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The Korea Animal Protection Society, on the proposed legalization of dog meat



Seoul Mayor, Oh Se Hun must have fixed views of his own.


People in the leadership class are responsible for protecting humanity, dignity

of lives and health of the people. For whom do these leaders occupy leadership

positions if they ignore this principle and support practice of eating dog meat

although they clearly know there are many evils caused by eating dog meat. Do

they work for Boshintang traders or dog-meat lovers?


Even if many people eat dog meat, people in leadership class should have fixed

views of their own rather than accepting without reserve, and make decision in

favor of the people and our country. Upon hearing the news that Seoul City is in

the process of legalizing consumption of dog meat, many animal lovers cannot

repress astonishment and angers. Are you trying to include dogs to livestock?

Don't take advantage of poor sanitation or brutal slaughter as excuses for

legalization of eating dog meat.


If laws on prohibition of eating dog meat are established, many evils such as

poor sanitation and brutal slaughter will be gone at the same time. Please read

and sign on attached blank sheet I am sending for our signature-seeking campaign

for pressing legalization of prohibition of eating dog meat. I would like to ask

you to work for establishment of policies which are really in favor of the

people and our country. Sooner or later, I am going to meet Seoul Mayor.


-Be sure to read writing in yellow square box of signature-seeking sheet.


[Photo: Image of the petition paper, listing benefits to society of ending dog

meat eating. The actual Petition can be reached via the front page of the KAPS



In 2003, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry prepared proposal to amend the law

for the purpose of categorizing dogs into edible dogs against pet dogs

separately. KAPS and animal lovers protested consistently and Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry promised to amend the proposal to prepare law properly.

In 2007 after waiting for long time, they drafted new law on animals and asked

each animal protection society for their comment. KAPS reviewed it and found out

that Article 15, Animal Trade, legally authorizes eating dog meat.


On 23 July 2007, KAPS received an advance notice on legislation of enforcement

regulations which is implementing ordinances for animal protection law from

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and sent them following comments

requesting them to reflect our opinion in preparation of legal basis so that

dogs cannot be edible. But, it was not reflected.


Reference is made to Advance Notice on Implementing Ordinances and Legislation

of Enforcement Regulations on Animal Protection Law Issued by Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry.


1. Comments on Advance Notice on Legislation


[Photo: Image of Advance Notice on Legislation showing the comments made by KAPS

(in Korean)]


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry established new Animal Protection Law and

put into effect on 27 January 2008 making a boast of it throughout the world as

well as within the country. However, in only two months, they made Seoul Mayor

Oh Se Hun announce preparatory tasks required for lawfully killing and eating

dogs. This behavior clearly shows that revision of animal protection law was

prepared only to show foreigners as boasting gesture rather than for animal



Handbook issued by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry describes that revised

animal protection law was implemented to properly protect companion animals such

as dogs and cats.


It is really unreasonable that, in just two months after implementation of new

animal protection law, even animal protection law cannot protect dogs, a

companion animal, which gives us a lot of comforts and teaches children on

importance of loving animals and respect for lives. Animal protection law is for

protecting companion animals such as dogs and cats. But then, are dogs not

animals, are they just lifeless things?


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Seoul Mayor, Oh Se Hun should answer to

this question.


As long as consumption of dog meat exists, animal protection law cannot protect

animals properly.


Do you mean you want to eat dog meat more hygienically as President Yi Myong Bak

and Mayor Oh Se Hun, all eat dog meat? Diseases such as enteritis caused by poor

sanitation are not so dreadful. Really dreadful diseases are adult diseases such

as paralysis, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Government should

protect health of the people by thoroughly studying adult diseases caused by dog



Reply from Mayor Oh Se Hun is not different from replies of Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry employees in charge of dog meat issue, President Yi

Myong Bak, and government workers who reply to written protests by foreigners

abroad who are against eating dog meat. All are same parrot-like sad replies not

concerned with well being of the people or our country, but just interested in

maintaining and strengthening dog meat. Why no one in our leadership class

cannot deeply introspect to find out what are the best for the people, and show

their firm faith? Why don't you just say, " Since there are so many evils caused

by dog meat, let's get rid of it now " ? What makes you so afraid? Since people in

leadership class promotes practice of eating dog meat which is conducive to

negligence of lives, and rather encourage them, peaceful and safe society

remains as a far-off dream, isn't it?

I feel ashamed as a Korean citizen.


Please stop the plan to legalize consumption of dog meat by categorizing dogs

into stock products. Otherwise, Korea will be criticized and will become a

isolated country in the world. Korean government often refers to globalism but

our country does meet requirement, but just using fair words. Although the

tendency of the world is to help in making peaceful world by protecting and

loving animals and thereby recovering humanity, Korean government is going

backward as long as animal is concerned. I think you know well that cruelty to

animals was started during the process of killing and eating dogs, and because

of this, all animals including wild animals are maltreated now. Cruelty to

animals leads to cruelty to human being; therefore, I sincerely appeal you to

prepare a bill for prohibition of eating dog meat rather than legalization of

eating dog meat. I know it is difficult to do it right away. But, if we would

have 3-5 years probationary period and gradually inform the people on serious

evils caused by eating dog meat, I am sure there will be no opposition.


28 March 2008

Kum Sunnan

President, Korean Animals Protection Society


Reference: Legalization of eating dog meat was planned since 2002. In 2003,

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and animal protection societies had an

informal gathering for preparing better animal protection law in preparation of

revision of animal protection law. At that time, branch chief and section chief

of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry boldly expressed their intention to

divide dogs into two groups of edible dogs and pet dogs in front of animal

protection societies. Please look at the photographs and minutes taken at the

time. I am still hated by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry because I scolded

them for their intention.

(Korean)http://www.koreananimals.or.kr/zboard/view.php?id=notice & page=6 & sn1= & div\

page=1 & sn=off & ss=on & sc=on & select_arrange=headnum & desc=asc & no=158


We have signature-seeking list and pamphlet for establishing law on prohibition

of eating dog meat made for distribution across the country. In opposition to

intention of Seoul City, I hope many members more actively participate on this

campaign! To participate:

(English)http://www.koreananimals.or.kr/zboard_en/view.php?id=notice & no=19


[Photo: Small images of KAPS 2007 no-more-dog-meat leaflets]


-To Protest through Internet


[The 3 sites below are in Korean only]


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Sea Food / Dialogue with Minister:

http://www.maf.go.kr/gworks_user/ns/user/gworks/caller/ministerIndex.action? & mc=\



Seoul City Hall Free Bulletin Board:




I want Seoul Mayor to do:



-To Protest by Phone or Fax


Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Sea Food:

Telephone 02-503-7200

Fax 02-503-7249


Seoul Mayor O Se Hun:

Telephone 02-120, 735-6060

Fax 02-731-6535





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