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A TRULY GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!!!!! Choking on a red meat message

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Thu, 09 Jul 2009 06:34:35 +1000


A TRULY GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!!!!! Choking on a red meat message


This is important. I want you to write a massive letter mail out - and then

forward this mail to your lists - urgently.



If you only do one thing for the animals, human health, the forests, the

oceans, or the environment today, let it be this:




Dear all,


This article made my day. A well know journalist and meat eater has actually

accused our arch enemy, the Meat and Livestock Industry, of lying!!!


She says " The statement that red meat is an essential part of our diet is a

lie. It is a more essential part of a maggot's diet than a human's " .


And she writes for Australia's largest newspaper! Please circulate it

widely on all your lists!


Please flood the Herald Newspapers on news and to

Jill Singer the jounalist on jsinger


Please also write to the advertising standards people. They are a gutless

bunch of wimps - but they need to know we are watching them.


And, while your are about it, copy every hospital, caner ward, politician,

radio station, NGO, blog site, that you know.


I literally want thousands of letters to hit the editors desk - and every

desk imaginable. Let's take this great opportunity.


This is no time for activists to be lazy. Start writing now please - even if

it is just a few lines. Please write and ask all your friends to write too.






Jill Singer



July 09, 2009 12:00am


HOW do I loathe the new Sam Neill ads for red meat? Let me count the ways.


As a consumer I find them misleading. As a woman I find them patronising.

And as a fan of Sam Neill I find them disappointing.


In case you haven't heard, the Meat and Livestock Association's latest

generic television advertisement for red meat is being launched this Sunday.


It features Sam Neill making friends with an ape called Dennis and

explaining to him that you need to eat red meat for your brain to evolve.


Sam and Dennis then get down and dance the " butcher boogie " together.


MLA chief executive David Thomason predicts the ad will be a big hit with

consumers, and help get their message across that humans are meant to eat

red meat. How I hope he is proven wrong.


Much as I enjoy eating meat, I don't like being fed bull, and the MLA's

advertising has been full of it for many years.


We've seen Sam Neill explain that craving red meat is instinctive behaviour,

that red meat is nutritionally superior to chicken and that red meat is an

essential part of human nutrition.


Sam Kekovich and Laurie Lawrence are other hairy-chested types who have been

paid to feed us similar tripe.


There's nothing new in the MLA's propaganda; red meat has long been

associated with masculinity. Hence the evolution of the catering tradition

for crowds - beef for men and chicken for the ladies.


Even now, when most of us hunt down our food in supermarket aisles, the MLA

wants to keep us trapped in the distant, gendered past.


By using traditionally blokey men to tell us they need meat, the MLA is

sending a message to Australian women. It knows that women still carry the

" basket power " - they do most of the shopping - and it's our job to look

after our menfolk.


The facts are that we face greater problems from excessive consumption of

red meat than from eating too little of it.


The statement that red meat is an essential part of our diet is a lie. It is

a more essential part of a maggot's diet that a human's.


There are countless studies proving foods such as fish are a superior form

of protein than red meat.


The MLA sneakily drops into its ads that red meat three to four times a week

is essential for good nutrition, but moderate consumption is not its real



Increasing the sale of red meat is, full stop.


Just last month it launched a " new experience " for shared eating in the form

of a steak called the " tomahawk " that weighs 1.5-2.5kg - the largest rib eye

steak in Australia.


Also galling is that Sam Neill is allowing himself to be demeaned for

financial gain.


Neill is a farmer as well as a fine actor. He grows pigs and chickens,

truffles, saffron and pinot noir grapes. His own farming practices see him

show a preference for organic and sustainable forms of production.


Sam Neill's little farm is a million miles from how most of our red meat is



Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer are serious matters - as are

animal and environmental welfare, and the need for truth in advertising.


If we want to do the right thing by our families, we should teach the MLA a

harsh lesson and give red meat the flick for as long as they keep up their

shoddy advertising.








Philip Wollen

Philip Wollen OAM

The Winsome Constance Kindness Trust


Venture Capital for Good Causes


Telephone (613) 98221662



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