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(CN) FW: ACTAsia Seasonal Greeting

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Pei F. Su [pei]

25 December, 2008 7:42 AM


ACTAsia Seasonal Greeting




Dear Friend,


As the end of the year approaches, I would like to look back on 2008 and update

you on our activities.


From this year, we have a fulltime project officer in Beijing working

alongside our project manager in Shenzhen. Although working for animals in

China with our limited resources is a big challenge, we are proud to have made

some significant contributions to animal protection.


Please regard these as the result of a common effort, because it was only thanks

to your support that we were able to achieve all we have so far!


I really hope we can continue to count on your support, so we can make this

world a better place for animals together.


Have a happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year, on behalf of the team of

ACTAsia for Animals,


Pei-feng Su


Executive Director, ACTAsia for Animals



Humane equipment for helping stray cats


Thousands of stray cats roam the streets of China and the majority are

abandoned pets. They are often sick, involved in traffic accidents and

occasionally culled by the government. Luckily, there is a growing number of

cat rescue groups who catch, neuter and release the cats. However, the

equipment they used was ineffective and often caused distress to the

animals. They were eager to obtain humane catching equipment. We are pleased

to inform you that traps and squeeze/transfer cages can now be produced

locally, at low costs. We have distributed 100 cages to fifteen groups all

over China. By providing these cages, more cats can be helped, in a more

humane way.


Shelter improvement - Changsha


Our partner group Changsha Small Animal Protection Society (CSAPS) was

suddenly forced this summer to move their shelter, with over hundred

animals, to a rundown place. ACTAsia immediately helped to ensure that they

had basic necessities like water, electricity, a septic tank and fencing. We

also sent in a highly experienced shelter consultant from the UK to help

design the lay out of the shelter. He has also advised them on procedures

for good shelter management. This helps to make the shelter as animal

friendly as possible, despite their extremely limited funds.



Training animal protection pioneers


For the third year in a row, we held our annual workshop in June 2008.

Twenty two key members of animal groups in China gathered in Shenzhen to attend

the interactive workshop. The main emphasis this time was on project management

and companion animal issues. Gaining knowledge and sharing experiences, left the

attendees energised:


" I participated ACTAsia workshops in 2007 and 2008, and it has had a great

impact on my organising ability. It increased my animal protection knowledge

and facilitated cooperation and sharing with other animal protection

groups. " Xiao Bin, XAPS.



Promoting neutering of companion animals


Neutering owned animals is key to the prevention of many unwanted animals

ending up in the streets. To make neutering more acceptable amongst pet

owners and the public, ACTAsia has developed leaflets on this issue. These

leaflets are now being used by various Chinese animal welfare groups at

their public awareness events.


In addition, we are working closely with CSAPS and Shenzhen Cats to enhance

their neutering programme. Part of this programme is to establish a

collaboration with vets in their areas.


Promoting animal sentience and protection


Chinese people are not born to be cruel to animals. Many of them are not

taught or do not realise that animals have feelings too. To educate people

that animals are sentient beings that feel pain and fear, we have put great

effort in that field:


- We have developed a leaflet on animal sentience and made it

available to animal welfare groups.


- With Xiamen Animal Protection Society (XAPS) we have created a

humane education programme for university/college students from Xiamen

University and Xiamen Art School.


- Being the first of its kind, ACTAsia co-organised the Beijing

Universities Animal Protection Event. Our China programme officer has given

presentations and hosted group discussions at fifteen universities on animal

sentience and protection.



Animal welfare legislation


Another groundbreaking event in China, which ACTAsia is proud to be part of,

is the International Animal Protection Legislation Symposium in China. On

invitation, we presented a paper on the importance of:


- animal welfare legislation in the current Chinese society.


- animal protection groups in promoting animal welfare to the public.



Campaign against Korean dog eating


When the Seoul Municipality intended to legalise the cruel practice of dog

eating, the animal welfare groups at the scene approached us for help to

back up their campaign to stop this. ACTAsia stepped into place and called

for action from the international animal welfare community. Elizabeth Jay,

the international coordinator of KAAP wrote to us: " we would like to thank

ACTAsia for your sincere support at every step of the way during this

campaign. Due to international protests, the Seoul Municipality had to

respond to the letter of the local groups in writing and state they do not

have the intention to legalise dog eating. "



Organisational development


We have mentored local animal welfare groups like Shenzhen Cats and CSAPS to

make their organisation more effective, by designing a strategy policy, work

plan and realistic aims. But we have also developed our own organisation, by

recruiting two project staff in China. One programme officer in Beijing and

a programme manager in Shenzhen strengthened our team, and will facilitate

an even closer working relationship with and among local Chinese groups. The

five of us are looking forward to build the animal welfare movement further in

the future!



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