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Paper on hybrid lions

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Lions in India – A question of survival



Nicky K. Xavier


A question uppermost in the mind of a


conservationist who is anxious for the


survival of lions in India should be whether


there is any necessity of keeping Asiatic


lions (Panthera leo persica) and their


Afro-Asian hybrids sequestered in zoos


on the grounds of maintaining purity of


genes. Will a thorough scientific study of


the morphology, morphometry, osteology


and genetic attributes and animal behaviour


necessarily lead to the conclusion


that dissimilarities between the two socalled


sub-species outnumber the similarities


between them? The answer should


be in the negative. It is often pointed out


that the Asiatic lion has a smaller mane


and a tendency to have a ventral skin


fold, is slightly smaller in size and lives in


smaller prides. Some have also gone to


the extent of asserting that when considering


its history and phylogeny, it must be


considered an evolutionary significant


unit, almost certainly on its way to becoming


a distinct species.


It appears, the logic of speciation is


not correct here. A narrow taxonomical


perspective based on minor differences


seems responsible for sequestration of


hybrids. These minor differences and


geographical isolation, on closer study, can


be found to be inadequate to justify such


separation and to wedge apart the lions


into different sub-species. For one thing,


reproductive isolation is conspicuously


absent in the African lions and their Indian


counterparts. Most of their progeny have


proved to be healthy and fertile. For another,


the differences pointed out are minor


phenotypic and behavioural ones, which


however are produced by evolutionary


changes in gene expression. Epigenetic


differences arise even in monozygotic


twins. Thirdly, one should also take note


of the similarity in the karyotypes of the


two populations. Fourthly, merging of


phenotypic traits inherited from the parents


in successive generations F1, F2, F3


and so on of the hybrids makes it difficult


even for experienced zookeepers to


make out the differences by appearance.


This shows that the rate of evolution in


lions is minimal and slower than what is


assumed to be in geographically isolated




For a conservationist what is important


is to conserve the species as a whole rather


than keeping them reproductively isolated


as sub-species on the basis of marginal


differences. It is not suggested here


that two distant species should be allowed


to cross-breed, resulting in loss of


biodiversity. What is emphasized is the


necessity of re-examining the definition


of sub-species, which forcibly keeps two


populations of the same species reproductively


isolated on the basis of superficial


differences and isolation of the


habitat. There is an increasing tendency


for taxonomists in general to divide a


sibling species into sub-species and not


unite them if required. Take, for example,


the swamp deer in India (Cervus duvaucelli).


At present there are three subspecies


differentiated on the basis of minor


phenotypic and habitat differences. If


these three populations are allowed to


mix, much of the danger surrounding their


survival can be averted. All this redounds


to the conclusion that there has to be a


paradigm shift in speciation and substructuring.


Chances of survival of the species as a


whole and genetic variability within the


population are enhanced by hybridization.


Introgression of genes will accelerate


recombination and the genes will be


differentially regulated according to newly


evolving surroundings. The surplus hybrid


lions in Indian zoos exemplify this. Even


though heterosis is not invariably found


in successive generations of all the animal


groups, most of the hybrid lions are found


to be healthy and well-adapted. This


means, our concern should only be to


maintain an optimum level or a proper


balance between inbreeding and out-breeding


of different populations of lions in




In fact, hybrids began to come into being


in India mainly because African lions


inducted by circuses and leading a pathetic


life in small cages were confiscated


and confined by the Indian authorities in


various zoos, where they inadvertently


hybridized with captive Asiatic lions.


Captive lions with around 600 individuals


outnumber the lions in the wild in Gir


forest in Gujarat totalling 359 in number.


The majority of these captive individuals,


except in Chhatbir zoo, Punjab, where


some individuals have been found to be


ailing from certain neurological problems,


is reported to be hybrids that continue to


breed well and remain well-adapted to


Indian conditions as is evident from the


data now available with the Central Zoo


Authority. Neurological problems need


not necessarily be due to hybridization.


Such problems are observed even among


direct descendants of Asiatic lions from


Gir forest, kept at Sakkarbaugh zoo in


Gujarat as well. On the other hand, the


strenuous efforts to propagate Gir lions


in captivity or in zoos yield not so encouraging


results. Now the question is: will


the growing numbers of the captive lions


become burdensome to the authorities?


Statistics indicates that approximately Rs


60 million is spent annually on the upkeep


of all the lions, which includes hybrids


and pure Indian lions in zoos.


