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RE: Smells like scam to me

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In fact, I had two calls from Laksri in the meantime. During our first

conversation I found out, that he has three not yet sterilized dogs, but

they are still young and we will get them fixed next time we have a clinic

in that area, where he lives. On that day we will also vaccinate all his

dogs against rabies. I told him that we cannot provide him with parvo and

distemper vaccines and I also told him why he should not be too worried

about these. Today, when he called me again, he said, that he finds it very

difficult to buy the quantities of rice and other food-items he needs to

feed these dogs, which he adopted from the road because everything gets more

costly every month, which is true and which is a problem for all of us. I

told him that I feel sorry to be unable to help at this moment, but will

keep him in mind when there is a little extra-money available. He is

definitely not trying to get money for some other purpose using his rescued

dogs as a pretext. However, his village is forty km from mine and I have no

time right now to go there, but when we have the clinic there, I will go

myself or send a SOFA-volunteer, who will attend to the vaccinations and

pick up the three dogs to be sterilized and at the same time see the other

dogs and whole set-up too.


Sri Lanka is witnessing a huge problem now and Laksri is facing part of

this: Thanks to the no-kill-policy introduced by President Mahinda Rajapakse

we do not have to witness the terrible slaughtering going on with cyanide

and strychnine, but the dumping of dogs (sometimes called “re-location”) has

increased tremendously. Those days only individuals have dumped their own

pups or sometimes the mother and the pups together or the female dog, which

has just come into heat. But now not only individuals are dumping individual

dogs, but institutions of various kinds are catching whole loads of dogs in

the whole area and dump them at a far away place, even if all these dogs are

sterilized and vaccinated and the “explanation” given is something like: “it

does not look good to have so many dogs here”. The suffering inflicted on

these dogs is as terrible as the pain they had to bear up those days at the

time they got caught with lassos and killed in the most cruel manner. Some

dogs are street-smart and after some time find their way to their original

territory ( I have seen dogs coming back from places as far as 100 km), some

dogs adjust to their new environment after some time, make friends with

people, find feeders and someone, who allows them to sleep in their

fire-wood-shed, but many are running around totally lost, are dead-scared

and panic-stricken and therefore can neither make friends with dogs in the

area to get a place in their territory, nor can they make friends with

people in order to get some food… even if we try to help such an animal, it

is difficult for us to get its trust and get anywhere near it. But if we

manage to get hold of such an unfortunate creature, we have keep it in our

care. Some of the dogs Laksri has adopted recently must have have been from

that sad lot… it would break anyone’s heart to see a dog, up-rooted from its

environment and finding itself without any orientation.


It’s good, that our Health-Ministry is continuing the government-funded

sterilization and recently for the first time in Sri Lanka a committee has

been set up in the Central Province, where animal-welfare organization have

a seat and can make their suggestions, but we have a long way to go and in

the meantime we cannot ignore those homeless pups and adult dogs. Laksri is

one of those people, who could not close his eyes and his heart and

therefore he ended up in a situation where he needs help.












Weintraub [weintraub]

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:45 AM


Cc: Herojig; Padma

RE: Smells like scam to me





FYI, re below post is not a scam, we received clarification that the person

exists and is helping animals in Sri Lanka.






Jigme wrote " At best, this is a lame attempt to get international aid from a

country that barely has any to begin to with " - yes agreed that is what is

I think also.















wNkbXNnBHNsawN2bXNnBHN0aW1lAzEyNTkwNTUwNTE-> Smells like scam to me...and a

heads up on CNN Interview!



Posted by: " Jigs Gaton "


2E%2Eand%20a%20heads%20up%20on%20CNN%20Interview%21> herojig

<http://profiles./herojig2> herojig2



Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:12 pm (PST)





I got the following email addressed to animalnepal today with 3MB of rar

file labelled ³photos.² I did not open for obvious reasons (like I don¹t

need any more virus then I already have). I am not sure what can be done

about these sick individuals (if indeed this is a scam), but it sure is

annoying. At best, this is a lame attempt to get international aid from a

country that barely has any to begin to with. Although look for us tomorrow

on CNN International, in regard to the Gadhimai Massacre taking place now,

perhaps that will help!

