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[US] Freedom of Speech Supersedes Animal Rights

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(http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/06/opinion/06tue2.html?scp=1 & sq=animal%20cruelty\

& st=cse)


I know this does not seem to directly relate to Asia, but I think it does

and needs to be discussed. First, in a stunning editorial statement by the

NYT, we find this conclusion:


³Anyone with an ounce of decency should be tempted to ban animal-abuse

videos, but anyone with an appreciation for the First Amendment understands

why we cannot.²


This is in regards to an ongoing Supreme Court case (the federal

government's appeal of U.S. v. Stevens, a circuit court's overturning of a

1999 federal law that makes it a crime to create, sell, or possess

depictions of animal cruelty for commercial gain) and one that will either

make videos of animals being murdered protected as ³free speech² or illegal,

as is child pornography.


As you know, Asians struggle with free speech issues under much more duress

then folks have to deal with in America, as most Asian countries have no

³First Amendment-type² of freedom of speech. And currently, I know of no one

arguing in an Asian court for the right to distribute snuff videos of



But realizing that child pornography does come from Asia and into the

American market, it¹s no long leap to assume that if legal, that animal

crush and snuff film production in Asia will increase to fulfil the sick

western need for such disgusting material. And we all know how easy it is to

produce this type of product in the our own countries.


Astoundingly, American mainstream media is embracing ³animal abuse viewing²

as free speech protection. Here is a quote from Newsweek writer Krista



³Making child pornography illegal has the compelling interest of protecting

children from sexual abuse and exploitation. But what compelling interest is

served by eliminating depictions of animal cruelty?² [



Many more samples of American mainstream media statements like the NYT and

the Newsweek ones can be found on the Internet. I recommend that Asians

find those media outlets (today) and educate them on the ³compelling

interest² that is ³served by eliminating depictions of animal cruelty.² Add

a comment on their blogs and online newspaper pages. For the sake of all

animals on the planet, put a stop to this nonsense.



Jigs in Nepal

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