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(IN) Apoorva Joshi writes about Asiatic Lions on her Blog and about Gir, Kuno and Mr. Modi (Chief Minister of INDIAN state of Gujarat)

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Apoorva Joshi writes about Asiatic Lions on her Blog and about Gir, Kuno and Mr.

Modi (Chief Minister of INDIAN state of Gujarat)


Sunday, December 2, 2007


Mr.Modi's objection to the Royal Roar..


Blog posting by Apoorva Joshi


The Asiatic Lion , found ONLY in Gir National Park, Gujarat, India, is one more

Cat, fast losing to senseless decisions based on baseless misconceptions. We are

not used to seeing Lions looking like over-grown malnourished domestic Cats. But

the harsh truth of the matter is, Gir, houses the only surviving population of

wild Asiatic Lions in the world today.

And this means that any effort, whatsoever, made to relocate them and increase

the expanse of their habitat is a positive step towards their survival. Kuno, an

area of Madhya Pradesh, was selected by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII)

for the relocation of 5 of Gir's Lions. This proposal has been cleared by the

Centre and now, still lies hanging from a noose because of one person and his

" concern " about the animal.



Mr.Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of

Gujarat, happens to think otherwise. He, and his Government, feel that this

" experimental " idea would be a disaster as Lions and Tigers cannot co-exist in

the same habitat.

Obviously, when the world was made , Lions knew that they cannot co-exist with

Tigers.. or then, Tigers were so furious with the Gods for giving them

competition, that they refused to leave their territory and kicked out the

Lions. Oh come on!! Since the day the Forests have been inhabited by animals,

co-existence has always taken its route. We are the ones responsible for the

massive failure of the Lion's survival else where. Not Tigers!



Mr.Modi, obviously doesnt realise that what he

claims as Gujarat's pride and uniqueness, will soon become its curse if he

doesnt let this relocation happen. The area of Gir is too small to accommodate

the prides of Lions living there. A male Lion hardly gets his expected home

territory currently, which pushes them out of the boundaries of the Park into

civilisation and hence forces them to turn to cattle for food. The Lions are

being electrocuted, poisoned, and poached. But even now, the Modi Government

seems to be having trouble with facing truth. If the Lions die out, they become

extinct. Eventually leading to severe extreme shame for Gujarat.

This uniqueness is soon bound to become its common-ness in joining the list of

those uncaring hypocrites who have let species die out to extinction right

before them by blindly ignoring solutions given by experts.



Kuno's habitat is very similar to that of Gir,

and if allowed to settle in, the Lions can make a stunning recovery. And Gujarat

can rise in the eyes of the country. Being stubborn is simply going to end the

respect that anyone ever had for Mr.Modi. If im not wrong, he has no expertise

is the concerned field of Wildlife Management and should, therefore, restrain

himself from stepping into matters that go way above his level, stick to

poverty reduction and railways and stuff instead. Do what you can do Mr.Modi,

dont get nosy in what you obviously cannot understand!!



Let those Lions live. Because the more you

oppose the Royal Roar, the more we love the opposition party!! Since

Conservationists dont usually stoop to the levels that politicians are on, it

certainly does NOT mean that we cannot! If incessantly

provoked, and offended, we can and definitely WILL fall low

and use the " tit-for-tat " method. We've done that before, and would

not hesitate to go one more time.



In the name of those poor endangered Felines,

let sense prevail over sheer nonsense!! And yes Mr.Modi, not everyone is

focussing on the Tigers.. there are those that are aware of the status of other

Wildlife as well. We know how to do our job well. You could borrow a leaf or

two from us on this..




by A J at 7:53 AM





Priya said...


I love the comment on the opposition parties.

At least that if not anyting else should wake up Mr. Modi


December 2, 2007 9:16:00 AM PST


Raman Sandeep



Quiet thought provoking. Good luck girl!


December 4, 2007 7:04:00 AM PST





Tuesday,December 4, 2007


A Killer on the Loose..


Part II of the Modi Matter - more

matter, less manner.


Blog posting by Apoorva Joshi


Headlines of newspapers today- Modi owns up

to fake encounter. - Our valiant Mr.M has just owned up to killing a certain

Mr.Sohrabbudin (apology for spelling errors if any) , who's wife, was also

murdered a while later under " mysterious " circumstances.


Now the basic concern being- The CM of Gujarat

has just owned up to murdering someone, in public! , and he's still the CM,

still sitting in his warm cosy office, spreading Anti-Muslim statements and

insulting the very concept of democracy. Just when we think that he couldnt

possibly go any further in dropping lower, he does something so wonderfully low

and proves us wrong each time!! Way to go Mr.Modi!!