Jigs in Nepal




" Victory "

296, Red Cross Drive,




Tel# Mobile : +94-0779810569

Tel# Office : +94-0812420069

24th November 2009


SOS Need Urgent Help Please -Provide Vaccination(Free of Charge) or Help by

Funding for Dogs & Cats Protection & Care


Dear Jig Gaton,




I am doing community service solely by myself giving

shelter, protection and care to Stray Dogs & Cats finding in streets.

But at the moment, I am having an economical problem of looking after and

giving protection & care to them, as the purchase cost of Animal Pet Food,

Necessary Medicines & Vaccination have tremendously gone up in prices.


Presently I am having a very hard & tough time of making shelter giving food

stuffs, medicine and vaccination as I am short of needful funds, as I do not

get any AID or Assistance from any body in this world for this worthy



As such, I am looking for Generous Person & Donor like you, who could make

some sort of a contribution by material i.e. -vaccination & medicines

towards this Service of Animal Protection & Care.


I shall be very much thankful if you could please be kind enough to provide

vacciantion and pet food in order to save the lives , care & protect these

innocent cats & dogs in this poor country.


Presently I need below vaccinationthese innocent Stray Dogs found in

Streets, as 19 of the Dogs Died by infecting DISTEMPER Disease & 18 Died bt

infecting PAVO


300 Nos ANTI RABIES Vaccination.

300 nos DHL Vaccination.

300 Nos PAVO Vaccination.


Please be kind enough to ship or send by air post the above indicated

Vaccination Free of Charge to below address.


C/o. L.A.C. Wickremasinghe

" Victory "

296, Red Cross Drive,





If you are unable to send or provide above vaccinations, I shall be very

much thankful if you could please be kind enough to remit any amount by

cash ,check or bank draft to below Bank Account, in order to save the lives

, care & protect these innocent cats & dogs in this poor country.


Even if you contribute $1, $2 or $100 anything will be deeply welcome &

appreciated. It will be very much helpful If you could please have your

contribution monthly.


I know that this contribution amount is very negligible to you.


You will note that considerable amount of cash will be required as NO BODY




Please be kind enough remit whatever your Contribution by check or Bank

draft or Money Order to below Account:


Name of Account : L.A.C.Wickremasinghe

Current Account Number: 31505

Bank Name & Address: Bank of Ceylon,Super Grade Branch,Kandy,Sri Lanka.


I am quite sure by helping me to save the lifes of these innocent pet

animals, you will definitely be Successful in all your Future Endeavors.

Your Business & Personal Life will be Prosper and Almighty God will

definitely help you as you are CARING & SAVING A LIFE OF AN INNOCENT ANIMAL.


May the Lord Our God Always Bless & Protect You & Please be sure of my

Prayers for you and your loved ones


I attach here to few photos for your information of the operations &

sterilization program which I conducted with the help of Vetinary Surgeons.






Sincerely Yours,

L.A.C. Wickremasinghe (Laksri)



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Asian Animal Protection NetworkFYI, re below post is not a scam, we received

clarification that the person exists and is helping animals in Sri Lanka.


Jigme wrote " At best, this is a lame attempt to get international aid from a

country that barely has any to begin to with " - yes agreed that is what is I

think also.




Smells like scam to me...and a heads up on CNN Interview!

Posted by: " Jigs Gaton " herojig herojig2

Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:12 pm (PST)



I got the following email addressed to animalnepal today with 3MB of rar

file labelled ³photos.² I did not open for obvious reasons (like I don¹t

need any more virus then I already have). I am not sure what can be done

about these sick individuals (if indeed this is a scam), but it sure is

annoying. At best, this is a lame attempt to get international aid from a

country that barely has any to begin to with. Although look for us tomorrow

on CNN International, in regard to the Gadhimai Massacre taking place now,

perhaps that will help!

Jigs in Nepal




" Victory "

296, Red Cross Drive,




Tel# Mobile : +94-0779810569

Tel# Office : +94-0812420069

24th November 2009


SOS Need Urgent Help Please -Provide Vaccination(Free of Charge) or Help by

Funding for Dogs & Cats Protection & Care


Dear Jig Gaton,


I am doing community service solely by myself giving

shelter, protection and care to Stray Dogs & Cats finding in streets.

