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(IN) Reminder: Bangalore Workshop

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Farm Animal Welfare in India: Status and opportunities for intervention


The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations (FIAPO) and Humane

Society International (HSI) are conducting a workshop on the welfare of animals

used as food and fiber in India.


The workshop is a unique opportunity for animal advocates to learn more about

issues affecting the billions of animals that are raise and slaughtered for

food and fiber in our country.


The food and fiber sector abuses more animals than any other animal-based

industry - most of this abuse is invisible and lifelong. With changing

lifestyles there is increased demand for animal products. This is

progressively changing the nature of animal agriculture towards industrial

production, which is far more exploitative for animals, harmful for the

environment and inequitable for poor communities.


The workshop will explore different aspects of the farmed animal industry in

India, and discuss current animal protection campaigns targeting this cruelty.

It will also identify actions that organizations/individuals involved in

animal protection can take to improve the lives of food animals,and discuss ways

in which we can support each other in our efforts.


A similar workshop was held in Mumbai in March. We received positive

feedback from those who attended -- participants appreciated the opportunity to

learn more about the conditions of farmed animals, and to explore means of

mobilizing around farmed animal issues. Building on this success, we have

decided to hold a second workshop in Bangalore, to accommodate those who were

unable to come to Mumbai.


This workshop will also have a skills-building component that will take

place on the following day; Day 2's sessions will be hosted by a PR

>> professional who will discuss ways of building public awareness and


>> education programs.




>> It is hoped that these workshops will be a first small step towards

>> building a stronger animal protection movement in the area of farm animal

>> welfare.


>> DATE: 29-30 August 2009



>> TIME: 9am - 5pm (both days)


>> VENUE: First Floor Training Room


>> Times Foundation, 40/1


>> S & B Towers


>> MG Road


>> Bangalore


>> There is space for 30 participants that is available on first come/first

>> served basis upon remittance of a nominal registration fee of Rs. 300. Lunch

>> and refreshments will be provided by the organizers. Travel expenses will

>> not be provided.




>> Registration fees may be reduced, based on financial need. These decisions

>> will be made on an individual basis. Please contact Chetana at

>> cmirle if you need assistance meeting the Rs. 300 fee.



>> If you are interested in attending this workshop, please send an email with

>> the following details to cmirle:


>> 1. Name


>> 2. Contact details, including full address, telephone number(s), email

>> address


>> 3. Would you be representing an organization? If so please provide the name

>> and contact details


>> 4. What you expect to gain from this workshop


>> 5. Interest in volunteering with the organization of the workshop


>> To submit the registration fee of Rs. 300/participant, send checks payable

>> to " Blue Cross of India " to the following address:

>> Dr. Shiela Rao, 257, 1st Cross,

>> H A L 2nd Stage,

>> Indiranagar,

>> Bangalore 560038.


>> Your registration will not be confirmed until your cheque is received.




>> DAY 1: Registration (8:30-9:00)


>> * *


>> *Session 1: Facts about animals raised for food *


>> � Basic statistics, welfare issues, myths and facts about animal

>> agriculture


>> � Viewing of PETA undercover investigations of Indian egg,


>> meat, and dairy industries


>> � Discussion




>> Break




>> *Session 2: What is being done worldwide as well as India*


>> � Case study 1 - PETA's campaign on transport and slaughter of

>> cattle in India


>> � Discussion on Case study 1


>> - Case study 2 - Humane Society of the United States' Campaign against

>> factory farming

>> - Discussion on Case Study 2




>> Lunch




>> *Session 3: Changing Lifestyles : Adopting Veganism towards reducing

>> consumption of animal products *


>> � The ethical basis of veganism


>> � Health benefits of a vegan lifestyle


>> � Discussion


>> Break




>> *Session 4: Opportunities to improve the welfare of animals raised for

>> food & fiber*


>> � Discussion




>> Day 2: Public Awareness and Consumer Outreach (presented by a Public

Relations professional)>>

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