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(CN - HKG) SCMP Talkback - What do you think of the SPCA's proposal on children owning pets?

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South China Morning Post


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What do you think of the SPCA's proposal on children owning pets?


I write regarding the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals'

suggestion that nobody under 16 years of age should buy or adopt a pet. At

Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) the minimum age is 21.


Even at that age, young people can never really know what the next 15 years

(the average lifespan of a dog) will hold. Adoption of a pet should be a

family decision and a commitment for the lifetime of the pet. Animals should

never be given as gifts.


As with all other animal welfare organisations, HKDR receives many calls

every day from people wanting to give up their dogs. In almost every case

they took on the dog without a thought for the future, but for short-term



Many of the dogs that end up at HKDR have been passed from home to home

before being finally abandoned. We are told they have behavioural problems

when in fact they are just dogs that are without security or structure in

their lives.


Many have spent their entire lives locked in small cages, with absolutely no

regard given to the torture this is for an intelligent animal.


Cruelty is much more than just beating a dog or starving it to death.

Cruelty is also never taking a dog for a walk, wheeling it around in a

doggie pram, and going out to work for 10 or more hours a day and leaving a

dog on its own, muzzling it tightly to stop it barking.


Dogs are animals that have feelings and emotions. They are pack animals that

cannot bear to be lonely. They, along with all other animals, deserve to be

protected by law.


The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department says it is collecting

opinions from animal welfare groups and experts for future amendments to the

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance ( " Don't let children under 16 own

pets, SPCA proposes " , January 17).


They have been collecting such evidence for 10 years or more, and meanwhile,

every other so-called civilised country has been actually doing something

instead of just " looking into it " .


It's time Hong Kong woke up and dragged itself out of the dark ages with

regards to animal welfare.


Sally Andersen, founder, Hong Kong Dog Rescue

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