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(IN) PETA send legal notice to Rajasthan govt questioning use of elephants in festival on 10th March 09

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Dear all,


Please find message forwarded from PETA-India below.


This is just awesome that they served a legal notice to the Government of

Rajasthan on the proposed elephant polo.


Let us all join PETA-India in congratulating them for spearheading this



Also widely circulate this news within your circle of animal lovers/ press

and media.


Please write to: anuradhas





Azam Siddiqui





Details of the notice are given below. Please support this fight against

cruelty to elephants.












*339, Lawyers Chamber*


*Delhi** High Court, New Delhi –110003*


*Phone. 23381975*


* *










(1) Secertary/

of Tourism,


Department of Tourism,


Govt. of Rajasthan,


Hotel Swagatham Campus,


Near Railway Station,






(2) Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,


Govt. of Rajasthan,


Van Bhawan,


Near High Court of Rajasthan,


Vaniki Path,






(3) Chief Wildlife Warden


Govt. of Rajasthan,


Van Bhawan,


Near High Court of Rajasthan


Vaniki Path,






* *






Sub: Elephant Festival Jaipur, organized by Rajasthan Tourism at

Jaipur, to be held on 10th March, 2009








I have been instructed by my client People for Ethical Treatment of Animals

(PETA) to address you as under:-




1. The Department of Tourism, Government of

Rajasthan has scheduled to hold on 10th March, 2009 an Elephant Festival in

Jaipur, Rajasthan.




2. That an promotional release has been posted

on the website of Rajasthan Tourism announcing that the elephant festival

would be organised on 10th March, 2009 at Jaipur wherein events like

elephant races, elephant – Polo matches and tug of war between elephants and

men are to be held. A photocopy of the said promotional release downloaded

from the web is attached herewith.




3. Elephant is an critically endangered speice

and is listed at Entry No. 12-B of Part-I of Schedule-I of the Wildlife

(Protection) Act, 1972, possession of which is prohibited. Only a person who

has been granted an ownership certificate under Section 42 of the said Act

by the Chief Wildlife Warden can possess an elephant. Further, Form-II

prescribed under sub-rule 5 of rule 5 of the Wildlife (Transaction &

Taxidermy) Rules, 1973 authorizes the Chief Wildlife Warden, while issuing

an ownership certificate for a wild animal, to specify the purpose for

which it can be used.




4. That a S.B. Writ Petition (PIL) No. 8987 of

2006 is pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Rajasthan at Jaipur,

wherein the issue of welfare and ownership of elephants in Jaipur,

particularly those stationed at Amber Fort is being looked into.




5. That PETA vide application dated 28th February,

2008 had applied to the Public Information Officer, PCCF (Wildlife),

Rajasthan under the RTI Act seeking the following information:-




“(i) Total number of elephant located in Jaipur – Amber City.




(ii) Number of elephants in Jaipur – Amber City

which are without ownership certificates issued under Wildlife Protection

Act, 1972.




(iii) Break-up of number of ownership certificates in

respect of elephants in Jaipur – Amber City which have been issued by the

Chief Wildlife Warden, Rajasthan and the Chief Wildlife Wardens of other

States respectively.




(iv) Name and address of the person in whose actual

possession the custody of each of the said elephant is currently with. If

the person who holds the custody is other than the owner, than in what

capacity and under whose authority the said person has been permitted to

keep in his possession the said elephant.




(v) Please supply a legible copy of the ownership

certificate of each of the elephants which are located in Jaipur – Amber





6. That the Hon’ble High Court by its order

dated 11thJuly, 2008 directed the PCCF (Wildlife) Rajasthan to supply the

specific information sought for in querry No. IV of the RTI Application i.e.

“If the peson who holds the custody is other than the owner, than in what

capacity and under whose authority the said person has been permitted to

keep in his possession the said elephant.”




