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(CN) Students beg for the lives of butchered animals

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Students beg for the lives of butchered animals



After seeing cats, dogs and birds butchered and sold as food, 10 college

students got down on their knees to plead for clemency for the animals at a

market in Changchun, Jilin province, on Saturday.


Despite temperatures as low as -27C, the students begged for half an hour until

the slaying stopped.


" We hope we can stick up for the poor animals and urge more people to join us to

protect them, " Yu, one of the student's leaders, said.


(New Business)




Getty Photos:




A student from the Northeast Normal University wears a cat mask as he

demonstrates with other students behind cages full of partridges to be

slaughtered at a market on Taibei Street on January 12, 2008 in Changchun of

Jilin Province, northeast China. The animal market mainly sells cats, dogs,

rabbits, partridges and other small animals for eating. Some of the students

knelt outdoors in temperatures reaching 27 degrees centigrade below zero in

protest to the slaughter. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)



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Events of the day:


[Poster's Note: The following is a Google translation of a page

(http://www.capa.ngo.cn/web/view.php?tid=185 & cid=1) from the CAPA site, listing

the preparation for and sequence of events at the protest. The translation is

not great and some words do not make sense, like 'vinegar', but the main gist is



The protest is referred to as a 'performance'.


At the end of the article, there are links to photos taken of the protest.]


Translation :


January 12, 2008 " for the animals plead for - as we all will be painful fear! "


2008-01-16 Source: CAPA Author


Time: January 12, 2008


Location: Main Street in Changchun City of Taipei City Pigeon (Maorou

slaughtering concentrated)


help plead for the animal - we will be painful will be the same fear!


Forms: performing acts


Objective: To play the best interest of the cat, took the animal to speak of

animals to the continued survival and suffering from the strong desire to awaken

people's wish of compassion, and to cherish their own health.




January 7th East Asia Economic News in Taipei streets exposed to illegal

slaughtering Maorou [1]


January 9 CAPA Forum Waterloo Friends " Clockwork insect " Posting a call to

action [2]


January 10 CAPA Working Group and the East Asian journalists contacted

preliminary understanding of the situation and keep in touch


The Working Group began planning activities, development planning in [3]


January 11 preliminary preparatory working group activities: planning the

training, materials preparation, recruiting volunteers


East Asian journalists to contact the police, the activities of the day so as to

avoid accidents, and actively link government departments


At 8:00 on January 12 journalists and police hurried to the scene, Maorou

traffickers cats are slaughtered at the end of activities, see [2] Album


8:40 volunteers arrived, a clear division of labor, goods, for refitting


9:00 activities begin at the end of activities, see [1] Album


Illegal operators have fled the scene


Several female volunteers who see Maorou linked to the slaughter in the railings

of the cat skin, aphonia tears


Activities at the beginning of the cat..(untranslated Chinese character here) at

minus 24 degrees Celsius, the temperature only, wore a " Refusal Qimiao vinegar "

T-shirt bearing in Maorou plead for the slaughter Nanjian


Begin to capture the whole process --


The performance ended around 9:30 acts


Maorou trafficking volunteers to grant the leaflets, maintaining friendly



There is a special barbecue shop selling cat that never vinegar


Around 10:00 conclusion of the event


[1] " dozens of cat mutilations were made by the barbecue Ruchuan "





[2] " Clockwork insect " Posts





[3] activities in the planning


view.php?tid=184 & cid=1 View.php? Tid = 184 & cid = 1


Special thanks:


East Asian economic news reporters and other staff members who


CAPA Clockwork insect Forum User


All those involved in the activities of the volunteers


All the support and help of friends, activities


Activities Album 1:





Activities Album 2 (Zhenru, bloody scenes):





Changchun Animal Protection Alliance:


(In Chinese)




[Poster's Comment]


It appears the Changchun Animal Protection Alliance has been criticized by some

members of the Chinese public (or/and media) for the Taibei Street protest. When

you visit the CAPA site http://www.capa.ngo.cn/, you see an entry page answering

the criticisms. (The page has a photo of a kitten at the top)


These are the criticisms:


-CAPA only cares about companion animals, not other animals.

-CAPA only cares about animals, not people.

-CAPA is distracting students from their studies.

-CAPA lost face by kneeling down in the market.


The following is a computer translation of the original webpage. A computer

translation does not do justice to this well thought out and expressed

statement, but it is better than nothing:




" Plead for the animals " Statement


Recently, the CAPA Taipei streets in Changchun city held to plead for the

animal's activities.


The main purpose of this activity is to plead for the adoption of a cat, took

the animal to speak of animals to the continued survival and suffering from the

strong desire.


CAPA hope that people wake up to this event the mercy of the heart, at the same

time called on people to cherish their own health.


