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(CN) Trying to get cat off the menu in China

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The Star. 26 July 2009




Trying to get cat off the menu in China




Bill Schiller




FOSHAN, China-It's a sunny, sweltering morning at the Gui


Jiang Three Birds Wholesale Market, and the air is filled with


the anxious, high-pitched screams of cats.


For these fated felines, the end is nigh. This market is their


last way station on the road to someone's dinner plate.


Every day here, hundreds of cats are on sale for the culinary


trade surrounding this southern city, not far from Guangzhou


(formerly known as Canton), supplying meat for the Cantonese


appetite for cat.


Some are strays, some allegedly stolen from their pet owners -


but most are common alley cats. Thousands are shipped by truck


and train to southern China from other parts of the country.


All have one thing in common: they're about to enter the food


chain. Buyers arrive here early to haggle and hover over the


selection process as they would for any commodity.


There's more at this market, too: dog, donkey, foxes, peacock


and an array of exotica to sate the legendary Cantonese taste


for the wild. Shortly before 8 a.m. on a recent weekday


morning a no-nonsense woman from the local food industry


pulled up in a truck with one of her staff, determined to get


quality for money. When a vendor reached into a metal cage


with his iron vice-grips and seized one cat by the throat, she


waved him off:


" Not that one, it's too lean. "


The vendor released his grip and let the cat drop. Another was


chosen and promptly wrenched from the cage, swooped through


the air and - with the handler using one hand to grip it


firmly by the tail - stuffed through a tiny hole into a


fine-wired carton already crowded with cats.


Each cat had tried to make one last lunge to break free as it


was being yanked from the cage - but to no avail.


Every day here at Gui Jiang, the merchandise is weighed, the


money exchanged and the deals done. But some Chinese hope the


days of this trade are numbered. As China continues to develop


and build a solid middle-class, there is a growing awareness


of - and fondness for - house pets. And with that has come a


growing movement to put an end to cat eating.


In some cities that movement has exhibited daring. In cities


like Shanghai and Nanjing, for example, animal rights


advocates have launched raids on cat dealers and their


suppliers, swooping down on cat collection centres as well as


delivery points, even train stations. Armed with screwdrivers


and hammers they've pried open bamboo crates of cats,


liberating some, finding homes for others and even delivering


veterinary care.


" We don't support such radical means, " assures Wu Qingrong, a


37-year-old IT specialist who is part of a loosely knit group


of animal advocates in Guangzhou known as The Xixi Forest.


They are using education, instead, to try to persuade people


to end cat consumption.


" We want to change people's minds peacefully, " she says over


lunch, " especially the older generations. "


She and other volunteers visit elementary schools, apartment


blocks and subway stations handing out literature that


promotes seeing animals as friends - not food. " Our goal is to


teach people how to live harmoniously with animals, " she says.


Because there is no law in China prohibiting the trade of cats


for human consumption, education remains the best way to


tackle the issue, she says. " We don't believe that


demonstrating in front of restaurants, for example, will solve


the problem, " she adds. Nor would it likely succeed.


After all, the clientele that comes to Jia Hua Restaurant, a


glitzy, animated establishment on Guangzhou's Baogang Ave.,


come because it serves cat, crocodile, fox and other rare


dishes, often listed on its " Mountain Treasures " menu. An old


expression here in the province of Guangdong holds that any


animal " whose back faces the heavens " is fair game for eating


Elsewhere, people jokingly say the people of Guangdong will


eat, " anything on four legs except a table. "


One evening last week, however, a waitress at Jia Hua


explained that cat wasn't on the menu, and wouldn't be for


months. " We don't serve it in summer time, " she explained.


" It's really a winter dish. " The neighbourhood knows: in


winter months the restaurant displays its live cats in cages


on the street, in full view of passersby. But cat is easily


available in central Guangzhou along Wenming Rd.


There, " Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix Stew " a mix of snake, cat


and fowl, sells for just 13 Chinese yuan for a small bowl,


about $2.15. And a dish called " Old Cat Soup " is priced at


just 8 yuan - about $1.30. But there have also been published


reports of " Braised Cat " fetching as much a 148 yuan (more


than $24) at restaurants in nearby Dongguan.


China's Chengdu Business Daily estimated recently that as many


as 10,000 cats are consumed throughout Guangdong everyday.


But most say there is really no way to tell: state media have


said there is no government health inspection of cats for


human consumption. And no definitive survey of cat consumption


has ever been done. Late last year, however, Guangzhou's


Southern Metropolis Daily reported that in Nanjing, cat


catchers - referred to locally to locally as " cat fishermen " -


were earning at least 10 yuan per cat from wholesalers and


capturing as many as 20 cats per day.


On Friday at the Gui Jiang Three Birds market, customers were


paying up to 16 yuan per kilogram (about $2.65) for what they


considered to be top quality cat. By that estimation a


4-kilogram cat could retail for 64 yuan, the equivalent of


$10.50. Flora Feng, who runs an online pet supplies store,


said the trend among younger people in Guangdong, however -


" those born after 1980 " - is definitely away from cat.


" Younger people, especially, are choosing not to eat cat, " she


said. " For example, in many markets there are now more pet


shops than there are shops selling cat meat. "







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