Guest guest Posted April 30, 2009 Report Share Posted April 30, 2009 From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2009: India balks at EU mention of animal welfare in trade pact BRUSSELS, NEW DELHI--The government of Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh reportedly objects to the inclusion of the phrase " animal welfare " in the provisional edition of a recently formalized protocol for negotiating a free trade agreement between India and the European Union. The European Parliament approved the draft protocol for completing the EU-India Free Trade Agreement on March 26, 2009, more than five years after negotiations began with India in November 2003. The text that reportedly offends the Singh government is scarcely provocative. Listed tenth among 62 enumerated " General Issues, " the sentence in question " Considers it important that the Free Trade Agreement confirms the provisions of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement; calls on the Commission in this regard to address outstanding issues such as animal welfare. " This would appear to be consistent with Article 51-A[g] of the Constitution of India, authored by Jawaharal Nehru, the first prime minister of India, which states that " It shall be the fundamental duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the Natural Environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for all living creatures. " However, reported the Financial Express from New Delhi on April 15, 2009, " India has opposed a reported move by the European Union to include animal welfare issues in the World Trade Organisation negotiations. Reacting to reports of EU pitching for the inclusion of animal rights in the WTO talks, official sources said these were attempts by developed countries to block exports from developing countries using these standards. " An unnamed Indian official told the Financial Express, " These are non-tariff barriers to curb exports, " which the official projected would " throw many people out of jobs in developing countries. " Of most apparent concern to the Singh cabinet are movement within the European Parliament to strengthen standards for animal use in laboratories and for livestock transport and slaughter. The European Parliament Agriculture Committee on March 31, 2009 approved amended rules governing animal experimentation which, while much weaker than animal advocates had hoped for, will be much stronger than a new Indian regulatory regime introduced by the Singh administration on March 5, 2009. Explained online commentator Smita Joshi, listed as information contact for Vivada Chemicals PLtd., of Mumbai, " A proposal from the department of pharmaceuticals now being considered by Manmohan Singh seeks to make comprehensive changes in the laws governing research funding, drug discovery, clinical trials, and approvals at different stages, so that Indian drug makers can re-orient themselves from being successful copiers of costly multinational brands to owners of scientific breakthroughs. " Drug makers will get a new regulatory regime that is more friendly for investing in high-risk research, testing experimental drugs on animals, and protecting the research data shared with the regulators, " Singh said. " Faster approval of various stages of animal and human experiments is another reform planned. Specific regulatory changes will be identified in a detailed project report to be prepared within six months after the Prime Minister clears the project, said an official. " Joshi indicated that the proposed Indian regulatory changes are based on the recommendations of " 50 top executives of drug makers such as Ranbaxy, Biocon, Wockhardt, Pfizer, Wyeth and F. Hoffmann La Roche, " who " identified the bottlenecks that hold drug firms from inventing new drugs. " Other developing nations have already attracted considerable investment in animal testing from the European Union and the U.S., by offering the combination of well-educated labor plus lax regulatory environments, but since 1964 India has had some of the strongest rules in the world governing animal experimentation. The Indian pharmaceutical industry began a concerted effort to undo the rules after former Indian federal animal welfare minister Maneka Gandhi in January 2002 won rulings from the Supreme Court of India that allowed her to close five antivenin manufacturing firms for violating animal care standards. An alliance of pharmaceutical manufacturers with practitioners of animal sacrifice in mid-2002 pushed Mrs. Gandhi from office and in mid-2003 purged animal advocates from the Indian federal body that regulates animal research. ANIMAL PEOPLE in April 2004 exposed the Indian pharmaceutical industry strategy by revealing the content of a leaked document entitled Harmonization of CPCSEA [regulatory] Norms in India With International Norms & Amendment of Breeding Rules With Regard to Import of Animals for Experimentation. The author, microbiologist S.C. Adlakha, Ph.D., was identified as an animal health consultant for the Animal Welfare Division, Government of India. The exposé may have slowed the industry momentum somewhat, but the proposed changes outlined by Smita Joshi closely parallel Adlakha's recommendations. The Indian government's 11th Five-Year Plan 2007-2012, published in January 2007, anticipated both expanded animal experimentation and