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(PK) Rethinking Zoos in Pakistan

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The Wednesday, December 31, DAWN has a wonderful

editorial<http://dawn.com/2008/12/31/ed.htm#3>about the poor state of

zoos in Pakistan. Kudos to the paper for having the

courage to say it like it is: that we do not need zoos in our country, given

the abysmal state of affairs in most of them. It is time we woke up and

realized the extent of suffering the captive animals endure in our zoos.


Here is the editorial in its entirety:


" WILD animals, if they are bred in captivity or made captive through some

cruel stroke of fate, ought to be given sanctuary. They need to live in an

environment that at least resembles their natural habitat. They can be a

source of awe and wonderment for the onlooker but must never be treated as a

means of amusement. But visit any zoo in Pakistan and you will see exotic

species living - if you can call it that - in cages or concrete enclosures,

listless or driven to neurosis, biting off their own tails, pacing about

repetitively and plucking plumage in an involuntary frenzy. That is because

they are seriously unwell, for the conditions they must endure are enough to

drive any living creature insane. Animals in our zoos are poked and prodded

by visitors who exemplify all that is callous about this country. Mental

well-being aside, zoo animals are also neglected physically by apathetic,

incompetent or resource-strapped authorities. Little surprise then that the

mortality rate in Pakistan's zoos is unacceptably high. We should hang our

heads in shame because we have failed miserably in catering to the needs of

the non-human animals entrusted to our care. Anyone who cages an animal

should pause for a second and think how it would feel if the same were done

to him or her.


Given our track record, Pakistan does not deserve zoos of any sort, public

or private. *If the photograph

<http://www.dawn.com/2008/12/15/local11.htm>of the leopard languishing

in Karachi's Korangi-Landhi zoo that appeared in

this paper a few weeks ago did not break the hearts of all right-thinking

people then we have stopped being human.* Cognitive skills may differ but

animals feel trauma just like we do. What we have in this country are freak

shows, not zoos where endangered animals are protected or bred for the

propagation of the species. When animals die in our zoos we import

replacements, as if they were spare parts, and the cycle of cruelty

continues. The choice is clear: we should either run zoos the way they

should be or not at all. There can be no middle ground. "


The local media has been crying hoarse about captive animal abuse in our

zoos for quite some time now. Here are a few reports from DAWN alone:




Oldest bear dies at Lahore zoo <http://www.dawn.com/2002/01/05/nat50.htm>




Chimpanzee Tinku dies at Lahore



Origin unknown <http://www.dawn.com/2004/11/08/fea.htm>


Need to shift Lahore zoo <http://www.dawn.com/2004/04/03/letted.htm#2>




Another leopard attack <http://www.dawn.com/2005/08/02/ed.htm#3>




Poor state of zoos <http://www.dawn.com/2006/07/19/ed.htm#3>




Lahore zoo <http://www.dawn.com/2007/04/12/letted.htm#7>


Another Lahore zoo tiger dies <http://www.dawn.com/2007/07/16/ed.htm#3>


13 animals die at Jallo in three



KARACHI: Zoo death toll mounts <http://www.dawn.com/2007/12/08/local6.htm>


Caring for zoo animals <http://www.dawn.com/2007/03/21/ed.htm#3>


KARACHI: Disease, cruelty killing zoo



HYDERABAD: Another deer dies in zoo<http://www.dawn.com/2008/12/17/local24.htm>


Zoo condition <http://www.dawn.com/2007/03/19/letted.htm#12>


KARACHI : Another spotted deer dies in





A dying breed <http://www.dawn.com/2008/09/15/fea.htm>


Rani Bagh under threat <http://www.dawn.com/2008/12/09/letted.htm#12>


Mistreatment of animals at zoo <http://www.dawn.com/2008/12/18/letted.htm#5>


Karachi Zoo <http://www.dawn.com/2008/09/08/fea.htm>


Animal power, please <http://www.dawn.com/2008/08/05/ed.htm#3>


Pathetic treatment for animals <http://www.dawn.com/2008/12/25/letted.htm#2>


HYDERABAD: Death of fourth deer jolts dist govt into



Condemned to die of neglect <http://www.dawn.com/2008/05/22/ed.htm#3>


KARACHI: Another blackbuck dies in



KARACHI: Animal exchange programme hits snags: Death of two red deer in

Karachi zoo <http://www.dawn.com/2008/07/17/local11.htm>


KARACHI: No induction into zoo museum for three years despite many



Over 80 animals died in capital zoo in 5



KARACHI: Animal care still a distant



KARACHI: Illegal wild animals trade



The state of our civilisation <http://dawn.com/weekly/cowas/20081221.htm>


In a September 15 article in DAWN's

Karachian<http://www.dawn.com/2008/09/15/fea.htm>column, Syed Ali

Anwar summed it up rather nicely when he wrote about the

animal deaths at Karachi Zoo:


" The cause of death in most cases has not been or could not be ascertained

but one thing is certain: negligence and apathy on the part of the zoo

officials has played a major part in the deaths of the animals.


According to reports, three neelgais, three red deer, a Shetland pony (no

pony rides), and over 40 partridges have died this year only, whereas last

year almost 27 animals, including 12 spotted deer (poor dears), a puma, a

black leopard, two Bengal tigresses, six fallow dear fawns, two blue bulls,

a blackbuck, a red deer, a jackal, puma and a black leopard died of

mysterious blood diseases.


Lack of adequate veterinary and quarantine facilities, unhygienic conditions

and unnatural habitats in confinement have also contributed to the deaths of

these poor creatures. Karachians, especially the affluent class, must come

forward and help revive this 137-year-old recreational facility or soon the

Karachi Zoo will be full of empty cages with the land mafia probably

hovering like vultures to use this vast tract of land for commercial

purposes. "


Not only can we not manage the zoos we do have, we are also failing to

check the mushrooming growth of dozens of private

zoos<http://www.dawn.com/2008/08/06/local10.htm>all over the country.

Unless zoo enclosures nationwide are drastically

redesigned, and strict standards for captive animal care are chalked up and

implemented, the animals will continue to suffer silently, as they have been

for so long. "


In an ideal world, however, there would be no



According to the Born Free Foundation <http://www.bornfree.org.uk/>, an

international wildlife charity based in the UK, " wild animals should not be

kept in captivity. Born Free works to end captive animal suffering and phase

out all zoos and animal circuses "


They also respond to cases of individual animal suffering and intervene with

foreign governments to step in and take action. Their website FAQ states:*



* " *I am concerned about a wild animal in captivity want to report it - who

do I contact?


Through our Traveller's Animal Alert campaign please send us an online

report. Born Free's Animal Alert campaign responds to the concerns of

individuals, taking action when members of the public send in reports and

photos about animal suffering. Animal Alert investigates neglect, fights

cruelty and works with tour operators, travel companies, foreign governments

and other organisations to take positive action and help improve animals'

lives. Together we investigate notorious facilities, ensure public concerns

are addressed, and phase out exploitative activities. Travellers' Animal



your report "


*Take Action*


Here's something that we could all do: Write to the Born Free Foundation on

behalf of the leopard in Landi-Korangi

Zoo<http://www.dawn.com/2008/12/15/local11.htm>for a start. Go to the

zoo, take a few pictures, make a video and share your

concerns with them about the welfare of this poor animal. Who knows, they

just might head on over to help. In any case, even if they don't, all that

international and national attention towards this one individual animal

might shake up the authorities here from their deep slumber.


Please also take this opportunity to send appreciative letters to the editor

of DAWN for creating awareness about the plight of animals languishing in

our zoos. Send a clear message to zoo directors nationwide about how they

need to shape up and seriously rethink the condition of the animals in their

care. If they cannot even meet the most basic of animal welfare

requirements, then why on earth must they insist on getting more and more

animals to fill up the ghastly cages in zoos? Ask them to stop







that they haven't been able to acquire, and start taking care of the animals

they do have for a change.


As the editorial states: " Given our track record, Pakistan does not deserve

zoos of any sort, public or private. "


The animals cannot speak up for themselves. Your voice can make a



DAWN takes letters at letters


All letters should include the writer's full name, postal address, e-mail

address, and in the case of Pakistan, a day-time telephone number.


*Please forward this alert to your friends, family and colleagues.*




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