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{FIAPO} fast release ABC in India, an evaluation

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Dear Members and Collegues,

Pls consider urgent - Help Required -

I had a meeting with the Owners Association of Race Horses in Mumbai

yesterday. I have to again submit suggestions for the welfare of retired

race horses. Years ago 1% of stake money was supposed to go into a fund This

has been watered down to a measly .25% a quarter of a percent.and the monies

have been used to buy an Xray machine at the Turf Club so no funds for

retired horses. .25% comes to an insulting Rs5,00,000 this year. I need to

stay on top of this and wish to have thesesuggestion ready in a couple of


These are the following suggestions for:


*1% of all Stake Monies(this year 20 crores)*

A 13th Basic Training Fee

One Race Day per Season to be dedicated to Horse Welfare - all profits go to

Fund i.e. One for mumbai/one for pune)

Aggressive donation drives among Race Goers


Animal Welfare Representatives be present on all Committees at Turf Clubs

The monies collected at each centre are for the horses from their areas,

until and when this is recognized by the Turf Authorities of India

No Horse leaves the Course or Stud Farm without exact location of new 'good'

home and complete name and details of rehomer. There are plans for a

preprinted questionaire and form. No more 'George, the agent " for schools

Any Trainer or particularly the Owner trying to send his horse off to

illegal racers, tonga wallahs or any owner who does not comply with the term

rehomer thru the back door will be followed legally as a criminal. The turf

clubs are Clubs and cannot be expected to control their members as has been


All medical records and ownership papers be officially transferred. Regular

inspection of new home.

Every retired horse regardless of retirement home must be gelded, and the

Race course owner has to pay for detoxing and possible retraining to

equestrian riding approxRs 25,000 for one month, transport to new home, feed

or expenses for one year minimum, farrier and vet availibility.

I need this information around India - I need to locate any NGO's,

Shelters, Private Persons, Institutions,Riding Clubs etc who are in

posession of Indian Thoroughbred Horses. These are retired race horses and

posess brand marks or as in recent years have a micro chip implanted. I need

to know where you got it from( race club, abandoned in road, rescued,

donated? etc), I need photo if poss of brand mark, location of horse, how

you are financing yr maintenence?Just write private or donations or starving

to death. I also need to know if there are any thoroughbred horses being

used in your locality as tonga, carriage, film horses. Also boarding and

hostel schools have these horses donated. Police and other Services too. We

need to know where these horses go to.

It is also important to say which state or town these animals are in - Thank

you Photos of brandmark for identification

would really be very helpful

Pls mail to terraanima@gmail for privacy if needed.


need feedback on the defination of a 'good' home - water, shelter and food

is not an adequate description for most commercial owners. Give your

suggestions for the above ( no need to describe Paradise) I need workable



thank you

Roxanne Davur

Terra Anima Trust




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