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Petition 'FOOD vs FEED' to the UN (22 languages)


An appeal to the United Nations and its agencies to channel available

food resources to needy people and not to farm animals


August 2008




TO: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon



FAO - Director General Dr. Jacques Diouf

WHO - Director General Dr. Margaret Chan


Launched by:

-Jens Holm, Swedish Member of the European Parliament

-Swiss Union for Vegetarianism

-European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA)





Dear Mr. Secretary-General,


In 1996, the " Rome Declaration of World Food Security "

reaffirmed " the right of everyone to have access to safe and

nutritious food " . The signatories also pledged their political

will " to eradicate hunger in all countries. "


In 2008, malnutrition and starvation in many parts of the world are

not only increasing but are set to reach new peaks of suffering.

Dwindling and wasted crops, soaring prices, unsustainable farming

practices are just some of the factors which combine to put

vulnerable people at life-threatening risks.


It is not acceptable that even in a grim situation with hunger and

malnutrition killing nearly six million children each year, huge

percentages of available crops are still being fed to farm animals.


In the name of humanity, a responsible global community can no longer

afford to invest 7-16 kg of grain or soya beans, up to 15,500 liters

of water, and 323 m2 of grazing land in the production of just one

kilo of beef for those with the means to pay for it. More accessible

and sustainable avenues to secure food for all are desperately



Unfortunately, even though the experts of the FAO consider 'Livestock

a major threat to environment', they merely recommend different

farming techniques, some of which entail the risk of damaging an

already vulnerable environment even more, perhaps beyond repair.


All hungry people, many million of vegetarians and those looking for

wholesome alternatives to destructive traditions have the right to

expect from decision makers, governments and international bodies a

scientific investigation of all available options, including

vegetarianism. This resource- and life-saving lifestyle is worthy of

unbiased research and promotional effort, not last because of its

potential to decide the raging battle of 'food vs feed' in favour of



For this reason, we appeal to the United Nations and its agencies to

stop ignoring vegetarianism and instead study its multi-faceted

benefits, with the aim of incorporating them into future strategies

for a world without hunger.







http://www.evana.org/index.php?id=36475 & lang=en



PS We would be very grateful for a Chinese translation. Can anyone

help? Thanks!

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