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FW: [People4ChineseAnimals] Digest Number 171

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[People4ChineseAnimals ]

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 8:04 AM


[People4ChineseAnimals] Digest Number 171


There are 3 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Update from Chengdu/China--How can we work to help the victims?

Planeta Animal


2. A piece of good news re. animals affected by the earthquake

Planeta Animal


3. LATEST on situation in Sichuan's earthquake region and the cull of d

Planeta Animal





1. Update from Chengdu/China--How can we work to help the victims?

Posted by: " Planeta Animal " planetanimal fluffydasha

Tue May 27, 2008 5:57 am ((PDT))


For your information. I will be posting a " take action " link soon.



Planeta Animal<planetanimal ;

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:02 AM

RE: Hi Luguan! How can we work to help them? Update from

Chengdu-regarding dog rescue plan



Hi, Rosa,


See the brief post below for your members.






CSAPA calls for stopping the capture and kill of dogs in the earthquake



Qingchuan County¡¯s kill order for dogs has caused great public attention

and concerns, and has upset numerous animals lovers. Many of the dogs being

targeted for killing are owned by people, they just lost their owners and

home from the earthquake and have suffered a great deal already. The dogs

have done many memorable good deeds to save people¡¯s lives. The kill order

from the local government is too cruel to be accepted to us, and has met

great protest and opposition from people in Sichuan and nationwide, from dog

lovers in China.


CSAPA has established connection with earthquake-rescue headquarter in

Guangyuan. Ms. Jiang from that office has expressed great sympathy to our

plea. She said she understands the feeling of many small animal lovers and

she has passed our concerns and requests to the chief administrators of the

earthquake-rescue headquarter. The earthquake-rescue headquarter, after

research, has agreed to allow csapa to enter the quake areas to conduct

animal rescuing. CSAPA has also contacted Ms. Yuanlian Chen, an active

animal activist in Sichuan. We have faxed her relevant documents necessary

for the authorization to do the above things like copy of our licensure. She

will represent us to save the dogs in the quake areas. CSAPA will try its

best to back her up. This will be a direct green lifeline for the dogs in

the quake areas. Hope more dogs will be salvaged.


Currently, many things are being pushed through. Chairperson of CSAPA are

writing to authorities for their attention to this issue. This has caused

the attention of one officer in the state department.


The support work for such a cause will need great human and finical

resources. We call for help and donation for the people who love dogs.




China Small Animal Protection Society




The local rescue group CSAPA is sponsors:






µç»°£º (86)-138-800-93845£¬ÍøÖ·£º aizhijia.blog.tyfo.com







Information in Chinese on earhquake news on animals (forwarded from Hanyue's




































































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(2008-05-23 14:24:56)













Hi Luguan! How can we work to help them? Update from

Chengdu-regarding dog rescue plan

Fri, 23 May 2008 15:48:29 -0400



Just got back from Washington DC, I've been basically away since the day

we met at the Airport in Miami.

Let me get my act together here, and then let's see if there is anything I

can do on my end here to help the animals victims of the earthquake. I am

thinking about putting a newsletter together to solicit donations. Do you

think it is a good idea?


If so, who would collect the moneys? I could do it, but who is in Charge

of taking care of the earthquake victims?


If you could come up with a comprehensive and informative text, I could

quickly produce a newsletter. We can work on this together.




Messages in this topic (1)



2. A piece of good news re. animals affected by the earthquake

Posted by: " Planeta Animal " planetanimal fluffydasha

Tue May 27, 2008 6:01 am ((PDT))





Planeta Animal<planetanimal

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:47 AM

Re: animals affected by the earthquake



Good news to with you: as of today, about 200 dogs and 20 cats were rescued

from the earthquake area by the volunteers.


Planeta Animal<planetanimal

Saturday, May 24, 2008 7:31 PM

Re: animals affected by the earthquake





Would you help calling up your contacts urgently and ask them to join the

following action?

