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Elephant Polo debate continues online

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http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/blog-247757.html Elephant Polo (Before You

Go): Two sides of the debate; Do animals enjoy performing for tourists? The

Asian Elephant and the impact of the tourist industry. Are the elephants

enjoying these activities, such as Elephant Polo, as we are led to believe?


*February 19th 2008* by Elephant




*Picture Credit: www.tickle-and-the-ivories: Photo by Tim Deysel, 2001. What

are we talking about? Elephant Polo in


Although the website www.tickle-and-the-ivories views the human experience

of Elephant Polo as being fun and adventurous, it lacks is telling the story of

what the elephants' experience may be. This i...


(Note: This article was picked up by Daylife (a New York based online news

site) as a lead article on February 21, 2008:

www.daylife.com/article/0h0EaaM9hzel4 . They also have some past articles

they have gathered from some other sites regarding the plight of the Asian

Elephant and the pro/cons of elephants performing for tourists:




*Elephant Polo (Before You Go): Two sides of the debate; Do animals enjoy

performing for tourists?*


Traveling in Thailand, and India, as well as other Asian Countries, you may

learn or have the opportunity to view (or even participate) in Elephant Polo

events. The following blog entry is to highlight some issues to consider

regarding the treatment and care of the elephant participants.


Here's the Debate: Is the use of animals in entertainment (in this case, the

" game " of Elephant Polo) causing harm to the animals it features?


Beginning with the negative side (the Cons List), here is some information

that I stumbled onto:


The following is some information from an internet link (

www.stopelephantpolo.com) that certainly makes one think about the physical

and emotional cost elephants (and other animals) have to pay to provide for

our entertainment.


Think of us


" We are large and heavy and our feet are sore

We are part of a game with a tiny ball

There are long sticks and shouting,

We don't know the score,

We don't understand but we must go forth.

There is cheering and clapping,

We don't make a sound,

We tire very easily thudding the ground,

Can you guess what we are?

Can you guess what we do?

We are elephants, elephants,

Playing polo for you. " Maria Daines (http://www.mariadaines.com)


This poem was composed by Maria Daines in defense of the elephants made to

perform in this so called 'sport'.


What is Elephant Polo ? (this has been going on in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka,

Nepal, and other places- with teams often coming from the U.S., U.K., Australia,

and around the world).


Per the first internet site: " 'Elephant polo' is yet another way of deriving

sadistic pleasure by humans in watching the captive jumbos in excruciating pain,

for nothing but entertainment of mankind. It is with a lot of pain, torture and

abuse that a wild captured elephant is made ready to play the game/ sport of

'elephant polo'. This site is created with a sole purpose to highlight the

wrongs of 'elephant polo' which was till recently a subject that we have

discussed superficially, but not in depth. While most of us are

aware of the wrongs in the circus industry to animals, what we perhaps do

not know is that elephants that are made to run for a game of polo are slaves

of their masters in this entertainment industry and simply do not enjoy the

game as its promoters claim. "



" The debate on whether 'elephant polo' is the right thing, picked up

momentum after it was flashed in one of the newspapers of India that the

state of Rajasthan was gearing up to organise a match of 'elephant polo ' on

18th November' 2006. The controversy whether 'elephant polo' with/ without

'ankush' (the sharp hook to steer an elephant) or cruelty involved, should

be allowed has snowballed into perhaps one of the 'BIGGEST' animal rights

debate. "


" The World's best known legendary elephant experts and individuals heading

reputed animal welfare organisations have come forward with their opinions

and research and have made them available to the website so that we can

understand what exactly goes wrong by organising 'elephant polo'. " (Refer to

the internet link www.stopelephantpolo.com for full article, and information

on the several animal protection groups involved, and for the expert

commentaries offered).


