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(IN) The Giant Killer

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http://indiatoday.intoday.in/index.php?issueid=116 & id=55466 & option=com_content & t\

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*The giant killer*M.G. Radhakrishnan and Abhijit DasguptaAugust 6, 2009


It is one of life's bitter ironies. The mascot of the Indian Railways is an

elephant named Bholu but the world's largest rail network is also among the

biggest killers of these gentle giants. From Assam and West Bengal to

Uttarakhand to Kerala, elephants are falling victim to onrushing trains.

Since 1987, no less than 129 elephants have been killed on railway tracks

across the country.


In the last two months, four elephants were killed by speeding trains

between Palakkad in Kerala and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. Their biggest

deathtrap is this 35-km stretch across the Western Ghats forests through

which 40 trains pass during the day and another 30 at night.


In the past one year alone, eight elephants were mowed down in this

corridor. No wonder, wildlife experts are agitated over the proposal to lay

a railway line between Nilambur and Nanjangod, an area which has more than

10 elephant corridors.


Since 2007, more than 10 elephants have been killed on the 180-km track

between Alipurduar and Siliguri in West Bengal. Says S.B. Mondal, principal

chief conservator of forest and wildlife, West Bengal: " Before the broad

gauge track was introduced on this stretch in 2004, only 32 elephants were

killed over a period of 30 years. They were accustomed to the slow-moving

metregauge trains, but not to the faster ones now. "


In Assam, 45 deaths have been reported in the last 19 years, most of which

were on the track laid through the Rani-Garbhanga forest reserve near the

lake Deepor Beel. " We had warned the railways against laying track through

the forest reserve. The consequence is there for all to see, " says Azam

Siddiqui, master trainer in animal welfare for the Animal Welfare Board of

India. S. Hajong, chief public relations officer, Northeast Frontier

Railways, however counters these allegations: " Thanks to a food shortage in

the forests, wild elephants have been flocking the area recently to eat

water hyacinth. "


India is home to 60 per cent of the Asian elephant population making their

survival in the country critical to the survival of the species. According

to Project Elephant, a government initiative for elephant conservation since

1992, there were 27,694 elephants in the country in 2007-08, a rise of

12,067 since 1980. Wildlife experts, however, refuse to buy these claims

saying that these numbers refer to protected areas only. Even the Project

Elephant report shows that Assam has lost 243 elephants since 1993. Not

surprising in a state where the forest cover saw a net decrease of 90 sq km.


The Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), which has been working on mitigating

elephant mortality due to train accidents, points out three major factors

behind these deaths. The ecological reasons involve food and water shortage

in forest areas and laying of track through elephant corridors. For

instance, the Western Ghats beyond the Malampuzha River and the forests

around Walayar have eight elephant corridors and are home to around 50 wild



Increasing deforestation has forced them to move out of their habitats to

adjoining regions dissected by the Palakkad-Coimbatore tracks. The physical

reasons include steep embankments on either side of the tracks and sharp

turns with poor visibility. " Elephants accidentally descend on the tracks

and due to their size get trapped between embankments. In the Deepor Beel

area, the gap between tracks and the embankments is less than two metres, "

says Anil Kumar Singh, coordinator, wild lands and species programmes, WTI.


Sharp curves on the tracks also block the visibility of the driver. " A train

running at 20 kmph will take 600 metres to stop when the brakes are applied.

At night, when the driver can see only up to 50 metres, it's impossible to

spot the animals from a distance, " says Hajong. Finally, man-made factors

like throwing of waste food on the tracks, lack of awareness among drivers

about elephant corridors and not adhering to the speed limits have

aggravated the problem.


In 2008, following an appeal from Anuradha Sawhney, chief functionary of

PETA, India, the then railways minister Lalu Prasad Yadav formed a committee

to find solutions to this problem. " The committee filed its report on April

4 last year. But nothing has been done yet, " says Sawhney. Kerala Forest

Minister Benoy Viswam also alleges non-cooperation from the Railways.


" I had written to the Railways Minister Mamata Banerjee in June but got no

response from her, " says Viswam. Palakkad Railway Division Manager S.K.

Singh says that the railways is ready to spend half the money needed in

reduction of elephant deaths if the forest departments take appropriate



While the Kerala Forest Department has gone for solar electric fencing and

trenching on the 10-km track on its part, the Tamil Nadu Government has

decided to follow suit but has requested the railways to share the cost.

Assam Forest Minister Rockybul Hussain says that a 24-hour elephant control

force is in operation while electrical fencing has been erected at some

vulnerable places. " We have implemented some measures like coming up with

plantations favoured by elephants so that they do not venture out in search

of food, " says Hussain.


Many believe that constructing rail lines on elevated ground or concrete

pillars and building tunnels in forests will ensure smooth movement for

animals. Several organisations have demanded diversion of railway tracks

from elephant corridors, but the railways find such solutions impractical as

laying down of one km track costs around Rs 3-30 crore.


" The speed limit near the Deepor Beel area is 20 kmph. We have also trained

the drivers about elephant movements, " says Hajong. The Southern Railway has

also brought down the speed of the trains to 65 kmph from 90 kmph on the

Palakkad-Coimbatore track but refuses to reduce further as the stretch is on

a gradient.


The WTI has initiated a project in Assam in association with the railways

and Forest Department to replicate its success in Uttarakhand where 21

elephants were killed between 1992 and 2002. Various steps like night

patrols, awareness campaign for train drivers and flattening of steep

embankments have ensured no deaths since 2002 along the track passing

through the Rajaji National Park.


Siddiqui believes that technology should play a vital role in tackling the

situation. " We must get the best professionals to develop either alarms or

thermal imagery systems which can be installed in rail engines and cabins

and at level crossings so that elephants can be detected from far

distances. " The WTI has approached IIT Roorkee to develop an alert system

based on sensor or radar technology.


Article 51A (g) of the Indian Constitution states: It is the duty of every

citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including

forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living

creatures. It's high time both the railways and forest departments followed

this constitutional guideline in true spirit.


-*with Subhash Mishra and Kaushik Deka*





The death trap


- Food and water shortage in forest areas and laying of railway tracks

through elephant corridors.

- Steep embankments on either side of the track, sharp and blind turns,

and poor visibility.

- Throwing of waste food on the tracks, lack of awareness among train

drivers about elephant corridors and not following speed limits in such


- Unscientific attitude of the Railways and state forest departments and

no cohesion between them.

- Non-availability of modern alarm systems based on sensor or radar





*The way out*


- The forest departments must take measures to prevent shrinkage of

animal habitats; the railways should consult wildlife experts before laying

new track.

- Wherever possible, the railways must level down the embankments and

increase the gap between embankments and tracks.

- Passengers and drivers should be sensitised about elephant corridors;

strict punishment for drivers for not following speed limits.

- A joint committee should be set up between the railways and forest


- IIT Roorkee is working on an alert system.








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