more use of non-animal alternatives. Addressing the first Indian Congress on Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education, Indian Council of Medical Research senior deputy director general Vasantha Muthuswamy simultaneously announced that a National Cell Science Centre would be established to pursue non-animal testing methods, and disclosed that a 100-acre National Breeding Facility to produce laboratory animals was in development in Andhra Pradesh state. Meanwhile the directive on animal experimentation ratified by the European Parliament Agriculture Committee will cover the use of all vertebrate animals, cyclostome fish such as hagfish and lampreys, cephalopods such as octopi and squid, and decapod crustaceans, including crabs, lobsters, and prawns. The directive also governs the use of all independently feeding larval forms of regulated species, and embryonic or foetal forms during the last trimester of their development. As such, the proposed directive will cast the broadest umbrella of any laboratory regulatory regime now in effect. The directive provides broad exemptions for non-experimental standard practices in agricultural and veterinary practice, including animal husbandry practices such as artificial insemination and embryo transplanting; methods of marking animals such as ear-notching, tagging, tattooing, branding, and microchipping; and non-invasive practices. Despite the expansion of regulatory jurisdiction in the directive, Eurogroup for Animals pronounced itself " deeply disappointed with the results of the vote " wherein the European Parliament Agriculture Committee approved the directive. Eurogroup represents an alliance of European animal welfare organizations in lobbying the European Parliament, Alleged Eurogroup, " The Agriculture Committee have adopted amendments that will remove important mechanisms for the protection of research animals from the proposed text drafted by the European Commission if these amendments are also adopted in plenary, " in May 2009. Primate experiments " Eurogroup is particularly disappointed that the Members of the European Parliament have allowed tests to be carried out on animals that cause severe prolonged suffering, " the Eurogroup statement continued. " The authorisation procedure for determining what testing may be carried out has also been weakened. Some MEPs have even contradicted themselves, " said Eurogroup, " by voting to make it easier to experiment on primates, while in September 2008 they adopted a resolution calling for non-human primate research to be phased out. " The approved directive stipulates that wild-caught primates, great apes, and members of endangered species may not be used in experiments except to help conserve their species. Experiments using purpose-bred primates may be " undertaken with a view to the avoidance, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of life-threatening or debilitating clinical conditions in human beings, " including so-called basic research which seeks to identify how biological systems work, including how they respond to injuries and disease. This tends to be the most controversial branch of biomedical research. The directive reinforces the prohibition on use of wild-caught primates by requiring that primates used in experiments must be " the offspring of non-human primates which have been bred in captivity, " according to a phase-in schedule based on the number of generations of each type of primate who have bred in captivity and are sufficiently abundant to fill anticipated research demand. Marmosets must be second-generation captive-bred as soon as the directive takes effect. Rhesus and crab-eating macaques must be second-generation captive-bred by seven years later. All other primates must be second-generation captive-bred by 10 years from the directive taking effect. The directive forbids using stray and feral domestic animals in experiments, forbids using wildlife, and requires that any mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, frogs, dogs, and cats used in experiments must be purpose-bred. However, exemptions to the purpose-bred rule for wildlife and other commonly used species may be granted by member states. The directive also limits how animals may be used if subjected to multiple scientific procedures. Animal-using scientific institutions will be required to establish permanent ethical review panels similar to the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committees required in the U.S. since 1971. The rules governing the use of primates may inhibit the ambitions of some Indian politicians and entrepreneurs to undo a 1978 prohibition on exporting primates for lab use. Their argument, echoed by factions in Malaysia and Indonesia, is that macaques in particular are a common urban nuisance, especially since street dog numbers have declined, enabling macaques to push deeper into cities, and should be " harvested " for economic use. Scientists are mostly not eager to use wild-caught primates, however, especially in viral disease research, since wild primates carry many viruses which could spread to humans and in any event tend to complicate studies involving human viruses. Despite this concern, wildlife traffic investigators suspect that many of the purported captive-bred macaques imported into the U.S. and European Union in recent years have actually