7. That as per the information supplied under

the RTI Act there are 117 elephants including two baby elephants in Jaipur

out of which the Ownership Certificates of 41 elephants have been issued by

the Chief Wildlife Warden, Jaipur and for the balance 62, Ownership

Certificates have been issued by the respective authorities of the States

other than Rajasthan. The break of such certificates are as under:-


* *


*State Certificates*


Assam 39


Nagaland 02


Bihar 10


Maharashtra 02


Andaman & Nicobar 04


Arunachal Pradesh 03


Delhi 01


Lucknow 01




Total 62




8. That the Wildlife Department has filed an

additional affidavit dated 8th August, 2008 before the Hon’ble High Court,

wherein it has in Para No. 5 deposed that “The present deponent is not in

a position to furnish definite information, in what capacity and under

whose authority, these persons [in Jaipur] are keeping the alleged





9. That the Wildlife Department to the said

additional affidavit dated 08.08.2008 has also annexed as Annexure AA/R/2 a

list of 62 elephants whose ownership certificates are out of the State of

Rajasthan and whose possession is with the local residents of the State of





10. That as per Para No. 5 of the said affidavit

dated 08.08.2008 the Dy. Chief Wildlife Wardan, Jaipur has issued notices

dated 24.07.2008 to each of the said 62 pesons seeking specific information

as to how the person has acquired the possession of the said elephant.




11. That the Elephant Owners Development Society

which is a respondent in the said writ petition before Hon’ble High Court

and of which, the said 62 persons are allegedly its members in response to

the said notice sent a consolidated reply dated 28.07.2008, on behalf of the

said 62 persons, which reply is evasive and does not disclose any

information. Section 57 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act clearly mandates

that the burden of proving lawful possession of an scheduled animal is on

the person having possession of such an animal.




12. That the said 62 persons prima facie have in

voilation of the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act acquired the

respective elephants which are admittedly in their possession and thereby,

have committed an offense punishable under Section 51 of the Wildlife

(Protection) Act.




13. Further, the alleged ownership certificates

issued in favour of the original owner does not permit the elephant to be

used for the purpose of events like elephant races, elephant-polo matches

and tug of war. The purpose mentioned presumably in the ownership

certificates is for logging. In cases where the purpose has not been

specifically mentioned, the owner before using the elephant for any purpose

has to approach the concerned Chief Wildlife Warden, which has issued the

ownership certificate to permit and endorse the proposed purpose for which

an elephant has been acquired.




14. That the Central Government has framed the

Performing Animals (Regulation) Rules, 2001 under Section 38 of the

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Rule 2 (h) defines “performing

animal” to mean an animal which is used at or for the purpose of any

entertainment including a film or an equine event to which the public are

admitted.” Rule 3 prohibits any person to exhibit or train any animal as a

performing animal unless it is registered under the said rules, in other

words registered with the Prescribed Authority, which is the Animal Welfare

Board of India.




15. That an elephant used for the purpose of racing

or polo or tug of war clearly falls within the ambit of the definition of

Performing Animal, and using an elephant for the said purpose is prohibited

and an offence under Section 38(3) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Act. None of the aforementioned 117 elephants which are to be used for

performance during the said elephant festival at Jaipur are registered under

the Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2001.




It would indeed be unfortunate, if the State which is under an obligation to

implement and enforce the laws, itself commits or promotes acts or events

which are in complete voilation of the provisions of law.




It is therefore, requested on behalf of my client that the elephants, which

do not have a valid ownership certificate under the Wildlife (Protection)

Act, 1962 or those elephants whose valid ownership certificates do not

specifically permit the elephant to be used for racing or polo or tug of

war; or those elephants which have not been registered under the Performing

Animals (Registration) Rules, are not permitted to perform or be used for

racing or polo or tug of war or for any other event or performance, during

the scheduled Jaipur Elephant Festival. My client firmly believes that the

officers of the State would uphold and implement the law, failing which,

appropriate legal consequences would necessarily follow.




* *


* *






CC: Secretary,


Animal Welfare Board of India


13/1, Third Seaward Raod,


Valmiki Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur,


Chennai-600 041




It is requested that appropriate directions/ orders may please be issued to

the concerned authorities to prevent any breach of the Performing Animals

(Registration) Rules, 2001.


On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 3:54 PM, azam24x7 <azam24x7 wrote:


> Should Elephants be engaged to play Polo?


> Certainly Not !


> World's most renowned authority on elephants Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick, DBE

> MBE MBS DVMS, who has spent a lifetime playing surrogate mother to hundreds

> of orphaned elephants and has successfully hand reared them from unfortunate

> orphans to handsome adults back to the wild has once again called upon the

> organisers of 'Elephant Polo' to end the CIRCUS.