So, we have a murderer on the run, for killing

someone in a fake encounter alleging that the poor guy had arms and ammunition,

ok, so whatever was the Police for then?!! Mr.Modi has an IPS degree?? Didnt

know! To get him in an ever tighter spot, i came up with this to add to our sad

Lion story.


Moving back to our heroes, the Lions, there are

lots more things that folks havent realised yet, these Lions are roaming a

National Park of fully protected area 258 sq.kms. and a Sanctuary of 1153

sq.kms. The numbers are now about 350 and they need more room but the Gir

forest is boxed in on all sides with human habitation. This

overpopulation is squeezing the King of the Jungle into a forever ravaged home,

where He has to fall in wells that are dug by the

locals, and are unfenced, where He is poisoned because he moves out of

the congested forest into the land of those who congested it. Every year the

farmers dig more open wells but the State Government of Gujarat has done nothing

to make these illegal. There is an urgent need to pass a law to make

open-wells illegal and farmers should be legally required to build a parapet

wall around the wells and fence them in.


Farmers on the periphery of the Gir National Park frequently use illegal

electric fences

to protect their crops from raiding wild animals, specially from herds of

Nilgai and connect high voltage overhead power lines directly

to these fences. This has on several occasions led to the electrocution

of Asiatic Lions and other wildlife.


The biggest threat faced by the

park is the presence of Maldharis. This community is

vegetarian and does not indulge in poaching because the people are basically

pasturalists, with an average of 50 cattle (mainly Gir Cow) per family. So

during grass-scarce seasons Maldharis, even from outside the sanctuary, bring

their cattle into the park under the pretext of selling them and take them away

after the monsoon season. So eventually it has become grazing ground for a large

number of cattle, not only of the Maldharis but also for those living in an

area of say 100 km around the park. These people are legally entitled to live

in the park but slowly the area around the nesses (small hamlets where

Maldharis live) is becoming denuded of vegetation. The population of Maldharis,

as well as their numbers of cattle, is increasing and some Maldharis have

houses outside the forest but still keep their cattle inside the forest to get

unlimited access to forage. One of the outcomes of this is

that the natural population of the wild ungulates of the protected area which

forms the prey base suffers and sometimes the Asiatic lions which have attacked

livestock are poisoned.


The Lions are facing a severe risk of death due

to epidemic spread of diseases in the Park. The are all in

very very close range from each other and if, unfortunately, there were to be

an epidemic, the ENTIRE population of the Critically

Endangered Asiatic Lions would be finished!! Completely gone! Alarming risk is

what i call this! We've put those Top predators on the menu for extinct

species! Even genetically speaking, inbreeding and weak genes would make them

even more vulnerable than they are, if thats possible now, after all of

Mr.Modi's contributions to ensure that they live the most pathetic and pitiful



Yes, the Tiger deserves our urgent attention.

Yes, the Gharial does too. And just to add to this already worrying fact of how

most of India's wildlife is hitting the " legendary list " ,

come the Lions..


Gir, is beautiful. No doubt. But it does not

have an indefinite expanse! Of course i havent finished yet! Ive got one MORE

point now. Kuno- which Modi claims will see a fight for survival between Lions

and Tigers. Kuno was once home to 6 Tigers, but since 2005, there has been no

Tiger evidence. Kuno is 300 sq.kms., yes. But it happens to be lying within

2500 sq.kms. of beautiful landscape, of forest! So the Lion's future isnt a

blur here. The Tiger Reserve closest to Kuno is Ranthambhore. It isnt very far.

But the Chambal River and the human settlement around it, are an assuring

barrier for Tiger movement into Kuno.


Kuno is home to poachers and wildlife traders.

Shivapuri and Sabalgarh areas are full of wildlife traders. A poacher named

Devisingh, ace poacher, was caught from Kuno area. Devisingh

poached 5 Tigers from the core or heart area of Ranthambhore

as he confessed in front of video cameras. Point is- poachers do not look at

almost dead or dying forests for their money. If they're operating here, it

suggests, Kuno is good. It's more than good. So, extra protection, and fair

enough laws, and that one eternal obstruction going by the name of Modi, if

these factors were looked at, wont the Lions have a brighter and better



The fight between Wildlifers and Politicians

will never die down unless and until they stop giving permission to build ports

on Endangered Turtles' nesting sites, until they stop being stupidly possessive

about the wrongest things ever, until they stop using their 'ever ready to lash

out' tongues and use those rusting brains instead. The poor old good

politicians being out numbered by the majority of businessmen who call

themselves politicians..pity them. But, yes, we're all with them! With those

who fight for cause, not just any cause. But the right cause! Open your eyes

Mr.Murderer Modi.. time's come.



by A J at 9:16 PM




Who Am I ??


