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Chained Gods

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The Prometheus story has several versions. According to the philosopher

novelist Franz Kafka( Glatzer, Nahum N., ed. " Franz Kafka: The Complete

Stories " Schocken Book, Inc.: New York, 1971.)(Translated by Willa and Edwin

Muir). These are the ones :

There are four legends concerning Prometheus: According to the first, he

was clamped to a rock in the Caucasus for betraying the secrets of the gods

to men, and the gods sent eagles to feed on his liver, which was perpetually

renewed. According to the second, Prometheus, goaded by the pain of the

tearing beaks, pressed himself deeper and deeper into the rock until he

became one with it. According to the third, his treachery was forgotten in

the course of thousands of years, forgotten by the gods, the eagles,

forgotten by himself. According to the fourth, everyone grew weary of the

meaningless affair. The gods grew weary, the eagles grew weary, the wound

closed wearily. There remains the inexplicable mass of rock. The legend

tried to explain the inexplicable. As it came out of a substratum of truth

it had in turn to end in the inexplicable.


Therefore, one can conclude with some degree of safety that chaining Gods is

an inexplicable affair, be they in the form humans, dogs or elephants. Thank





On 10/17/09, Merritt Clifton <anmlpepl wrote:




> >Whether it is the Nepali worshipping the dog on Kukur Tihar or the Indian

> >worshipping Ganesha throughout the year, why do we want to see our Gods in

> >Chains?


> The Greek god Prometheus, who brought fire to humans, who

> had other names in other pantheons, was reputedly sentenced to spend

> eternity chained to a rock with a eagle eating his liver each day,

> which would grow back overnight.


> Hercules is said to have liberated him by poaching the eagle.


> Thus chaining gods is an ancient tradition, not limited to

> animals. Releasing the chained victims is a deed of the most

> god-like of mortals.


> This is not necessarily a compliment, since the alleged

> deeds of most of the gods of old would easily qualify them for

> longtime employment on chain gangs.


> Hercules is also remembered for having taken over the

> management of the severely neglected Augean stables, effecting great

> improvement in sanitation and liberating the horses.


> --

> Merritt Clifton


> P.O. Box 960

> Clinton, WA 98236


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