Here, we would like to thank all those involved in animal care, support the

protection of animal friends, is precisely because you have Changchun animal

protection network, we can successfully plead for the completion of the

activities for the animals.


For some friends plead for the activities in the points raised by the dispute,

and we hope that through this declaration to be clarified.


1, CAPA is not only concerned about companion animals, sheep, cattle, pigs

without concern.


We understand that concern AIDS patients who do not indicate that they are not

concerned about orphans, the same understanding, care for cats and dogs does not

mean that it does not concern other animals.


CAPA has always advocated treating all animals, but the refuse cat meat eating

activities at this stage of our work.


Grateful for the views of friends, we in the future will be more concerned about

breeding animals.


At the same time please everyone can understand the difficulties we have at this

stage, due to lack of funds forces, and lack of government subsidies, we can not

be exhaustive.


Resist dog meat eating the activities at this stage we started with the easiest,

with only a small amount of money, and completed more productive work.


Believe that in the next plan, CAPA all members would be willing to do more to

advocate for the protection of animals.


2, it was stated that: 'People's problems do not have solutions, who cares about

animals?' Concerned about animals and we believe that the problem does not solve

the contradictions, but complementary.


The animal protection movement vigorous development is representing the Chinese

society's progress, also is the symbol which the people's thought progresses.

At present, China's national markedly improved the living standards, and even

some of the major urban China has been very close to the living standards of

developed countries. However, we work to protect animals, but with the developed

countries are thousands of miles apart. Now is the best time for the development

of animal protection, we have to catch up the gap with the developed countries.


We do not believe that China will have to wait until all issues are resolved

only after they turn animals solve problems. In fact, with the animal protection

as important as protecting people. Not only because we like animals and enjoy

life on this Earth rights, and protection of animals equivalent to the

protection of human. Many zoonotic diseases, can be adopted to prevent the

protected animals. The cat meat eating activities, we have not only to protect

human thousands of friends, but also in order to protect human health and

prevent people from eating the meat without quarantine. Cat meat for human

consumption biggest hazard is infected parasitic diseases, particularly

toxoplasmosis infection, roundworm, Trichinella spiralis, tapeworm disease and

the risk great.


Another example, SARS has given us the lessons of history have been very heavy,

because people eat wild animals, and with the atypical pneumonia. Globally

killed 919 people, the mainland of China killed 349 people. This so many deaths,

as well as the atypical pneumonia on our national economy and the impact of the

tourism industry, it is distressing. Therefore, the protection of animals is

also in the protection of Chinese people. Certainly not let the whole world know

who the Chinese people in the country and the black market sale of wild animals,

it has greatly reduced the image of the Chinese people. In fact, we are equally

concerned about the people's state of health, advocate a civilized, raising cats

and dogs, companion animals for vaccination, not only for animal health, but

also to people's health. Thank you for supporting our work, and create a

civilized society, in order to animals as well as to our own.


3, it was also said: 'The university student should study well'. We believe that

participation in social activities in CAPA is a practice of learning.


First, we believe that these activities do not conflict with their studies, just

as long as the timing reasonable, and participation in social activities on

college students is a good exercise. Many students feel that the community after

school books to the theoretical knowledge of the community with a difference of

many practical applications, but also for organizational activities, as well as

the ability to feel insufficient speech. Can participate in and organizes

protect animal's activity in the university, itself is to student's own quality

is one kind of exercise. -- Secondly, and this is of great significance to

public welfare activities, each of the students on animal love, for these

precious lives, within our power to do every thing is the bounden duty of a

college student. We all understand the importance of ethics, it was said, on a

shelf life of flowers, good or learning ability is like a flower opening of the

lush, fertile land as moral, if there is no fertile land, will be only



4, some people think that the way to kneel is improper.. In fact, as long as it

can do something for the animals, we are willing to make a small sacrifice.

Their lives are more important than our face.


Perhaps some people think this way improper, but if we put ourselves to think

that, if we are animals, to see so many human beings killed our friends, but not

any resistance capacity, perhaps Guiqiu is not enough to express the desire for

survival? We do not have law enforcement powers, but also do not advocate the

use of violence, acts only through the arts, publicity effect. If passed this

way we can wake up some people no longer massacre animals, animal abuse, if

through our activities have caused everyone's concern, felt the desire of animal

life, also gave a love to love animals, if adopted. We call on more people to

participate in these activities, then we will do it, because life is more

important than face. Have also proved that, through our activities have a lot of

good feedback, so our activities is effective, meaningful.


Finally once again thank you for your attention CAPA friends, thank you for your

support of animal protection work done by all!


Changchun Animal Protection Network (CAPA)

January 17, 2008



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