> When the mother says it is WRONG, it has to be WRONG !


> May I call upon all those who have stood 'United against Elephant Polo' to

> once again join Dr. Daphne and write letters of protest to the organisers

> and the Animal Welfare Board of India so that the proposed 'Elephant Polo'

> events scheduled for March' 10th in Rajasthan state can be stopped.


> And also to the organisers of the King's Cup Elephant Polo Tournament,

> scheduled to take place from March 23 to March 29 in the northernmost region

> of Thailand.


> I have attached Dr. Daphne's letter to the authorities for your reference.


> Also please mark a cc to me so that the website:

> http://www.stopelephantpolo.com can be updated.


> Thanking you.


> regards,


> Azam Siddiqui



> P.S. See the links for more info:


> On Rajasthan (Indian) Elephant Polo:










> On Thailand Elephant Polo:

> http://www.ftnnews.com/content/view/4750/26/lang,english/



> Contacts you can write to:


> Indian Authorities:


> 1. Mr. Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister, Rajasthan

> (Please follow the web link below):

> http://www.rajasthan.gov.in/rajgovt/misc/reachthegovt.html


> 2. The Animal Welfare Board of India

> (Please follow the web link below):

> http://www.awbi.org/contact.htm

> or email them at:

> " awbi " <awbi, AWBI " <secretary.awbi,

> " Consultant Editor, AWBI " <editor.awbi,

> Tel: +91 44 224454958, 224454330

> Fax: +91 44 224454958

> http://www.awbi.org


> Thailand authorities:


> The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

> Address : 1600 New Phetburi Road, Makkasan, Rajatevee, Bangkok 10310

> Tel : +66 2250 5500 (120 automatic lines

> Fax : +66 2250 5511 ( 2 automatic lines)

> Email Address : center

> http://www.tourismthailand.org


> ___________________________



> Attached Letter of protest from Dr. Daphne Sheldrick dated: February 26,

> 2009 :


> I have worked with elephants for over 50 years of my life, and am regarded

> world-wide as an authority on these animals, having reared from early

> infancy over 95 of their orphaned young, watched these orphans heal, grow

> into adulthood, and eventually return to where they rightly belong, in a

> Protected Area large enough to offer them the space an elephant needs for

> quality of life in wild terms. Thereafter, the human " family " that

> replaced the orphans' lost elephant one, and who reared them only with

> compassion, care and kindness and therefore remain trusted and loved, have

> been rewarded when their erstwhile charges choose to bring back their

> wild-born young to show their human Carers. Details of my work can be

> viewed on www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org


> As someone who has always respected India's compassion for animals, it

> seems inconceivable that the authorities still condone Elephant Polo, and

> allow the organizers of such events to fool the world that Indian captive

> Elephants actually enjoy being forced to take part in such activities,

> despite hard evidence to the contrary. As I am sure you know, not long ago

> a Polo Playing Elephant in Sri Lanka went berserk, injuring people and

> causing damage to a vehicle. Such anger can hardly signify enjoyment. It

> signifies a revolt against cruelty and abuse, and it is now time that all

> caring people also revolted against such cruelty and abuse, especially in

> this, the 21st Century, when so much more is known about the sophistication

> and very human traits of Elephants.


> Elephants are not designed to play polo and nor should they. All who

> support this cruel activity contribute to un-necessary suffering of animals

> that have already suffered enormously from the brutal training techniques

> they endure which no sane person can call humane. I speak with authority

> about what elephants like and dislike, for I know them probably better than

> most, having observed them daily for over 50 years through newborn into

> adulthood as well as studying their wild kin in the wild situation. My

> late husband being the founder of Warden of Kenya's Tsavo National Park

> which harbours Kenya's largest single wild elephant population and we lived

> there for 30 years)


> As the authority in Rajasthan, I do hope that you will urge the organizers

> of Elephant Polo to abandon their plans to host yet another barbaric event

> in March this year, which will certainly impact negatively on the record of

> India as a caring and Animal Loving Nation.



> Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick, DBE MBE MBS DVMS


> UNEP 1992 Global Laureate


> 2000 BBC Lifetime Achievement Award


> --

> http://www.stopelephantpolo.com

> http://www.freewebs.com/azamsiddiqui











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