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World Animal Rights Day Today - 2009

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World Animal Rights day




This universe is composed

of different living species (avians, amphibians, mammals etc.).The man

has attained supremacy and command over them due to its power of

thinking and planning which is more developed.Like human rights animals

too have Rights and as per Sec 51A(g) of constitution of India every

citizen of India has moral responsibility to protect the

environment,rivers,wildlife and living ones.Animals also need:

*Freedom from hunger, thirst and Malnutrition.

*Freedom from discomfort due to environment.

*Freedom from Pain, Injury and Disease.

*Freedom to express normal behaviour of Species.

*Freedom from Fear & Distress.


Canadian ethicist clavid Sztybel distinguishes six types of Animal



1.Animal Exploaiters view Point:E.g. spokes person of Meat Industry says

that they treat animals well.

2.Commonsense Animal Welfare : average person wants to avoid cruelty to



3.Humane Animal Welfare: More principled opposition to Cruelty to

Animals,which doesnot reject most animal usage practices(except using

animals for Fur and Sports).


4.Animal Librationist Viewpoint: Minimise animal Suffering but accept

use of animals in Medical Research and experimentation.


5.New Welfarism: It is term coined by Gary Francione to refer to the

belief to improve lot of animals used by humans will lead to the

abolition of animal use.


6.Animal Rights Viewpoint:When the wellness or welfare of animals is

made the highest priority ,so that animals are benefited but not

avoidably harmed.


Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi had said " Greatness of a Nation Can be

judged by the way its citizens treat the animals " .


To protect the rights of animals there are certain laws and Rules for

different Category of animals ,which are as follows:

a)For Animals Generally: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 and

Rules thereunder.


b).Animals in Experiments: No Institute can use Animals for

conducting experiment or research unless it has sought permission from

Institutional Animals Ethics Committee (IAEC) after getting registered

with CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision on

experiments on Animals ,Govt. of India)> No wild Animal /frogs can be

used in experiments without permission from chief wildlife Warden of

state/Govt. of India.



C)Animals for Food: The Animals/Birds brought for slaughter need to be

treated by humane way.(Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(Slaughter House)

Rules 2001 & BIS Rules).


d)Animals in Entertainment:Performing/exhibition/training of

Animals/Birds in Advertisements/Films and circuses/Magic shows etc.

need Registration with Animal welfare Board of India under Performing

Animals Registration Rules 2001.for Wild Animals registration with CZA

wildlife authorities is needed.Tiger,Panther,Lion,Monkey and Bears are

banned in India.


e)Draught and Pack Animals:Animals used for agriculture and

Commercially lifting Weight are also protected under Prevention of

cruelty to Draught and Pack Animals rules 1965.The weight limit and

working conditions are laid down by Govt.



Lets come forward to protect the Rights of Voiceless and Voteless.




Nilesh Bhanage

+91 9920777536














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