an animal house

of the 'high' standards now required. Only higher MSc animal use is allowed,

and this is for 'mild' experiments only. The killing of healthy animals

after experiments at all levels has now been severely curtailed, and their

rehabilitation costs must now be paid for.


There is a growing number of private colleges with high numbers of animals

used in their MSc courses, but many are not registered with the CPCSEA as

they should be, and so do not have the same checks by nominees as government

establishments do.


In another approach to achieving change, CPCSEA nominees demanded quarterly

statistical reports about animals bred and used by pharmaceutical testing

companies in Gujarat. Analysis of the data showed a discrepancy: companies

were breeding so-called 'excess' animals who were not used and were instead

donated free to colleges and universities. This practice was therefore

stopped, thereby cutting the supply of free animals to educational

establishments across the state.


At the same time, the cost of computers has been decreasing, so some

educational establishments consider that if they would now have to pay for

animals, and struggle to meet the strict requirements, it may be wise to

invest in buying hardware and using alternatives instead.


By demanding that educational and research and testing establishments have

their own animal house – and well-equipped with suitable maintenance,

climate control and other conditions - the level of practical and ethical

standards concerning animal breeding and use that must be met has also

increased. As a result, some establishments no longer apply for clearance by

the CPCSEA in the state, and the experiments are abandoned.


From 2004, animal use in education was already significantly and constantly

decreasing across Gujarat. This was a direct result, according to Snehal

Bhavsar, of the two-fold approach employed: information provision, outreach

work and training in alternatives provided by InterNICHE, and her own

sustained engagement with and pressure on establishments on the issue.


An InterNICHE speaking tour in 2003 took the message of full replacement and

the evidence of superior student performance when using alternatives to 22

locations right across India. 1600 copies of the InterNICHE book and

database 'from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse' (2nd ed.) were distributed at

the same time. Meetings were also held between InterNICHE and the academic

councils and CPCSEA.


In 2004 over 400 university teachers were trained at events in 10 cities in

India in the largest training event of its nature ever held worldwide. The

'Alternatives, Animal Welfare and the Curriculum' series of seminars was

organised by InterNICHE and the World Society for the Protection of Animals

(WSPA) in conjunction with many committed local organisations across the

country. The GSPCA was the local organiser in Gujarat.


*Travel support was provided to senior university officials, heads of

department and research students to attend the day-long seminars. Teams of

teacher trainers self-trained and then demonstrated in detail a range of

alternative tools chosen according to the Indian curricula for different

disciplines. Many of the tools were provided by the InterNICHE Alternatives

Loan System. Others, such as calf anatomy models, were Indian-made. Teachers

and others have since been requesting of the GSPCA and InterNICHE further

training in alternatives.


As Snehal Bhavsar continues to address humane education, complaints from

students to her in her role as GSPCA representative and CPCSEA nominee about

harmful animal use have guided efforts for a targeted increase of pressure

at specific establishments.


Moreover, half of Gujarat's population is Jain, a religion where the value

of non-violence towards people and animals is specifically acknowledged, and

this is impacting positively on the process of change. Historically, some

Jain academics have advised followers not to enter medicine and related

fields because of the dissection and vivisection that might be expected of

students. As far as civil rights are concerned, those with religious or

otherwise deeply held convictions concerning the integrity of life should be

able to enter all fields of study. The issue illustrates the potential of

alternatives to help make real the government pledges to make education

fully inclusive and non-discriminatory.


The replacement of the 3000 animals at Bhavnager University is highly

significant and a major success for campaigners. However, it is dwarfed by

the changes in education across the whole of Gujarat, which comprise an 80%

reduction of animal use in many courses over the past 12 months. This

translates to replacement of over 10,000 animals, achieved in a state where

animal use in research and testing is one of the highest in India.*




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