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Amended and final version: protest letter against orca captures


If interested in signing on contact: ricobarry.



-- ric




Mr. Shuji Yamada, Director of Fisheries-General of Fisheries Agency of Japan

1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8907 Japan


CC: Willem Wijnstekers, Secretary-General

CITES Secretariat

International Environment House

Chemin des Anémones

CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva



CC: Chief of Whaling Section

Far Seas Fisheries Division in Fisheries Agency of Japan

1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8907 Japan



CC: Mr. Ichiro Kamoshita, Minister of the Environment

The Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan

Godochosha No.5, Kasumigaseki 1-2-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8975 Japan


CC: Mr. Masahiko Koumura, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kasumigaseki 2-2-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8919 Japan





Dear Director-General Yamada,


We the undersigned represent 148 international environmental/animal protection

organizations comprising more than 15 million members, including leading members

of the financial and entertainment industries. With one unified voice, we

hereby urge you to deny the permit request to capture orcas in Taiji, or any

other port in Japan.


To our knowledge, at least 1193 orcas have been slaughtered in Japan since 1954.

Approximately 63 have been captured for public display, where most of them have

died prematurely as a result of captivity.


Some argue that the number of orcas in Japanese waters has shown a small

increase since the 1970s. However, no comprehensive survey of Japan's orca

populations has ever been undertaken. Details regarding population size, prey

preferences and range remain unknown. Moreover, it is likely that entire sub

populations and communities have already been eliminated. At the very least, it

will take decades for Japan's orca populations to recover from the decimating

slaughters and captures of the past.


Japan is a Party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). As such, Japan has an obligation to ensure that

international trade in specimens of wild animals does not threaten their



We urge you to honor your commitment to CITES and conduct a proper scientific

population study of the orca populations before you consider issuing permits to

remove any more orcas from Japanese waters. We further urge an end to

trafficking in captive orcas due to the documented high mortality such captures

and captivity entail.




Animals Asia Foundation - China

APRADAP - Panama

Alianza Bocas - Panama

ABITPC - Antigua

Alianza para la Conservación y el Desarrollo - Panama

Asociación para la Conservación de la Biósfera - Panama

Accion Ambiental - Aruba

Advocates for Animal Rights - Bahamas Islands

All Life in a Viable Environment - Japan

AnimaNaturalis Internacional - Latin America

Animalisti Italiani - Italy

Animals Require Kindness - Bahamas Islands

Animal Rights Hawaii - USA

Animal Welfare Institute - International

Aruba Marine Mammal Foundation - Aruba

Australians for Animals - Australia

Asian Animal Protection Network - China

Asociación Interuniversitaria para la Defensa de los Animales - Spain

Association GroinGroin - France

Atlanta Animal Studies Group - USA

Blue Voice - USA

Born Free Foundation - International

Calgary Animal Rights Coalition - Canada

Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society - Canada

Campaigns Against The Cruelty To Animals - Canada

Canadian Marine Environmental Protection Society - Canada

Captive Animals' Protection Society - UK

Captive Dolphin Awareness Foundation - International

Care for the Wild - UK

Centro de Conservacion Cetacea - Chile

Cetacean Alliance Network - International

Channel G Media - USA

Coalition For No Whales In Captivity - Canada

Comité pour une Belgique Sans Delphinarium - Belgium

Comité Panameño por la Paz - Panama

Conscious Talk Radio Network - USA

Coordinadora Campesina por la Vida - Panama

Cetacean Society International - International

Conservacion de Mamiferos Marinos - Mexico

Deer Harbor Whale Watch Charters - USA

Dolphin Project - International

Dolphin Defenders - St. Maarten

Dolphin Spirit Project - USA

Diana Thater Studio - International

Fur-Free City - UK

Earth Island Institute - International

EarthTrust Hawaii - USA

Endeavor Media - USA

Environmental Protection In the Caribbean - USA

Een Dier Een Vriend - Holland

Elsa Nature Conservancy - Japan

Environmental Investigation Agency - International

European Vegetarian and Animal News Agency - Belgium

Fanapa - Aruba

Fundacion AquaMarina _ Argentina

Fundation Humanitas - Panama

Fundación para la Protección del Mar - Panama

Fundación Quebro para el Desarrollo - Panama


Fundación Dobbo Yala - Panama

Fundacion Valentina - Puerto Rico

Frente para la Defensa del Delfín - Panama

Fundación Mar Viva - Panama

Friends of Animal/Marine Animal Rescue - International

Friends of the Gray Whale - USA

Friends of the Dolphins - Canada

Fundación Altarriba - Spain

Fundacion Patagonia Natural - Argentina

Fundacion Vida Silvestre - Argentina

Fundacion Cruzada Patagonica - Argentina

Fundesur Patagonia - Argentina

Fundapymes Ushuaia, - Argentina

Asociación Civil Utopía El Calafate - Argentina

GAIA - Belgium

Grupo de los Cien - Mexico

Grupo Parques Nacionales - Panama

Grupo Activista Ambiental - Panama

Humane Society International - Australia

Humane Society of United States - USA

In Defense of Animals - International

Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas - Argentina

Irish Seal Sanctuary - Ireland

Jamaica Environment Trust - Jamaica

Karuna Society for Animals and Nature - India

Kerulos Center for Animal Psychology and Trauma Recovery - USA

Kinship Circle - USA

Last Chance for Animals - USA

Lifeforce Foundation - Canada

Linking Individuals for Nature Conservation - China

Lolita's Legion - USA

Love Animal House - Thailand

Marine Connection - UK

Marine Mammal Connection Society - USA

Mexican Association for the Animal Rights - Mexico

Morigenos - Slovenia

Minds in the Water - Australia

New York Whale and Dolphin Action League - USA

OceanCare - Switzerland

Ocean Defense International - International

Oceanic Preservation Society - International

Ocean Friends - USA

Orca Conservancy - International

Orca Network - International

Organizacion de Conservacion de Cetaceos - Uruguay

Pacific Orca Society/OrcaLab - Canada

Peaceful Visions Travel - USA

Pegasus Foundation - International

PETA - International

People 4 Animals - Canada

People for Animals Haryana - India

Philippine Animal Welfare Society Philippines

PRIDE - Sint Maarten

Public Media Center - USA

Quaker Concern for Animals - UK

ReEarth - Bahamas Islands

Sarasota Dolphin Defenders - USA

Shellfish Network - USA

SODOPREC - Dominican Republic

Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals - Germany

Society for Dolphin Conservation - Germany

Stichting Dolphinmotion - Holland

Surfers for Cetaceans - Australia

Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals - Denmark

Stimaruba - Aruba

Study Group on Mediterranean Cetaceans - France

Swiss Animal Protection - Switzerland

Swiss Coalition for the Protection of Whales - Switzerland

Teyeliz - Mexico

The Begley Family Foundation - USA

The Ben White Legacy Project - International

The Hawley Family Foundation - USA

Tursiops.org - USA

Visakha SPCA - India

Voice for Animals Humane Society - Canada

Voices4animals - Japan

Voices4Dogs -UK

Wal-und Delfinschutz-Forum - Germany

Wealth Effect Media - International

Wild Earth Foundation - Argentina

Wildlife Trust of India - India

World Society for Protection of Animals - International

World Whale Police - USA

Wolf Spirit - UK

Zoocheck - Canada





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