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World Bank debunks tiger farming benefits

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New Global Initiative Sets Out to Reverse Decline in Tiger Numbers

*Press Release:* No.2008/357/EXC




*In Washington:


World Bank:


Geetanjali Chopra: (202) 473 0243



National Zoo Public Affairs (202) 633-3055



International Tiger Coalition:


Sarah Janicke: (301) 442-3741


*WASHINGTON, June 9, 2008* ─ A worldwide alliance of tiger

conservationists, scientists and celebrities have joined forces with the

World Bank Group and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to help save wild





Tiger numbers have declined from more than 100,000 a century ago to around

4,000 today. The decline is driven by a loss of prey and habitat due to

uncontrolled development and poaching for the black-market trade in tiger

skins and bones.




" *Nothing short of global action will bring back wild tigers*, " said *Grace

Ge Gabriel,*spokesperson for the International Tiger Coalition (ITC). “*The


applauds the World Bank for focusing the eyes of the world on wild tigers

and their needs*. "




The health of the tiger population is an indicator of biodiversity and a

barometer of sustainability. Since tigers are at the top of the food chain,

the conservation of wild tigers also means the preservation of the habitats

in which they live and the prey populations that support them.




" *Tigers occupy only 7% of their historical range and about 40% less than

they did just a decade ago. Business-as-usual is not sustaining wild tigers

today,†said* *John Seidensticker*, Head, Conservation Ecology Center,

Smithsonian's National Zoo. “*All signs point to an impending tiger range

collapse. I am pleased and encouraged that the World Bank and others are

joining in our collaborative effort to find the ways and means so that wild

tigers and no species are left behind in this time of unprecedented global

economic expansion that threatens biodiversity* "




The new Tiger Conservation Initiative, launched today at the Smithsonian’s

National Zoo in Washington D.C., brings together many of the global experts

who have been studying the decline of tiger populations and the many

national and international NGOs which have been fighting to save tigers.




" *Just as with many of the other challenges of sustainability—such as

climate change, pandemic disease, or poverty—the crisis facing tigers

overwhelms local capabilities and transcends national boundaries*, " said

World Bank Group President *Robert B. Zoellick*. " *This is a problem that

cannot be handled by individual nations alone. It requires an alliance of

strong local commitment backed by deep international support*. "




*Harrison Ford,* board member of Conservation International, who is putting

his celebrity status behind the tiger initiative said: “*By committing to

help wild tigers, the World Bank is sounding its intention to be a global

leader in biodiversity conservation. I commend this commitment and look

forward to seeing it in action*.â€




The Tiger Conservation Initiative will start with a series of dialogues in

tiger range countries to find out what has worked locally to protect the

tigers. The World Bank and its partners will assess the financing needs of

tiger conservation and work with governments and the private sector to find

innovative funding sources and mobilize new resources for the species’





* " The countries in the range of the tiger are amongst the most important for

GEF globally in delivering global biodiversity benefits. By partnering with

them in a major effort to conserve quality habitat, this initiative will be

pursuing outcomes in conservation, ecosystem services, and livelihoods* "

said *Monique Barbut*, CEO and Chairman, Global Environment Facility.








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