Apoorva Joshi


Me. Wildlife, Music, Sports, Friends obviously, and Drives.. multiple kinds..

thats me. Frank, Adventurous, Die hard outdoor person. Friendly, but with





November 4, 2007


A Student's Mind-A Naturalist's Heart


People come and ask you- so what are you

going to do now?? It's like the 2nd most common question in the world after

" how are you? " . Your answer is- " im going to take up

Environmental Science. " The reactions differ according to the person that

gives it. The people who give it differ according to their own career

backgrounds, which, again, differ according to how they were brought


the reactions differ according to the way their minds were trained to think. Of

course im not saying that the way they think is wrong! :) Of course they're

right when they want every kid to be a doctor or an engineer. Of course they're

right when they prevent their kids from taking up unconventional fields,

neglecting passion and even talent. Of course they're right! Or are they?



Reality check. If no one who had a

passion for Nature, or Environmental Science, or Wildlife, who would make

discoveries and reveal that the Earth's facing its worst ever situation

regarding climate change, that Sariska is totally drained of its Tiger

population, that the Arctic ice is melting at an alarming rate, that Mexico is

experiencing floods and tsunamis are happening

because the Earth's climate has gone bananas!!



I salute those parents who encourage

their kids to go on and choose their passion as their career. To unite their

vocation and their avocation. To chase those dreams that have formed within an

individual mind, even if it means not having money enough to roll in it.To all

those parents who encourage, it goes a long long way for your child’s dream and

her/his confidence levels.



Everyone who has heard me tell them that

im into Wildlife Conservation and not the usual medicine or MBA or whatever

those weirdo short forms are, think that either I didn’t have the marks, or

that I’ve a brain malfunction. But to those few of have stood by me and said-

we’re proud of you! Go girl! – to them- I don’t know how to make ‘thank you’

more profound and more meaningful. Your words seem like this pushing force that

makes me want to work harder and harder every second.Thank you so much.For the

constant support, and for accepting me for who I really am.



Im a student of Environmental Sciences.

Yes,by choice! Not because I didn’t have the marks, not because im dumb, not

because my brain is out of its ‘mind’.



A student’s heart and a Naturalist’s mind. A combination which is

dreaded by many.Appreciated by few.And understood by fewer than fewest!



If you were to bring up your kids

teaching them that a puppy is as welcome in the house as is the kid itself, you

would be helping shape a mindset. If you say things like- animals are as

important as all other life on earth to your 4th std daughter who has homework

on Nature, it would develop a respect in her heart for those animals, that she

might one day stand up for.If you involve your children in discussions

regarding current affairs, they would be masters at their brain work. If you

were to ask your child her/his views on topics often, they would be independent

in a much better way. Clearly- you instill the right values, you get gems. No,

my parents didn’t tell me to go campaign for wildlife conservation.That I told

myself. But what they did do-is told me to stand up for what’s right. To be

downright honest with yourself. And to be humble among other things.



I didn’t need to be told- that poaching

is wrong.I knew. By and large because of what I grew up to be. As a person.

Adevertisements that show a bunch of girls shampooing their hair under a

waterfall, I didn’t need to be told that that’s against Environmental values.

It’s a simple matter of common sense. So simple that it doesn’t strike 90% of

people who tend to overlook it. The evening

breeze that brings with it, the scent of roses somewhere nearby, or the clean

air atop a hill on an early morning that refreshes ur blood, or the sunsets on

beaches that show silhouettes of ships sailing at the horizon, appreciating

these senses cant be taught! It comes. The

skip of a heart-beat when u spot a Tiger cub playing with its mother completely

aloof to human presence, the feeling of reassurance when you see a Dolphin jump

up from the sea and dive back in gracefully, these sensational feelings find

themselves only in those genuine Naturalist hearts that never want to lose the

delight of experiencing the wilderness as it comes..WILD!



So take a step forward. Come out of your

cuccoon and let your folks jump into passion if they want to. If their heart’s

in it, they’re already halfway there! Help them along the other half and get

yourself that place in Heaven you’ve been trying to book all this while! ;)

C’mon people! It’s time we learn to let our hearts take the action! Live it up

the way you dreamt you would!




by A J at 10:19 AM 1







Asiatic Lion


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Gir Forest National Park


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Asiatic Lion Reintroduction




Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary



Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Narendra Modi



Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





Atul Singh Nischal













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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

8:52:06 AM


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Google Blogs Alert for: Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary



A Killer on the Loose..


By A J(AJ)


Kuno is home to poachers and wildlife traders. Shivapuri and

Sabalgarh areas are full of wildlife traders. A poacher named Devisingh,

ace poacher, was caught from Kuno area. Devisingh poached 5 Tigers from

the core or heart area of ...


the wilderness n its wild kid - http://wildwithme.blogspot.com/

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