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Meat-eating drives global grain crunch

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2008:



Meat-eating drives global grain crunch



remember 2008 as the year that world economic analysts and planners

belatedly recognized that people eat too much meat.

Whether that recognition translates into cultural and

political changes of direction remains to be seen, but by January

2008 the global consequences of excessive meat consumption were

already evident.

" The food price index of the Food & Agriculture Organization

of the United Nations, based on export prices for 60 internationally

traded foodstuffs, climbed 37% last year, " observed Keith Bradsher

of The New York Times. " That was on top of a 14% increase in 2006.

" In some poor countries, desperation is taking hold, "

Bradsher warned, citing unrest over grain shortages and rising food

prices in 12 African, Asian, and Latin American nations. Three

months later the list of nations enduring food crises had extended to

37 and continued to expand.

" Soaring fuel prices have altered the equation for growing

food and transporting it across the globe, " Bradsher explained.

" Huge demand for biofuels has created tension between using land to

produce fuel and using it for food. "

But the biggest single factor, Bradshet continued, is that

" A growing middle class in the developing world is demanding more

[animal] protein, from pork and hamburgers to chicken and ice cream.

And all this is happening even as global climate change may be

starting to make growing food harder in some of the places best

equipped to do so, like Australia. "

" Everyone wants to eat like an American on this globe, "

Daniel W. Basse of the Chicago-based AgResource consultancy firm told

David Streitfield of The New York Times. " But if they do, we're

going to need another two or three globes to grow it all. "

Assessed Associated Press, " Rising demand for meat and dairy

in rapidly developing countries such as China and India is sending up

the cost of grain, used for cattle feed, as is the demand for raw

materials to make biofuels. In China, per capita meat consumption

has increased 150% since 1980. "

The increase in Chinese meat consumption just since 1995 has

diverted 2.9 billion bushels of grain per year into feeding

livestock, more than the entire 2.3 billion bushel demand of the

U.S. ethanol industry, reported the trade publication Biofuels


Mexican corn consumption to feed livestock is also sharply up, said

Biofuels Digest, increasing at three times the rate of the human

population since 1993.

Rising 30% in three months, the U.S. wholesale corn price

hit a record $6.00 per bushel on April 3, 2008 " amid dwindling

stockpiles and surging demand for the grain used to feed livestock

and make alternative fuels, " worte Will Kincaid of The New York

Times. " Prices are poised to go even higher after the USDA

predicted that American farmers--the world's biggest corn

producers--will plant 8% less in 2008, " due to unfavorable spring

planting weather.

" While corn growers are reaping record profits, " Kincaid

continued, " U.S. consumers can expect even higher grocery

bills--especially for meat--as livestock producers are forced to pass

on higher animal feed costs, in addition to thinning their herds. "

Ethanol demand exploded after Congress in 2007 ordered that

15 billion gallons of corn ethanol be produced by 2015, and 36

billion by 2022, to help the U.S. move away from reliance on

imported fossil fuels.

But using a food crop for fuel was badly received by the increasingly

hungry rest of the world. " Producing biofuels today is a crime

against humanity, " United Nations special rapporteur for the right

to food Jean Ziegler told the German radio network Bayerischer

Runfunk on April 14, 2008.

By then, the FAO food price index showed a 57% global

increase since March 2007 in the cost of cereals, dairy produce,

meat, sugar, and edible oils. The White House estimate was

43%--but either way, the increase was almost unprecedented.

Defending the ethanol industry, U.S. President George W.

Bush at a May 5, 2008 press conference noted that 350 million of the

1.1 billion residents of India now enjoy a middle class standard of

living. " Their middle class is larger than our entire population, "

Bush said. " And when you start getting wealth, you start demanding

better nutrition and better food, and so demand is high, and that

causes the price to go up. "

Clarified deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel,

" As you increase your standard of living, the food you eat can

venture more into meats, that require more commodities to feed the

livestock, whether it's corn or wheat or other commodities, and it

drives up the price. "

Wrote Guardian columnist George Monbiot on April 15, " You

have probably seen the figures by now: the price of rice has risen

by three-quarters in the past year, that of wheat by 130%. But I

bet you have missed the most telling statistic. At 2.1 billion metric

tons, last year's global grain harvest broke all records by almost


" The crisis has begun before world food supplies are hit by

climate change, " Montbiot added. " If hunger can strike now, what

will happen if harvests decline?

" There is plenty of food, " Montbiot emphasized. " It is just

not reaching human stomachs. Of the 2.13 billion metric tons [of

grain] likely to be consumed this year, only 1.01 billion,

according to the FAO, will feed people. While 100 million metric

tons of food will be diverted this year to feed cars, " Monbiot

continued, " 760 million metric tons will feed animals. This could

cover the global food deficit 14 times. If you care about hunger,

eat less meat. "

Montbiot acknowledged that " meat consumption is booming in

Asia and Latin America, " but pointed out that " booming " is relative.

British meat consumption " is still 40% above the global average, " he

wrote, " though less than half the amount consumed in the United

States. " Sustainable use of meat and milk, Monbiot calculated,

would be about 30% below the current world rate, 40% of British

consumption, 20% of the U.S. rate.

" The only reasonable answer to the question of how much meat

we should eat, " Monbiot concluded, as a non-vegetarian, " is as

little as possible. "

Seeking ways to keep meat consumption and profits high,

European producers meanwhile pressured the European Union to again

allow poultry producers to mix the offal from pig slaughtering into


" The practice, banned in Europe " in 1996 to prevent the

spread of mad cow disease, " would save farmers millions of pounds as

prices of cereal feed for chickens soar, " reported London Observer

science editor Robin McKie.

" This is a sinful idea, " responded Abdel Majid-Katme of the

Islamic Medical Association.

The Royal SPCA, wrote McKie, " said it had major concerns about

the health risks involved, " while the [british] Depart-ment for the

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs " said it would back the move only

if proper safety tests were introduced. "

The spring 2008 grain shortage is " the worst crisis of its

kind in more than 30 years, " United Nations economist and special

advisor to the secretary general Jeffrey D. Sachs told Associated


Evaluating rising consumption of animal products in India and

China, ANIMAL PEOPLE predicted in a June 1997 cover feature that,

" As the wealthier part of each society eats more meat, the poor will

find it harder not only to buy the grain to feed livestock, but

also--in time--to buy enough grain to feed themselves. "

--Merritt Clifton



Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


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original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

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