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(CN): A Dog's Life in China

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A Dog's Life in China

Posted Friday, August 1, 2008, at 7:31 PM

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China is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games in August. In an effort not to

offend civilized human beings arriving in China for the event, 112

designated Olympic restaurants have been ordered to remove dog meat from

restaurant menus until after the civilized human beings have returned to

their civilized countries.


The Beijing Catering Trade Association will blacklist those restaurants that

fail to cooperate, however they'll make an exception for dog meat " for

medicinal purposes. "


Dog has been eaten in China for at least 7,000 years. It is sometimes

referred to as " fragrant meat " or " mutton of the earth. "


An estimated 300,000 dogs are killed in China annually and processed for

meat. Some of it is exported to Korea.


Factory farms import large, docile breeds, particularly St. Bernards, which

are then cross-bred with local dogs, and raise them under horrendous

conditions, grouped extremely tightly in stacked cages.


Rather than simply killing the dog for processing, they slowly torture it

to death over a long period of time, claiming the adrenalin rush gives the

meat more flavor.


A dog is a domestic animal whose main purpose in life is to love and please

their human companions.


Anyone who would do such a thing to such a wonderful, loving creature

should be slowly tortured to death using a baseball bat, a blow torch and a

rusty screwdriver. After all, it gives the meat more flavor.


Rather than put an end to such barbaric behavior, the Chinese government

merely halts the practice of serving dog meat for a couple of months, then

it's back to business as usual. In a country ruled by mindless bureaucrats,

the perception of goodness is more important than actually doing the right



It's bad enough that human beings use animals as circus performers or rodeo

attractions or game to be hunted or as clothing items or objects of

experimentation or stuffed decorative items or whatever. But when a human

being is deliberately cruel to an animal, it becomes an earth-shattering

event to everyone who understands that animals are defenseless creatures

requiring the appreciation and protection of humanity.


When thousands of innocent, lovable dogs are slowly tortured to death, in

an unspeakably horrific manner, day after day after day, sanctioned by the

culture of a society, we all suffer. It's a cancer on all of humanity and it

must not be allowed to continue.


Rather than presenting a false image, China should live up to the bogus

perception it has tried to create. Stop pretending to be civilized human

beings and actually become civilized human beings.


The truth will set you free.




Quote for the Day -- The greatness of a nation and its moral purpose can be

judged by the way its animals are treated. " Mahatma Gandhi









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All that need to be said in this article is said by the attitude of the

author, which is as contemptuous as it is racist.


Racism against the Chinese is the only racism that seems to be allowed these


-- Posted by *Faithful Reader* on Sat, Aug 2, 2008, at 2:05 AM






The attitude of the author (me) is contemptuous -- absolutely.


I have supreme contempt for people who would slowly torture a dog to death,

then eat it.


I have supreme contempt for a society that would accept such a heinous



I have supreme contempt for a government that would allow such disgustingly

savage behavior to continue.


I have supreme contempt for a government that would attempt to deceive

others by temporarily hiding the inhumanity of their culture.


Yes, I am utterly contemptuous of acts of unspeakable cruelty toward

hundreds of thousands of innocent, loveable animals annually.




If my twin brother were involved in such sadistic behavior, I would be

equally contemptuous of his actions as well.


Fell free to call me a jerk or a fool or whatever, but don't call me a

racist for being contemptuous of barbaric acts of cruelty.







-- Posted by *Bret Burquest* on Sun, Aug 3, 2008, at 12:52 PM


Our dog was treated like a member of the family (he recently died at age

12). We wouldn't think of leaving on a trip without him and only went to

dog-friendly places, so he could go along.


However, ironically, the one time we did have to leave behind our beloved

family member (he was well taken care of by the way) was a trip to China to

receive our daughter. We were warned by our adoption agency about the

treatment of what Americans consider domestic animals in China, and were

even told when sending in our family photos not to include our dog in the

pictures. This was very disconcerting to us to say the least-- but our

daughter was waiting for us, and while the eating of what we consider our

life-long companions was inconceivable-- the journey to our daughter took



The Olympics are undoubtedly bringing world-wide attention to China and all

it's flaws and ugliness


will be included-- I'm sure the one-child only policy will be commented on

and discussed as well as other notable communist topics as imprisoning

dissidents, and the ongoing religious persecution of Tibetans and other

factions. I appreciate Mr. Burquest's comments and viewpoint and am a

regular reader. I just hope the world can look at some positive things about

China and it's rich culture and history and know that all countries have

their faults and problems as well. And please remember that not all the 1.3

billion people in China are inhumane and cruel, but simply a product of

their culture and beliefs.


One last observation-- when we were in Guangzhou, China we visited the zoo

there and their " petting zoo " consisted of a variety of breeds of dogs--

very interesting-- and it was packed with Chinese children and their parents

petting and loving the dogs-- so maybe there's hope yet???


Thank you for the freedom to let me post my viewpoint and keep up the good


-- Posted by *chiefs86* on Tue, Aug 5, 2008, at 11:13 AM






Thanks for your comments, chiefs86 (Go Vikings).


We are all products of our genetic makeup, our surrounding environment and

our culture. We are products of products.


For most of its history, China has been a self-contained unit, ignoring the

rest of the world and following its own path. They've made substantial

economic and productivity strides recently, but have remained culturally

linked to the past.


Obviously not all Chinese people are the same. In the past, it was the

country peasants who ate dog meat, partially due to overpopulation and lack

of other options. But today, dog meat is considered to be a delicacy by

trendy upscale elitists.


Yes, there is hope. As China becomes more affluent, more Chinese people are

choosing dogs as pets.


The Olympic Games will shine a spotlight on China this summer. They have an

atrocious record regarding human rights. While the Chinese government will

do everything it can to give their homeland a positive spin, there remains

much darkness behind the propaganda.


The Chinese government is presenting a false image to the world. It's a

dreadful police state, ruled by communist bureaucrats who have zero

tolerance for individual freedom or dissent.


To most people, perception is reality. But if you take a closer look

sometimes, reality stinks.



-- Posted by *Bret Burquest* on Tue, Aug 5, 2008, at 6:57 PM


I can't even comprehend how this is possible (to eat dogs). Things need to

change there, and anywhere this is allowed. I am sickened to even think of

it and I pray it changes. Thank you, Mr. Burquest, for bringing this to our

attention. I know you well and I know for sure you are a fair and

non-judgemental man; and you are NOT a racist.

-- Posted by *maltney* on Tue, Aug 5, 2008, at 7:47 PM




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