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( ID ) URGENT APPEAL : Please help Cats and Dogs from Mass Killing in Jakarta

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Dear  All,

Dog Killing in Bali, Indonesia has been started.

We have been surprised by the Bali Rabies Incident that occured on 24th of

November 2008 which had killed 3 people in which one of them is 3 years old


Bali as the host of AfA (Asian for Animals) in August 2008, Bali Government

should have been thinking further for the action that have

been taken.

In other province in Indonesia that is NTT or Nusa Tenggara Timur are to be

killed by inhumane way.

Even it had been reported in the ICAM Coalition literature of Humane

Dog Population Management Guidence that mass killing of Rabies Control

is very ineffective way and give an example of Flores an isolated island in

Eastern Indonesia.

Here are the example:


An example of the ineffectiveness of mass killing for rabies control

Flores is an isolated Indonesian island which had beenrabies-free until a canine

rabies outbreak resulted in atleast 113 human deaths. The outbreak began after

threedogs were imported from rabies-endemic

Sulawesiin September 1997. Local authorities responded witha mass

killing of dogs, starting in early 1998.Approximately 70 per cent of

the dogs in the districtwhere rabies had been introduced were killed

duringthat year, yet canine rabies still existed on Flores atthe time

the study was published (June 2004). From Windiyaningsih et al (2004).

The Rabies Epidemicon Flores Island, Indonesia (1998%u20132003) .

Journal of theMedical Association of Thailand, 87(11), 1-5.

In Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, government decided to inspect all the

stray cats and dogs in Jakarta. Government said that they has created the team

for this inspection. It can be anytime soon as the press release for the strays

raid is already published (click here and scroll down).

Please send letters to save the dogs and cats of Jakarta.




The translation of the link provided in the example letter is here (please

scroll down)



Please Fill the bottom of this letter with your id and send to: dki (AT) jakarta (DOT)

go.id        (Jakarta Government)

cc:  - icareask   ( iCARE community will count every mail sent so

everyone know the number of mails sent, you can check here: 

http://icarecatsanddogs.multiply.com/calendar/item/10030 )

      - redaksikcm  ( prestiged national newspaper in bahasa)

      - readersforum ( prestiged national newspaper in

english )



Example letter or you can write on your own.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


Your Excellency,

    I, and the rest of humane society, write to you out of deep concern for the

current condition of the plan of dog culling by the Livestock Breeding Service,

fisheries and Marine (Disnakkanla) as reported in:



We understand that big numbers of stray animals can cause diseases  and

annoyance to the neighborhood, but killing is not the solution for stray pet



    Imagine that you'll have to kill the new strays generation only a few years

after your first killing, as irresponsible pet owners keep dumping and producing

unwanted animals.

Killing is easy and also ineffective, besides it shows total disrespect to life.

You work in the name of your people of Indonesia, and if this really happens

then you put shame on us and the Nation.

One proven and effective method to overcome overpopulation is spay and neuter

program to prevent the unwanted litter produced and abandoned on the street. We

urge that this program should be assisted by animal welfare organization to

ensure that the whole process fits the animal welfare standards as we believe

international organization would be more than happy to have the opportunity to


Carefully planned spay and neuter program will prevent the strays colony to

multiply, even when you miss some individuals. They won't produce any offspring

since most of the individuals are already sterile.

If there is still doubt about rabies, yet it is already known that Java island

is free from rabies, mass rabies vaccination should be done to the strays and

the use of blowpipe are highly suggested. And never forget to educate and the

application of strict law and punishment for irresponsible pet owners who dump

and unethically breed their pet. We are always hoping that Jakarta will set the

example for other local government of being a humane government. We hope, in the

name of all people concerned with humanity, that we

will hear from you about this matter at the earliest possible


Yours truly,

( Name)(Address)(phone number)(Anything that prove your existence)____________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _____



Thanks & Regards,

Anita MIndonesia

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