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(IN) Article on Page 2 Midday- Mumbai - Female dog raped

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Dear All


What you would read is shocking and disgusting, maybe AWOs should be

involved very actively when it comes to such crimes


Please check the word attachment for those who cannot access the link (pls copy

and paste in your browser)



[Moderator Note: attachments don't go through on AAPN]


The ABC programme has been implemented for Dogs as per the Dog Rules 2001

for which many Animal Welfare organisations are brought under a lot of

pressure, to ensure dogs are sterilised, keeping in mind the mental,

emotional and physical trauma so many animals undergo it is an effective way to

keep a check on stray animal populations


So why should Human Populations not be kept a check on, why are there so

many people and how come the presence of so many humans is not disturbing to

people but the presence of a pack of dogs as little as 10 compared against

100 humans raises a furore and animals are killed brutally


It is the onus of Animal NGOs who must NOW VERY SERIOUSLY put pressure on

civic authorities to ensure Human Welfare Societies be set up by all Local

Municipalities to ensure a COMPULSORY AND PARALLEL STRINGENT HBC - Human

Birth Control programme is implemented at a very strict level to ensure

human populations are kept in check - this will be in the best interest of

humans as the human-animal conflict will significantly reduce and nor will

there be a constant fight for space and depletion of our natural resources


It is thanks to the uncontrolled overgrowing human population which is and

will be further responsible for depletion of resources, encroachment of

habitats, fight for space and final consumption of all global resources not

to underline the fact

*the immense torcher being caused to animals in the name of slaughter where

more than half of the world's foodgrains are used to feed slaughter animals

and then consume them after merciless slaughter, how about using that grain

for human consumption and not breeding so many animals - something that only

animal people can raise more awareness about *


*It has been researched in many countries that violence to humans starts

with violence to animals, if such a person roams the streets that person is

a threat to humans and animals alike *


The entire food chain, global warming, and survival of all fellow beings is

dependant on human populations - if the human populations are not controlled

the consequences and conflicts are only going to rise



Priya S

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Wait PS, are u saying that because men rape dogs (and all other forms of

life) that humans should be prevented from breeding? So in other words, we

should all commit mass genocide? We are doing that already, but perhaps not

fast enough to protect other species. These kinds of emails make me crazy.

I have to go take a break to begin thinking rationally again...


Rationally Thinking

Instead of human ABC, here is my idea (as human ABC is just not going to



Since all of Nepal�s monkeys have been saved recently from the

�Nepal/American Fast Train to Hell,� and the Send All Nepali Monkeys to Mars

program has been scrapped for the moment, I suggest that we convert that

program to a Send All Humans To Deep Dark Space program, where we would

Noah-ark the human race into outer space, thus saving everything else living

on the planet today. A small crew of neutered humans could be left behind to

help in the cleanup and to transition everything left to a human-free Gaia.

The two big problem that we have right now with the program are:

1. We are underfunded (please send all PayPal donations to


2. The STS-110 International Space Station can only hold 15 people for the

staging of the launch. Since we anticipate it will take 5 years to build the

Space Ark, the population by then will be 73,87,458,693. Minus the 78 person

ground team anticipated to be left behind, that leaves 73,87,458,601 in

excess baggage that needs to be jettisoned before the launch.

In consultation with the Nepalese Bio Research Weapons Team (NBRWT), we have

determined that an in-stock and made-made N1H1-like virus, if released now,

would decrease the numbers to the needed levels by 2014. Just enough

SuperTamiFlu has been locked in an underground bunker somewhere near Mt.

Everest that will keep the away team of 14 and the ground team of 78 alive

and healthy for the blastoff.


So that just leaves problem #1 above to be solved. Please pass this on to

others in a position to donate to the account listed. Thank you very much,

Jigs Gaton, SAHTDDS Program






P S <compassion.animals

Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:31:50 +0530

<aapn >

(IN) Article on Page 2 Midday- Mumbai - Female dog raped






Dear All


What you would read is shocking and disgusting, maybe AWOs should be

involved very actively when it comes to such crimes


Please check the word attachment for those who cannot access the link (pls

copy and paste in your browser)



[Moderator Note: attachments don't go through on AAPN]


The ABC programme has been implemented for Dogs as per the Dog Rules 2001

for which many Animal Welfare organisations are brought under a lot of

pressure, to ensure dogs are sterilised, keeping in mind the mental,

emotional and physical trauma so many animals undergo it is an effective way

to keep a check on stray animal populations


So why should Human Populations not be kept a check on, why are there so

many people and how come the presence of so many humans is not disturbing to

people but the presence of a pack of dogs as little as 10 compared against

100 humans raises a furore and animals are killed brutally


It is the onus of Animal NGOs who must NOW VERY SERIOUSLY put pressure on

civic authorities to ensure Human Welfare Societies be set up by all Local

Municipalities to ensure a COMPULSORY AND PARALLEL STRINGENT HBC - Human

Birth Control programme is implemented at a very strict level to ensure

human populations are kept in check - this will be in the best interest of

humans as the human-animal conflict will significantly reduce and nor will

there be a constant fight for space and depletion of our natural resources


It is thanks to the uncontrolled overgrowing human population which is and

will be further responsible for depletion of resources, encroachment of

habitats, fight for space and final consumption of all global resources not

to underline the fact

*the immense torcher being caused to animals in the name of slaughter where

more than half of the world's foodgrains are used to feed slaughter animals

and then consume them after merciless slaughter, how about using that grain

for human consumption and not breeding so many animals - something that only

animal people can raise more awareness about *


*It has been researched in many countries that violence to humans starts

with violence to animals, if such a person roams the streets that person is

a threat to humans and animals alike *


The entire food chain, global warming, and survival of all fellow beings is

dependant on human populations - if the human populations are not controlled

the consequences and conflicts are only going to rise



Priya S









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