" Sadly though 'elephant polo' is played, promoted and supported by a

powerful lobby which has its own perception of judging an elephant's

welfare. What is more damaging is that the promoters have managed to

hoodwink a section of animal people with the promise of raising funds and

awareness for the captive elephant conservation in Asia. "


" Undoubtledly, funds are essential to run any project of conservation. But

is this ethical funding where an elephant is made to beg to raise funds for

its welfare? Have all the other sources of ethical funding for animal

welfare collapsed? Why should we allow the exploitation of our gentle giants

for money so what even if it is to fund the welfare of hundreds of elephants

in captivity? We do not treat fellow humans that way, while raising funds

for children or senior citizens? "


" This is wrong and this has to END ! To end this all we need is 'POSITIVE

NETWORKING', and this 'mantra' is showing its colours fast and steady. We

are not very far from the day when 'elephant polo' shall be eradicated from

the society, not only in India or Asian countries but across the globe. Our

mission is to be able to sensitize the masses and bring the lost glory to

the elephants and restore their rights. "



" This also goes to alert the vested interest multinational corporate houses

to think twice before grabbing the opportunity to sponsor such events which

instead may tarnish the age old goodwill of their companies. "


" Some of the opinions of these eminent experts who have dedicated much of

their lives into working with and for the captive and wild elephants and

understanding them has been compiled for the readers in the many pages of

this website. "



(Here is just one of the well-informed experts voicing their opinion. It makes

one think of all the elephants out there that are performing for us...

because we continue to show up for these events and pay money to support

them. It is time for us all to have increased awareness and to know what we

are supporting):


" Call for Rajasthan to give up Elephant Polo

Message from Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick, DBE MBE MBS DVMS Dated: 1st March'



" As someone who has always respected India's compassion for animals, it

seems inconceivable that the City of Jaipur still plays host to Elephant

Polo, and tries to fool the world that the Elephants enjoy it, despite hard

evidence just a short time ago that a Polo Playing Elephant in Sri Lanka

went beserk, injuring people and causing damage to a vehicle. Such anger can

hardly signify enjoyment. It signifies a revolt against cruelty and abuse,

and it is now time that all caring people also revolted against such cruelty

and abuse.


Elephants are not designed to play polo and nor should they.

All who support this cruel activity contribute to the suffering of the

Elephants, who have already suffered enormously from the brutal training

techniques they endure which no sane person can call humane. I speak with

authority about what elephants like and dislike, for I know them well,

having hand-reared some 80 of their orphaned young, and rehabilitated them

back where they rightly belong - amongst their own kind, and certainly not

being forced to play Polo to entertain a public ignorant of the cruelty

involved in getting an elephant to this point. I am recognized as a World

Authority on the subject of what elephants like and dislike, having reared

their orphaned young and worked with elephants for the past 50 years

studying behaviour in a wild situation as well as acquiring an in-depth

knowledge of the species through saving and rearing their orphaned young and

I can categorically tell the world that Elephants should not be forced to

play Polo. "


Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick, DBE MBE MBS DVMS, UNEP 1992 Global Laureate, 2000

BBC Lifetime Achievement Award


Some organizations involved in helping end Elephant Polo and protecting the

elephants involved in this inhumane " game " are listed below:


United against elephant polo

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust


Zoo Check, Canada


Jordi Casamitjana

Zoologist and Animal Protection campaigner


The Bornfree Foundation, UK


G.A. Bradshaw, Director, Kerulos Centre for Animal Psychology and Trauma



Gorilla Haven


Animals Asia Foundation


World Society for Protection of Animals ( WSPA )


International Animal Rescue ( IAR ), UK


Advocates for Animals, UK

Founder and Director, Wildlife Friends of Thailand


ACTAsia for Animals


People for Animals ( PFA )


Help in Suffering (HIS)


Elephant Family Foundation


Compassion Unlimited Plus Action ( CUPA )


Compassionate Crusaders Trust ( CCT )


Gujrat SPCA


Wildlife Protection Society of India ( WPSI )


PETA (world) and PETA- India


Blue Cross India




HOPE and Animal Trust


Dr. John Wedderburn, Moderator. Asian Animal Protection Network ( AAPN )


Edward Berry, Moderator, Elephant Commentator




People for Animals- Bangalore


Animals Nepal


Now for the Pros' List: This is from a website from one of the horses'

mouths (so to speak), to address some questions on how the elephants are

treated. On their website, the lack of unbiased information speaks for

itself. When we enjoy doing something, sometimes the impact of our activity

has to be seen in the most positive light, in order to keep it going (based

on basic Cognitive Dissonance Theory... otherwise, we would experience

anxiety about what we are doing, and thus change our ways... as I did with

my views on elephant riding- refer to my blog, I certainly am not perfect

regarding this, and am learning as I go along).