We need to keep the group under 50 to avoid police getting in our way.

So, I need to know exactly the number of people coming; that's why

" by invitation only " . Would you mind giving me a namelist & emails, if



Many thanks! & hope to see you there.





We are calling friends and volunteers for an urgent mourning action

together this coming Sunday 25-May 2:00pm, Bauhinia Square, Wanchai. << By

Invitation Only >>.


Action Title (tentative) : Mourning Ceremony for All Humans and Animals

who Died Tragically in the Sichuan Earthquake


Main Aim: To raise awareness of what's happening to the

dogs/cats/animals in Sichuan.


Format: It is NOT A PROTEST. It is a " mourning ceremony " where we as a

group will solemnly express our condolence, AND to gently and caringly bring

out the issues (mentioned below). It is a chance we start off a subtle

education process for the public (including those from mainland China;

that's why Bauhinia Square)


Rationale for the Action: The papers already covered the brutal

round-up of " stray " dogs/cats in the earthquake sites. It is heart-breaking

to see such massacre as the aftermath of the disaster. It could be debatable

whether the killing is necessary, especially vs the backdrop of rabies fear.

But we animal rights people will surely share a very basic stance - stop all

suffering - animals and human alike, instead of bringing more suffering.


Although SPCA(HK), AAF, and some other local rescue organizations in the

Mainland may be doing frontline rescue and possibly lobbying work for the

victim animals, the overwhelming attitude from the Hongkong public seems to

be one of " can't help " or " the killing is inevitable " , or " human comes

first, at the expense of animals " . People don't realize deeper issues

because they think that animals are dispensible, especially in times of



On a deeper level, even if we assume the killing is inevitable now, it

is a result of problems that got piled up over all these years when China

has not been dealing properly with rabies problem. Again, they think that

the animals are dispensible -- killing is not a problem. (Not to mention

brutal killing - in dog meat/cat meat/fur,etc.. ! but it's a long story)

Unless we start the education ( & possibly the debate) now, there's little

hope that China is going to change its values. When the next disaster

strikes, things will simply repeat.


Tentative Agenda:

12:00pm - 2:00pm (on-site preparing work; banner painting, etc.

You're welcome to come and help)

Ceremony starts 2:00pm

2:00pm - Stand in group

2:15pm - Begin speech (by a leader, possibly David)

2:20pm - Reading of selected poems & stories by volunteers

2:28pm - Silence tribute (2:28pm = exact time of the earthquake)

2:31pm+ - Ceremony ends; follow-up by the press


Dress code: Black. (Please bring a white flower with you)




Planeta Animal<planetanimal

Saturday, May 24, 2008 7:00 PM

animals affected by the earthquake



Dear Rosa,



Please take a look at Jill Robinson's blog.

She's doing a great great job for the bears,

dogs and cats affected by the earthquake.




China county orders dog cull after quake


Reuters - Monday, May 19 12:55 pm


BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese county has launched a drive to cull

ownerless and hungry dogs threatening public health after the deadliest

earthquake to hit the country in more than three decades, state media said

on Monday.


The 7.9 magnitude tremor that rocked the southwestern province of

Sichuan on May 12 had killed more than 34,000 people as of Monday. The

government says it expects the toll to eventually rise to more than 50,000.


In Qingchuan county, where more than 2,670 people have died, authorities

have ordered the " collective " culling of dogs to protect residents and guard

against epidemics, the official Xinhua news agency said.


" Most of the dogs in the county have not been fed by anyone and have

been wandering around since the earthquake, " Xinhua quoted local officials

as saying.


" They are prone to scramble for food with humans ... and to bite people

and spread diseases. "


The dogs will be disinfected and buried deep in the soil, Xinhua said.


