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Fw: Interview with Dr. Y.V. Jhala, senior wildlife biologist at Wildlife Institute of India (WII)

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Fw: Interview with Dr. Y.V. Jhala, senior wildlife biologist at the well-known

Wildlife Institute of India (WII)


Dr. Y.V. Jhala is also researching Asiatic Lionsin India for many years.







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Belinda Wright <belinda


Friday, April 17, 2009 6:56:19 AM

Interview with Dr Jhala



Cowatch: Royal conservationist

By Bittu Sahgal

Statesman, 17/4/09


‘We shall have tigers a hundred years from now, but these are likely to be

fenced-in populations, like in mega-safari parks, intensively managed for

genetic and demographic viability...


Driven by a passionate dedication to wildlife, Dr Yadvendradev V Jhala

(joint-winner with Dr Qamar Qureshi of a Sanctuary-RBS Wildlife Service Award,

2008) is one of India’s most outstanding field biologists. He speaks to Bittu

Sahgal about the origins of his interest in wildlife, India’s new,

path-breaking tiger enumeration techniques and his hopes for the future of

conservation in India.


How come the scion of one of India’s royal families wound up as one of the

country’s premier conservation biologists?

It’s a complicated story. My grandfather Joravarsinh was indeed, the ruler of

the Wadhwan state in Saurashtra but I was actually brought up in Bombay. Most of

my vacations, however, were spent in Gujarat following herds of blackbuck, on

horseback. In grade 1, when we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up,

I had the oddest ambition - of becoming a zookeeper! I guess the jump from that

to what I do was not so huge.


What about academics? You need to be steeped in academia to do what you do.

I actually enjoyed school and studying. I happened to top the BSc and MSc

degrees in zoology and started my career as a lecturer in the subject at St

Xavier’s College. After a training stint at the Smithsonian, I obtained my

Ph.D from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, on wolves and

blackbuck in Gujarat. I also secured a post-doctoral fellowship on reproductive

energetics at the Smithsonian and moved on to teach wildlife science in

different parts of the world. I joined the faculty of the Wildlife Institute of

India in 1993 and have since continued my research on wolves and blackbuck and

expanded to study hyenas, lions and tigers.


That’s quite remarkable. Is this going to be a trend in India? Is the scope

for this kind of career expanding?

It must be. Over the years I have personally trained over 300 professionals from

several developing countries and supervised 25 Masters and 10 PhD students.

There are many like me who take great satisfaction from imparting scientific

training to those who could, in the future, help restore ecosystems and help

species to recover.


Were there specific individuals who triggered the direction you took?

I think it was always within me to pursue wildlife as a career. As a child, my

mother, Iladevi, goaded me into academics while my father instilled a love for

nature in me. Although my parents were keen I take up medicine, I had my heart

set on wildlife science. At the Smithsonian Institution, I met primatologist par

excellence Dr. Rudy Rudran who quickly became my mentor. He is one of the many

outstanding people I have met who moulded me to become the person I am. Dr.

Robert Giles Jr., a legend in wildlife management, was also a key influence.


How did the remarkable all-India tiger enumeration project conducted by you for

the National Tiger Conservation Authority come about?

In 2002, Qamar Qureshi and I were approached by Dr. Rajesh Gopal, then Director,

Project Tiger to assist him in developing a holistic monitoring programme for

the tiger and its habitat, keeping pace with modern conservation biology. We

worked with field managers and Forest Departments to devise a monitoring

protocol that met the scientific and statistical rigor needed and yet would be

practical and simple to implement by the front line staff. We demonstrated the

working of this monitoring system in about 50,000 sq. km. of the Satpura-Maikal

landscape. At this time, the Sariska debacle hit the news. The WII was asked to

implement our protocol on a countrywide scale.

Dr Prodipto Ghosh, the then secretary MoEF, personally ensured total

independence of this scientific exercise from any external pressures. Director

of the WII, P R Sinha gave us free rein and facilitated all the needed

logistics. Over 491,000 man days were spent to collect this massive data for

tiger occupancy and limiting factors. Over 50 wildlife biologists worked for

another two years to estimate tiger and ungulate densities. An unprecedented

effort for any wildlife survey in the world!


Can you tell us how the enumeration techniques evolved by you differ from the

unreliable pugmark methods in use for decades?

