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Elephant Family/Help In Suffering stance on Elephant Polo in Rajasthan

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United against Elephant Polo:

The above campaign which has now snowballed into a movement is all about how

best we can find ways and means together to END this abusive game where a

section of the public engages captive elephants for a form of human



Hence anyone who has in the past promoted, organised or was benefited from

'Elephant Polo' events is an offender and should be held responsible for this.


One of the Founder Trustees of Elephant Family happens to be a man who

believes that there is NOTHING WRONG if 'Captive Elephants' are made to play

football, engage themselves in a tug of war, a race, a game of polo and other

circus like events for charity or fund raising.


If it is the same 'Elephant Family' (which includes the founder trustee) then I

am afraid we have every reason to be skeptic and distance and observe.


If 'Elephant Family' tenders a formal; apology for being misled into

organising the 'Cartier Cup Elephant Polo in Jaipur- India' on behalf of the

founder trustee, then they are welcome.


But the apology MUST come from either the trustee or the trust, because by doing

so we would have ONE more VOICE joining us which believes ELEPHANT POLO is



There can be no debate on whether they did RIGHT or WRONG by being an

integral part of a gala abusive animal disrespecting event.


As far as HIS (Help in Suffering) is concerned. I still regard Christine as

someone who has selflessly been working for the betterment of captive

elephants. And I also know how much she regretted being a part of that fund

raising elephant polo match where she was MISLED by a self styled elephant



I would appreciate if 'Elephant Family' calls for a formal PRESS CONFERENCE

to announce their stand against 'Elephant Polo', something they did in a BIG

way when they wanted to PROMOTE that nasty event.


Doing so would honestly wash them of their misdeeds.








On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:58 PM, <

journalistandanimals wrote:


> Dear all,

> In response to Azam's message on Elephant Polo and the upcoming

> festival in Rajasthan, a close friend of mine from Bangalore, who is

> incidentally also a close friend of the Elephant Family team in London

> contacted their office for their reaction. She forwarded the

> attached messages to me for posting on AAPN with the permission of Elephant

> Family. From the attached note, I am certainly very pleased to note

> Elephant

> Family's stance that clearly says : " we certainly don't condone it. " (ie.

> the

> use of elephants in entertainment for festivals).


> And my thoughts are in consonance with Azam's when he says : " We must stay

> united in a voice for our gentle giants. " My friend has been in touch with

> Elephant Family closely recently and has invited me for a meeting this

> weekend in Delhi to hear their version and stance on how they want to

> help(and are helping) elephants in India and South East Asia(with special

> reference to the Jaipur elephants). I have agreed and am looking forward to

> the meeting.


> As Barack Obama says, " To grasp an extended hand, you have to be willing

> to unclench your fist. " It appears that after three long years of

> campaigning, Elephant Family has finally extended a hand of friendship to

> opponents of elephant polo. This is most commendable and should be

> appreciated. This of course does not mean that the two parties change their

> philosophical positions on animal welfare/rights overnight, but surely a

> constructive dialogue to cooperate on issues of mutual interest is a much

> better way to move forward than seeking a confrontation all the time. As I

> have said time and time again on AAPN, I did not and do not have a problem

> listening to people holding different beliefs. The proposed meeting on

> Saturday is an opportunity for me to discuss the elephant entertainment

> issue with someone close to Elephant Family. And for my part, I will do my

> best to ensure that the discussion is carried out without any rancour or

> malice. I am much relieved to note that Elephant Family is considering

> talking to us and I thank them for this.

> Best wishes and kind regards,



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> Ruth Powys

> Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:04 PM

> Re: AAPN message on Elephant Polo in Rajasthan

> To:


> Of course - sorry for the delay - I'm in the middle of another email to

> you!


> Best wishes,


> Ruth


> Is it acceptable to circulate your messages? Can you kindly let me know.

> Thanks.

> ------ Forwarded Message

> **Edwina Kinsella-Bevan

> **Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:38:11 -0000

> **Ruth Powys

> **RE: AAPN message on Elephant Polo in Rajasthan

> Dear Ruth,


> Yes some of the elephants that are in Jaipur are involved with the

> festival,

> as are elephants in other parts of India during their festivals - it is an

> age old tradition and part of their heritage. Although we certainly don't

> condone it all the elephants are privately owned so as an NGO we can not

> prevent this. HIS/ef will however be on site to provide free veterinary if

> an when needed.