been caught in the wild. Of 27,905 monkeys imported into the U.S. in 2008, 26,499 were crab-eating macaques; 838 were rhesus macaques. China, whose primate breeding industry is suspected of " laundering " wild-caught macaques, exported 18,074 monkeys to the U.S. in 2008. Another 1,920 came from Cambodia, and 1,800 from Vietnam, both nations where major dealers are allegedly involved in monkey-laundering. Livestock transport The livestock transport issue may be at least as sensitive to India as animal experimentation, even though India neither imports nor exports much livestock to European Union nations, and would therefore not be directly affected by pending EU proposals to strengthen livestock transport regulations. The concern for India is that the European Union is responding to international pressure from both animal advocates and health agencies to much more closely regulate animal welfare in transit. Illnesses including hoof-and-mouth disease, Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the H5N1 avian influenza, and mad cow disease have spread not only from nation to nation but continent to continent in recent years via trade in livestock. This is a difficult topic for India, because while India nominally prohibits the export of cattle and their progeny for slaughter, India is in truth among the global leaders in exporting cattle and buffalo to slaughter. More than 17,000 buffalo and 500 cattle per day are exported to slaughter from Punjab alone, reported Varinder Singh of the Chandrigarh Tribune in April 2008. Stronger international treaties governing animal welfare in livestock transport might oblige the Indian government to acknowledge, regulate, and supervise the clandestine traffic. But that could be political suicide for the party in power, since regulating cattle export for slaughter could be portrayed as approving of the slaughter of cows, the " Mothers of India, " considered sacred by devout Hindus and Jains. " Conscious that animal transportation has always been a controversial issue, the European Commission has nevertheless decided to return to it and strengthen welfare standards for the 60 million cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, poultry and horses moved each year in Europe, " reported Luc Vernet of Europolitics on April 16, 2009. " Before the European Parliament, " Vernet said, " health commissioner Androulla Vassiliou committed to make a proposal in this direction before the [mid-2009] European elections. Her services therefore developed a draft regulation which anticipates establishing maximum load densities on trucks, prohibiting the transportation of animals to slaughterhouses beyond a journey of nine hours, and limiting convoys for other reasons. " A 120-page impact study acknowledges that the changes might produce a " slight increase " in European meat prices. " But according to Italian hauliers the increase will be more than slight, " reported The Pig Site. " Many member countries, including the United Kingdom, argue that animal welfare could be better served by enforcing the existing regulations across Europe. Farming organisations in Spain say that more important than journey time is good animal management when loading and unloading, and in supplying water. And they say any reduction in density will simply mean wasted fuel. " Countering the industry opposition, " Eurogroup For Animals has written to the European Commission to express our concerns over the half-hearted approach " of the draft regulation, Eurogroup announced on April 24. " Although we welcome the Commission's proposal to restrict the transport of animals sent to the slaughterhouse to nine hours, " Eurogroup specified, " the text allows for an unrestricted number of exemptions that may be granted by member states. An imprecise definition of 'slaughter animals' will also allow transporters to avoid journey time restrictions, " Eurogroup alleged. " If they say the animals are being transported for fattening, they will be able to transport them longer. " Eurogroup is also concerned that the text does not make reference to a legal basis for real-time checks on transport movements via a global positioning unit--a clear necessity if the proposed regulation is to be properly enforced, " Eurogroup said. The implications of Vassilou proposals for India, however indirect, received considerable attention from Indian business media. The Statesman, for example, quoted Vassilou, European Commission Animal Health & Welfare Directorate advisor Michael Scannel, and Czech agriculture minister Petr Gandalovic, who currently holds the EU Farm Council rotating chair. " Animal welfare is gaining rapid momentum, not only in the EU but worldwide, " said Vassiliou, adding that animal welfare requirements should be included as " non-trade concerns " in World Trade Organization agreements. Added Scannell, " Getting formal recognition of animal welfare standards within binding WTO agreements is crucial for unlocking the United Nations and World Bank resources needed to help the developing world raise its animal welfare levels " --Merritt Clifton -- Merritt Clifton Editor, ANIMAL PEOPLE P.O. Box 960 Clinton, WA 98236 Telephone: 360-579-2505 Fax: 360-579-2575 E-mail: anmlpepl Web: [ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide, founded in 1992. 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