So on www.tickel-and-the-ivories.com they describe a huge list of " Elephant

Polo Rules " that are interesting to read, and to reflect on the statement

that the seasoned elephants understand the rules of the game. I have to

challenge this idea, as the seasoned elephants likely have received more

discipline to learn the game, thus know not to grab the ball with their

trunk or they would get punished, etc. There are some facts that are

incorrect, or lacking regarding the thickness of the elephants' skin. What

is important to know is that the mahouts generally use the Ankush (metal

tool) in the most sensitive areas of the elephant (behind or in front of the

ears, and on the head/ face, and other areas that are more painful like in

the arm pits, etc.). Another stretch is the use of the analogy of comparing

the use of elephants in elephant polo to dogs playing frisbee with their

owners. I don't see dog owners riding their animals and using sharp metal

sticks to correct their dog's behavior. But, this website at least

recognizes that there is poor treatment that does go on, I just wish they

would see the aspect of exploitation, and that there is harm and fear-based

tactics that go along with the training of the elephants to do what they are

expected to do during their relatively short time that the team is actually

playing Elephant Polo, and riding on the elephants on their team (remember

the Crushing Training technique... unfortunately, pain and fear-based

control tactics continue through the life of most domesticated elephants,

often even under the best circumstances).


So saying that, here are some words from their own website: you decide, or

at least I hope you may consider the training methods and treatment of

elephants, and think twice about what type of activities you are going to

support as far as being a tourist, a patron that donates, or participant:


From the second website: " If your objection to the sport is a little more

focused, and is along the lines that you think the mahouts carry sticks and

sometimes beat the elephants, then you'd be right. If you think that the

elephants 'hurt' when hit, then there is a good chance that you'd be wrong.

The mahouts generally carry a bamboo stick and metal prod with a pointy

spike which has a name that for now escapes us. Let's agree to call it 'The

Prod'. Now consider this:


The elephants are mostly steered by the mahout pressing his feet behind the

elephant's ears as well as verbal commands


The bamboo stick will occasionally be used to guide the elephant

The elephants are literally thick skinned (0.8 to 1.6 inches or 2 to 4 cm

according to www.chaffeezoo.org )


Good mahouts rarely, if ever, use the prod


The elephants are vociferous animals. They seldom 'complain' when hit which

leads us to believe that they don't generally hurt when hit with the bamboo



If the mahout drops either the stick or the prod, he will verbally instruct

the elephant to pick it up with its trunk. It always does


Experienced elephants have been know to kick the ball through the goals. The

experienced players believe they understand what they're doing


During tournaments the elephants exercise more than they normally would and

are hence fed more than normal


(Finally the following statements are made, I can only hope that we do not

limit the hope for the Asian Elephant to just this): " This is of course

anecdotal evidence, but the elephants associated with polo are in fine

condition and genuinely seem to enjoy the tournaments. This is not to say

that all mahouts in Asia treat their elephants well. There are many which

are treated extremely badly. Similarly, the dwindling wild herds often face

less-then-pleasant encounters with humanity. It is the firm belief of the

team that well-treated working elephants will do more to ensure the survival

of the species than simply protecting them in the wild, although this is

also a valid and compatible goal.


submit further questions to the team: questions "


So You Decide, What do you want the lives and future of the Asian Elephant

to be like? Really, we can impact the preservation of this species by first

getting informed, through our advocacy, and by what we choose to support.



Also please visit my website @ http://www.animaldreamers.org

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