> Best wishes,


> Edwina



> *Edwina Kinsella-Bevan

> *Project Manager

> *elephant family

> *http://www.elephantfamily.org <http://www.elephantfamily.org/> <

> http://www.elephantfamily.org/> | 020 7580 3184 | 81 Gower Street, London,

> WC1E 6HJ

> A company limited by guarantee, registered in England No. 4310834,

> registered charity No. 1091671

> ------------------------------

> ** Ruth Powys

> *Sent:* 24 February 2009 10:01

> *To:* Edwina Kinsella-Bevan

> *Subject:* FW: AAPN message on Elephant Polo in Rajasthan


> Dear Edwina,


> Could you let me know if the Jaipur elephants have anything to do with the

> festival?


> Thanks so much,



> Ruth x


> *Ruth Powys

> *Operational Director

> *elephant family

> **http://www.elephantfamily.org <http://www.elephantfamily.org/> *ý 020

> 7580

> 3184 ý 81 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6HJ

> A company limited by guarantee, registered in England No. 4310834.

> Registered charity No. 1091671

> P Please consider the environment before printing this email

> ------ Forwarded Message

> **Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:25:59 +0530

> **Ruth Powys

> *Cc: *Mary Powys

> **AAPN message on Elephant Polo in Rajasthan


> I copied this message today exactly as it was posted.


> Yet again the state of Rajasthan is out to organise 'Elephant

> Festival' on 10th of March' 2009.

> And as part of the festival, captive elephants would have to undergo a

> series of circus like events which for some strange reason is NOT a

> matter of concern to our animal protection agencies.

> See links:










> The events planned are gross violations of the laws that exist for

> animal rights in India.

> Also authorities, scientists and experts on elephants worldwide who

> have spent a lifetime understanding and studying elephant behavior

> have categorically explained the reasons as to why it is wrong to put

> an elephant through such tasks.

> Sadly, the authorities have ignored them all.


> So we see here that, this would continue year after year. And if this

> continues we cannot just sit and allow this to happen. We must stay

> united in a voice for our gentle giants and continue with our protests

> against this cruel mistreatment.


> Let us ask the organisers of this abusive sport 'elephant polo' to

> stop making fun of our gentle giants and treat them with respect.


> Let us write to the ANIMAL WELFARE BOARD OF INDIA (AWBI) to take

> cognizance of the offense and initiate necessary steps to block it.

> The AWBI asked the state government of Assam (a state in Norhteastern

> India) to drop events such as elephant races, elephant mock fights,

> elephant tug of war and elephant football from the prestigious

> Kaziranga Centenary Celebrations in the year 2005. Since then the

> annual elephant festivals in Assam are held every year MINUS the

> circus type events.

> If this can happen in one state of India, why cannot it happen in the

> others?


> Apart from the game of polo, captive elephants in Jaipur would have to

> take part in many notorious events such as an elephant race and a tug

> of war between them and the silly human beings. And this they call



> Contact Rajasthan State Government:

> Shri Ashok Gehlot,

> Hon'ble Chief Minister, Rajasthan


> Please use the link below to post your concern:

> http://www.rajasthan.gov.in/rajgovt/misc/reachthegovt.html


> Also contact the AWBI in the following email ids:


> " awbi " <awbi <http://awbi (AT) md3 (DOT) vsnl.net.in> >, " Secretary

> AWBI " <secretary.awbi <http://secretary.awbi > >,


> Let us hope that the NEW Chief Minister in the NEW Government of

> Rajasthan brings a NEW change to this tragedy.


> Thanks,


> Azam Siddiqui


> *Ruth Powys

> *Operational Director

> *elephant family

> **http://www.elephantfamily.org* ý 020 7580 3184 ý 81 Gower Street,

> London,

> WC1E 6HJ

> A company limited by guarantee, registered in England No. 4310834.

> Registered charity No. 1091671

> P Please consider the environment before printing this email

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