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re Indonesia: Death sentence for Bali dogs - please help

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Dear Pradeep,


Neither AAPN nor AfA are geared up to doing anything other than what they

were designed to do (AAPN for spreading information, AfA for holding

conferences). It is always understood that if something needs doing, either

an existing organisation will take on the task or a new organisation will be

formed to do it.


In this case, there are already some organisations devoted to the plight of

the Bali dogs.

I think what we should do is to ask these organisations what more help they

could use from the wider Asian community. For example, do they need money or

leaflets or letter-writing or volunteers with various skills to come to



Personally I would be very happy to make a trip to Bali but I would want to

know that I could be genuinely useful. I am sure the same applies to many of

our readers.


Perhaps Shirley could fill us in?


Best wishes.

John, AAPN.



> aapn [aapn ] On Behalf Of

> Pradeep Nath

> 15 March, 2009 2:59 PM

> aapn ; Kim Bartlett

> Re: Indonesia: Death sentence for Bali dogs - please

> help


> Dear AFA friends,


> I meant AFA members and addressed to AFA. AAPN to me has been a

> complete representative of AFA and that is why I addressed as AAPN. I

> deeply regret for this misunderstan ding but hope this is clear and

> any comments and advice on solving the Bali will be most encouraging

> for all the dogs of Asia also.


> Thank you,

> Kind regards,

> Pradeep.


> --- On Sun, 3/15/09, Pradeep Nath <vspcadeep wrote:



> Pradeep Nath <vspcadeep

> Re: Indonesia: Death sentence for Bali dogs - please

> help

> aapn , " Kim Bartlett " <anpeople

> Sunday, March 15, 2009, 10:27 AM

Dear AAPN Members,


> Apart from sending petitions from across the world to the Indonesian

> authorities , why cannot the AAPN consider an online resolution , form

> a high level experienced spay/n euter team and rush to Bali or the

> Indonesian authorities and convince them with all the handin materials

> , expertise etc., It has to b e one time within months programme to

> convince them.


> By doing or trying such practical field practice AAPN would achieve

> the objective that have been seeking for and the money spent in this

> regard is well recognised.


> If this is allowed to continue with them the reflection will be severe

> in other Asian countries likle China, Korea, Singapore and others

> where the authorities will n ever be convinced with the ABC programme

> and is a setback to our activities.


> If the AAPN team can achieve to convince and do the programme there ,

> B ali can be taken as a project and the reflection positive

> achievement can be used for other countries. Please remember the

> Srilanka Tsunami team progress.


> I was talking about India to do this kind of thing as India is ahuge

> rabies problem b ut we can do this in Bali now and showcase as it is

> smaller place than ours to prove the results quickly.


> The situation in Bali is very discouraging to read and visualise an d

> is a great shame that it has to happen and continue to happen in a

> place where the AAPN had its latest meeting an d moreso nullifying

> report an d glorification with the ONE DAY SPAY PROGRAMME.


> I pray for the two dogs that were sterilised in the conference room an

> d released immediately in the hotel area.


> Kind regards,

> Pradeep.



> --- On Fri, 3/13/09, Kim Bartlett <anpeople (AT) whidbey (DOT) com> wrote:


> Kim Bartlett <anpeople (AT) whidbey (DOT) com>

> Indonesia: Death sentence for Bali dogs - please help

> aapn

> Friday, March 13, 2009, 11:57 PM


> " AnimalProtectionAs sociation " <apa_Australia@ bigpond.com>

> Death sentence for Bali dogs - please help

> Fri, 13 Mar 2009 20:27:20 +1100


> Death sentence for Bali dogs


> Healthy dogs killed as a precaution against rabies and left to rot in

> the street.

> What tourists can expect to see on Bali streets


> In a kneejerk reaction to a report of rabies killing 8 people, the

> Balinese Government has begun an elimination program of all community

> dogs and cats across the Island of Bali using strychnine poison.

> Healthy animals and pets are also included because the program is not

> selective.


> Strychnine poison causes an agonising and painful death, sometimes

> taking hours.


> The Animal Protection Association of Australia (APAA) has documented

> evidence of dogs dying in agony on Bali streets with gruesome piles of

> dead dogs left on the streets in full public view.


> See APAA's video evidence (warning - graphic and

> heartbreaking) <http://www.youtube. com:80/watch? v=h-

> R3k7Owwh8>http://www.youtube. com:80/watch? v=h-R3k7Owwh8

> See more information and photos on our website <http://www.animalpr

> otectionaustrali a.org/>www.animalpr otecti onaustralia. . org


> The Balinese Government have banned the vaccination of dogs and cats

> in most areas yet the World Health Organisation advises the most

> economical and effective method is to pre-vaccinate populations of

> cats and dogs against rabies.


> The elimination program also poses a real danger to Balinese and

> tourists alike because dart guns are being used in crowded public

> areas.

> Other methods used to kill dogs in Bali include bludgeoning and

> shooting. Australians recently witnessed the shooting of dogs in full

> public view on Seminyak beach (<file://C:\ProgramFiles\ CommonFiles\

> MicrosoftShared\ Stationery\ />http://www.news. com.au:80/

> travel/story/ 0,28318,25125271 -5014090, 00.html.0


> The Balinese Government has also launched a rabies scare campaign

> causing some people to hand in their pets for slaughter and yet others

> are killing their own pets.


> APAA is calling on the Bali government to stop the cruel elimination

> program and allow animal welfare groups to begin a rabies vaccination

> program.


> We desperately need your help to put pressure on the Bali Government.

> Please send an email to:


> Bali's Governor,

> <file://C:\ProgramFiles\ CommonFiles\ MicrosoftShared\ Stationery\ />I

> Made Mangku Pastika Ministry of Agriculture, <file://C:\ProgramFiles\

> CommonFiles\ MicrosoftShared\ Stationery\ />Dr.

> Ir. Anton Apriyantono, MS

> Director General of Animal Husbandry,

> <file://C:\ProgramFiles\ CommonFiles\ MicrosoftShared\ Stationery\ />Dr.

> Ir. Tjeppy Daradjatun

> President of Indonesia,

> <file://C:\ProgramFiles\ CommonFiles\ MicrosoftShared\ Stationery\ />Dr.

> H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

> Indonesian Consul General (NSW),

> <file://C:\ProgramFiles\ CommonFiles\ MicrosoftShared\ Stationery\

> />Sudaryomo Hartosudarmo


> .....and make make the following points


> Stop the cruel slaughter of dogs in Bali immidiately.

> Lift the ban on rabies vaccines and let the animal welfare groups in

> Bali start vaccinating all the dogs straight away.

> Start vaccinating all dogs accross Bali.

> You will not consider holidaying in Bali until the killing program is

> stopped.


> Bali represents peace, beauty, charm and tranquility for tourists.

> Shocking cruelty to animals does not belong in Bali any more than

> terrorism belongs in Bali


> Animal Protection Association of Australia (Inc) PO Box 167 Corindi

> Beach NSW 2456 Phone 0409 824 803


> Email: <apa_ australia@ bigpond.com> apa_australia@ bigpond.com


> 66 49 Website

> <http://www.animalpr otectionaustrali a.org/>www.animalpr otecti

> onaustralia. . org

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