Health officials said no major outbreaks of infectious diseases had been

reported in the quake area, but they've been on high alert against any

epidemics with such huge human casualties and nearly 5 million displaced



(Reporting by Guo Shipeng; Editing by Jeremy Laurence and Alex





Messages in this topic (1)



3. LATEST on situation in Sichuan's earthquake region and the cull of d

Posted by: " Planeta Animal " planetanimal fluffydasha

Tue May 27, 2008 6:16 am ((PDT))





Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:05 AM

FW: LATEST on situation in Sichuan's earthquake region and the cull

of dogs/cats from ANIMALS ASIA



In case you did not see that it, the following is the post from Animal Asia.

They are working with Chengdu ÆôÃ÷С¶¯ÎïÖÐÐÄas the recipient shelter I also

know we CSAPA are working with the local group the two local groups held by

³ÂÔËÁ« in Wolong.








LATEST on situation in Sichuan's earthquake region and the cull

of dogs/cats from ANIMALS ASIA

Fri, 23 May 2008 11:24:40 +0200









Help for Sichuan'sdogs <>




Thursday, May 22,2008, 06:56 AM




Over the past few days, there have been several conflictingnews reports

about a possible cull of dogs in Qingchuan, one of the countiesworst-hit by

the earthquake. We¡¯ve also heard that the Army may besending snipers in to

two districts to shoot surviving dogs. We¡¯re tryingto get as much

information as we can to see if there is anything we can do.


It seems that in Dujiangyiang, an area badly affected by the quake,

theauthorities have responded favourably to our offer of helping to provide

rabiesvaccinations for people and dogs in the community as there have been a

numberof dog-bite cases.


This is considered a constructive, sensitive way of ultimately helping

moredogs (and cats) by offering tangible help for the population of

survivors bysourcing and bringing in the vaccines as a matter of urgency. It

will alsoprovide an opportunity of assessing the situation on the ground and

open doorsfor more dialogue on how we can help the community and the dogs

and catsaffected in the quake.


Animals Asia¡¯s Christie and Rainbow aregoing to Dujiangyiang tomorrow

(Friday) to meet with the authorities there towork out the details.


The human rabies vaccinations cost RMB68 for a full course of five andwe¡¯

re intending to offer 500 for now for the people and the same for thedogs

and assessing as it goes on. The human vaccinations will be bothpre-exposure

and post-exposure.


In addition we are putting together a rabies fact sheet in Chinese

todistribute to the public at the same time we administer the

vaccinations.We¡¯re also adding information about how dogs are so useful in

anearthquake, sniffing out survivors and of course offering comfort.


On a more immediate level, we are helping a local animal rescue centre

that isfacing a food shortage. Qiao Wei and Qiao Na, who run the Qi Ming Pet

RescueCentre in Chengduhave been overwhelmed with the number of dogs brought

in and desperately needmore food.


We are liaising with a pet food company that has agreed to donate five

15kgbags of dog food and we will buy more as needed. The Humane

SocietyInternational and Gil Michaels, who is founder/president of the

Compassion forAnimals Foundation in the UShave very kindly offered us

funding for this.


The pet food company has also offered to team up with us to help starving

dogsand cats in the disaster area so we are urgently looking into how best

we cando this.


We¡¯re also hoping to arrange a meeting for tomorrow (Friday) with

variouspeople, including the Hong Kong SPCA who flew in on Tuesday to liaise

with thelocal dog and cat groups.


As to the dog cull in Qingchuan, Animals Asia and a number of local

animalwelfare groups are jointly sending a letter to the county authorities

pleadingwith them to spare those dogs that still have families in

recognition of howthese animals can provide much help and comfort at a time

like this.


Evidence across the world shows that dogs can perform beneficial roles

duringdisaster situations such as earthquakes. They lead rescue workers to

survivors(pet dogs will often be seen barking and whining at areas where

their familieshave been trapped), they will catch rats responsible for

spreading disease andprovide emotional support for those saddened or



We are also offering to supply the authorities in Qingchuan with

vaccinationsfor rabies and other diseases in a further effort to show them

that the familydogs would be protected and not a risk to the public. We hope

that they may seethese gestures as a better option than culling.

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