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A possible solution to the drought problem

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In view of the impending drought perhaps we all need to do more. Here is

something that may be of interest.


14 August 2009




In support of World Water Week, August 16-22, 2009, and the corresponding

major conference in Stockholm, Sweden, the Veg Climate Alliance, an umbrella

group of environmental, vegetarian, health, animal rights and other groups

and activists, is urging a major societal shift toward plant-based diets to

avoid a major water catastrophe.


The situation is already dire. The World Bank reported that 80 countries

have water shortages that threaten health and economies, and over 2 billion

people lack any access to sanitation or clean water.


In what some climate experts are calling the ' " Century of Drought, " many

world regions are suffering from severe droughts, and they are causing

widespread wildfires and serious food shortages. Aquifers are drying up in

many areas and many rivers are not flowing to the sea during part of the

year. Global warming, by reducing rain in some areas and causing severe

storms in others, and by causing the rapid melting of glaciers that have

been a major source of spring irrigation water, threatens to further

deteriorate the situations.


In view of the above facts and more, it is scandalous that about half of the

world's fresh water supply is used to raise animals, largely to irrigate

lands growing feed crops. Animal-based diets require up to 14 times the

water per person than vegan (completely plant-based) diets require. While

estimates vary, according to UNESCO, the production of one pound of beef

uses 15,500 liters of water, one pound of apples 700 liters and one pound of

potatoes 900 liters.


Making matters worse, animal-based agriculture is a major polluter of water.

Farmed animals in the U.S. alone produce over 1.3 billion tons of waste per

year, or over 4 tons for every resident. Manure, laden with dangerous

chemicals, is the most common pollutant in U.S. waters.


Growing water scarcity poses major threats. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

said " water scarcity threatens economic and social gains and is a potent

fuel for wars and conflict. "


In addition to its very significant roles in consuming and polluting water,

modern intensive 'livestock' agriculture is a major contributor to global

warming. A UN Food and Agriculture Organization 2006 report (Livestock's

Long Shadow') indicated that animal-based agriculture emits more greenhouse

gases (18 percent in CO2 equivalents) than all the cars, planes, trains and

other means of transportation worldwide combined (13.5 percent). Making

matters still worse is that the UN report projects that, if present trends

continue, the number of farmed animals will double in the next 50 years,

adding to global warming and the consumption and pollution of water.


Based on the above alarming facts, it is essential that here be a major

societal shift toward plant-based diets. Such a shift would have additional

benefits, including improved human health, a reduction in deforestation,

desertification, rapid species extinction, soil erosion and depletion and

other environmental problems and a reduction in the current massive

mistreatment of animals on factory farms.


In view of the above realities, we urge the organizers of the Stockholm

World Water Week to put dietary changes on its agenda. It is essential that

they and other world leaders help increase awareness that a major societal

shift toward plant-based diets is essential to avoid catastrophes from water

shortages and other threats to humanity.


Further information:


* about World Water Week: http://www.evana.org/index.php?id=38868 & lang=en


* about Veg Climate Alliance:



Richard H. Schwartz, Veg Climate Alliance




Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, College of Staten Island

Author of " Judaism and Vegetarianism, " " Judaism and Global Survival, " and

" Mathematics and Global Survival, " and over 130 articles at


President of Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA) www.JewishVeg.com

and Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV)

Associate Producer of A SACRED DUTY (asacredduty.com) of Veg Climate Alliance (www.vegclimatealliance.org)







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