Surplus lions could be introduced into


selected sanctuaries, say at Kuno in


Madhya Pradesh or Chandraprabha in Uttar


Pradesh along with habitat restoration


programmes. It has been pointed out that


there remains a technical snag that a new


introduction of hybrids may not be permissible


under IUCN guidelines, which


were framed for re-introduction programmes.


Moreover, they do not consider the


hybrid lions as endangered or threatened


species. As pointed out above, the authorities


should start treating these animals


as intra-specific hybrids of two distant


populations, which still retain close affinities,


in the larger interest of the efficient


management of the teeming lions.


Apart from this, merging of phenotypic


traits inherited from the parents in successive


generations of hybrids shows that


the rate of evolution is minimal and slower


than what is assumed to be, especially in


these geographically isolated lion populations.


Otherwise, their separation may


not be as old as thought to be in the timescale.


The release of the lions into new


sanctuaries could be in a phased manner,


monitoring the released animals. However,


it must be concluded that once experimentally


released into the wild, the


question whether they will freely intermix


and form mixed prides mingling


with the Asiatic lions is yet to be ascertained


on empirical facts. If they do, one


can categorically conclude that geographical


separation has not led to the


formation of a so-called sub-species. What






is therefore required now is the urgent


introduction of the hybrid population,


which is already having a wider gene


pool than their ancestral groups did, into


a new sanctuary as an experimental group


along with a habitat restoration programme


to be strictly monitored at least


in the initial stages.


One may note that another sanctuary is


proposed with the contingency of excess


numbers in zoos in mind. There is no


scope for fear that their numbers will


overshoot in the wild, because the natural


phenomenon of environmental resistance


will increase alongside population


size, and the latter will drop back as it


nears the carrying capacity. In the zoos,


contraception methods could be utilized


in the eventuality of excess growth of


numbers among the individuals of the


remainder left behind. In the wild, lions


can survive by predation. Yet at present,


their numbers are far less than the optimum


that our forests can sustain. In zoos


maintenance of big carnivores is questioned


sometimes from the point of view


of the ethical dilemma of killing some


animals to feed others. As pointed out


above, lions kill to survive. This natural


right of the carnivores is not lost simply


by reason of their captivity in zoos. Domestic


animals which profusely breed and


multiply in farms and which are common


should be given less importance than the


critically endangered tertiary level of


carnivores, which must be conserved at


any cost.


There has been a suggestion from some


quarters that hybrids should be culled


away. One can never support culling


healthy and genetically appropriate lions.


Culling of healthy animals which have


come into existence because of man’s activism


is not appreciated all over India,


where the lion is an object of worship


and forms part of mythology, folklore


and the state currency. Even if genetically


inappropriate and sterile inter-specific


hybrid animals like ligons or tigons were


to come into being by wrong breeding


practices in zoos, the idea of culling


would still be abhorrent to the Indian


ethos and they would be magnanimously


allowed to complete their lifetimes. Coming


to individuals stricken down with incurable


illness in Indian zoos, euthanasia


is resorted to in order to put an end to the


suffering. A total extermination of the


hybrids, if suggested is a horrible, unscientific


proposition, to say the least.


According to some assumptions, conservation


of biodiversity rules out man’s


intervention, and the purity of African


lions and Asiatic lions should be left untouched.


But there have been several instances


in which man has intervened to


preserve the gene pool. It has been reported


that when natural hybridization


was widespread, the US authorities intervened


in order to save the red wolf, even


as their hybrids were brought under conservation


programme. Also natural calamities


like floods, droughts and wild fires


have prompted man to intervene to protect


endangered animals, as has been the case


in Northeast India, where artificial


mounds are built during monsoons so


that wild animals, including rhinos might


take shelter from the rising waters of the


River Brahmaputra. When fragmentation


of habitats took place, the Government


took the initiative to build forest corridors


linking different segments together, thus


facilitating conspecific hybridization.


Man’s intervention in nature, an inevitable


feature of his struggle for survival, is a


fait accompli and it is futile to shy away


from it at this point of time when conservation


of animal populations is at stake.


Despite the fact that among human


populations there are marked differences


in phenotype, genotype and behavioural


patterns across the continents, they have


not been treated as separate sub-species.


No authority has forced on them the law


for reproductive isolation as a measure to


maintain genetic diversity. Then why,


scientifically speaking, a different standard


for animals when man himself is an




Nicky K. Xavier lives at Kollannur


House, Patturaikkal, Thrissur 680 022,


India. e-mail: nickyxavier







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