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Ramkrishna Mision's stand on animal sacrifice

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Dear Dr Krishna,

Thank you for sharing these important items. Yes,

Ramkrishna Mission did appply for a separate sect entitled

'Ramkrishnan'. As far as I know, the appeal was turned down. However, I am

not sure where they stand on the issue of animal sacrifice. Swami

Vivekananda started animal sacrifice in Belur Math but it was stopped at the

insistence of Sarada Maa, Ramkrishna's wife. He then started animal

sacrifice in Barahanagar Ramkrishna Mission. At one point of time, animals

were sacrificed in Dakshineshwar temple and the severed heads were carried

for offering in Belur Math. I do know animal sacrifice does not take place

in Belur Math anymore.However, I will ask my colleague of Ramkrishna Mission

on the exact state in Dakshineshwar and if the organisation favours it. He

is out of station but I will raise this issue once he is back.

Let me assure you that I am as opposed to this vile practice as anyone else

on this forum. Chopping of the head of a sentient creature to gain divine

blessings appears to me as a heinous crime. It needs to be stopped.

Best wishes,




Dear ,


I am sure that you, of all people, are aware of the affidavit filed in


the West Bengal High Court and the Supreme Court by the Ramakrishna


(RM). It clearly and unequivocally states that the RM does not consider

itself a Hindu organisation.


Vivekananda was a political Hindu and, when he visited Madras both prior

to his 1893 visit to Chicago and afterwards, he specifically mentioned

how amazed and happy he was with the vegetarianism he saw.


Please remember that Ramakrishna and Vivekananda grew up in and around

Kalighat - a stinking hellhole for animals and the scene of unprecented

savage butchery. Any one growing up in this atmosphere will have become

totally desensitised before he or she can begin to reason. Vivekananda

was not " the most outspoken Hindu figure " as you called him. As I

mentioned, he himself did not consider himself a Hindu. His birthplace,

Bengal, and the rest of the North East is as Azam so poignantly put it,

the worst place for animals in India. This view has been expressed by

you in your many scholarly writings. In spite of the atmosphere he grew

up in, Ramakrishna was a vegetarian.


Hinduism is a way of life which is several thousand years old and, in

the course of the last five thousand years has absorbed many tribal


You are absolutely correct when you say that sacrifice is mentioned in

the Vedas and, with your learning, I am sure you can quote chapter and

verse where the Vedas speak against this pernicious practice.


The bottom line is simple: over the last five thousand years, have we as

human beings evolved or not?


Remember that man created God in his image and not the other way around.

To a butcher, his God would be the most efficient butcher; to a dog, his

god would be the largest super dog he can think of; to me as a Hindu,

many of the idols I bow before have eight arms because I have only two -

and what better way to show His greater power than by showing Him with

four times as many arms as an ordinary human? My universe is too small

for two Gods - in whatever way you call the supreme power, it remains

the same.


Warm regards


S. Chinny Krishna




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