First of all I believe that the pugmark method was a landmark in itself at that

time; we had a system that strived to assess populations of low density,

cryptic, carnivores across the country. The problem was the lack of

professionalism and ethics in reporting the results of the pugmark enumeration -

not so much the method. The current method uses pugmarks or other signs such as

scat and scrapes, as evidence that the tiger occupies that patch of forest.

However, the converse is not necessarily true, i.e. failure to detect tiger

signs does not necessarily mean absence of tigers. This problem is addressed by

occupancy models wherein due to replicate sign surveys, we are able to determine

the detection probability of tigers and estimate corrected area occupied by

tigers within each landscape. Simultaneously, prey abundance is estimated by

transect survey, habitat variables sampled and anthropogenic pressures in the

beat, quantified in simple protocols.


How is this information analysed?

The information is all mapped in a Geographic Information System (GIS) along

with several remotely-sensed attributes, essentially 21 variables that depict

the ‘human footprint’ such as infrastructural development and night lights.

Tiger distributions (occupancy) are then modeled in relation to all these

variables to develop habitat suitability models for tigers and their prey. These

models then permit us to assess the potential of forested landscapes to harbour

tigers and act as conduits for movement of tigers from one population to


How are individual tigers identified and how then does the larger picture


Landscapes are stratified as per the intensity of tiger signs and in each strata

replicate samples of about 200 sq. km. are sampled by camera traps to estimate

tiger population and density. The tiger takes a self portrait when it passes in

front of the camera trap triggered by a heat, motion detector, or an infra-red

beam. Since the stripes of each tiger are unique, like fingerprints in a human,

we are able to identify individual tigers from their photographs. As time passes

and tiger pictures accumulate, the number of new individual tigers being

photo-captured decreases. This trend is modelled statistically (mark-recapture

models) and a population estimate is arrived at for the area in which the camera

traps are deployed.


What did state governments do when confronted with the data thrown up by this

project? Did they even accept the reality of the new tiger numbers and status?

It would be rather naive to believe that state wildlife departments were unaware

of the current tiger status before our work. Many of the problems (though not

all) the tiger faces are beyond the control of the wildlife departments - beyond

their jurisdiction and capability to address, for example, international demand

for tiger parts, growing demand for forest land, biotic pressures, etc.

Therefore, it is difficult to understand the reason for denial of the truth. The

greatest disservice an agency can do is not to acknowledge a problem in time,

this precludes any effective mitigation or solution from being implemented until

it is too late.


Do you think tigers will survive to see the next century?

The extinction of the tiger is not imminent. The question of how many

free-ranging tiger populations will survive to see the next century is another

matter. Our objective as conservationists should be to strive to conserve all

the genetic, behavioural and ecological adaptations of the tiger in such a

manner that the species continues to perform its natural role in the ecosystem.

We shall have tigers a hundred years from now, but these are likely to be

fenced-in populations, like in mega-safari parks, intensively managed for

genetic and demographic viability. Free-ranging tiger populations as nature

intended them to be, where evolutionary process could still be operative to give

this living planet a new lease to life, would be a rarity if not lost all

together. It is these tigers - the wilderness that they represent - that we

should fight to preserve, not just the mockery of the species that we make of

it. Science and technology will only help in

preserving the ghost of these species, not what their roles were intended to be

in intact natural ecosystems. This is a choice which society has to make now, as

no amount of science or technology will be able to turn the clock back.


If you had a magic wand, what would you change in terms of wildlife policy in


It is not the wildlife policy I would like to change. I believe our policies and

legislations are the envy of many a developed nation. However, it is the land

use and indiscriminate ‘development’ that needs coordination. Conservation

objectives rarely feature in decision making and while it is true that legally,

various environmental clearances are needed, there is a lack of coordination

within agencies, between the wing that obtains these clearances and the one that

implements conservation measures. Conservation issues are not a priority and

they rarely feature on the agenda to win vote banks - the primary force that

drives a democracy.


­ Sanctuary Features


http://www.thestatesman.net/page.news.php?clid=18 & theme= & usrsess=1 & id=251223



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Belinda Wright

Executive Director, Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI)

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Mobile: +91 9811190690

Email: belinda

Website: www.wpsi-india.org


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