But at the moment, I am having an economical problem of looking after and

giving protection & care to them, as the purchase cost of Animal Pet Food,

Necessary Medicines & Vaccination have tremendously gone up in prices.


Presently I am having a very hard & tough time of making shelter giving food

stuffs, medicine and vaccination as I am short of needful funds, as I do not

get any AID or Assistance from any body in this world for this worthy



As such, I am looking for Generous Person & Donor like you, who could make

some sort of a contribution by material i.e. -vaccination & medicines

towards this Service of Animal Protection & Care.


I shall be very much thankful if you could please be kind enough to provide

vacciantion and pet food in order to save the lives , care & protect these

innocent cats & dogs in this poor country.


Presently I need below vaccinationthese innocent Stray Dogs found in

Streets, as 19 of the Dogs Died by infecting DISTEMPER Disease & 18 Died bt

infecting PAVO


300 Nos ANTI RABIES Vaccination.

300 nos DHL Vaccination.

300 Nos PAVO Vaccination.


Please be kind enough to ship or send by air post the above indicated

Vaccination Free of Charge to below address.


C/o. L.A.C. Wickremasinghe

" Victory "

296, Red Cross Drive,





If you are unable to send or provide above vaccinations, I shall be very

much thankful if you could please be kind enough to remit any amount by

cash ,check or bank draft to below Bank Account, in order to save the lives

, care & protect these innocent cats & dogs in this poor country.


Even if you contribute $1, $2 or $100 anything will be deeply welcome &

appreciated. It will be very much helpful If you could please have your

contribution monthly.


I know that this contribution amount is very negligible to you.


You will note that considerable amount of cash will be required as NO BODY




Please be kind enough remit whatever your Contribution by check or Bank

draft or Money Order to below Account:


Name of Account : L.A.C.Wickremasinghe

Current Account Number: 31505

Bank Name & Address: Bank of Ceylon,Super Grade Branch,Kandy,Sri Lanka.


I am quite sure by helping me to save the lifes of these innocent pet

animals, you will definitely be Successful in all your Future Endeavors.

Your Business & Personal Life will be Prosper and Almighty God will

definitely help you as you are CARING & SAVING A LIFE OF AN INNOCENT ANIMAL.


May the Lord Our God Always Bless & Protect You & Please be sure of my

Prayers for you and your loved ones


I attach here to few photos for your information of the operations &

sterilization program which I conducted with the help of Vetinary Surgeons.






Sincerely Yours,

L.A.C. Wickremasinghe (Laksri)



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Asian Animal Protection NetworkThis is heartbreaking Padma. Please continue to

keep the international community informed.





' Weintraub'

Cc: aapn

Monday, November 23, 2009 3:04 PM

RE: Smells like scam to me



In fact, I had two calls from Laksri in the meantime. During our first

conversation I found out, that he has three not yet sterilized dogs, but they

are still young and we will get them fixed next time we have a clinic in that

area, where he lives. On that day we will also vaccinate all his dogs against

rabies. I told him that we cannot provide him with parvo and distemper vaccines

and I also told him why he should not be too worried about these. Today, when he

called me again, he said, that he finds it very difficult to buy the quantities

of rice and other food-items he needs to feed these dogs, which he adopted from

the road because everything gets more costly every month, which is true and

which is a problem for all of us. I told him that I feel sorry to be unable to

help at this moment, but will keep him in mind when there is a little

extra-money available. He is definitely not trying to get money for some other

purpose using his rescued dogs as a pretext. However, his village is forty km

from mine and I have no time right now to go there, but when we have the clinic

there, I will go myself or send a SOFA-volunteer, who will attend to the

vaccinations and pick up the three dogs to be sterilized and at the same time

see the other dogs and whole set-up too.


Sri Lanka is witnessing a huge problem now and Laksri is facing part of this:

Thanks to the no-kill-policy introduced by President Mahinda Rajapakse we do not

have to witness the terrible slaughtering going on with cyanide and strychnine,

but the dumping of dogs (sometimes called " re-location " ) has increased

tremendously. Those days only individuals have dumped their own pups or

sometimes the mother and the pups together or the female dog, which has just

come into heat. But now not only individuals are dumping individual dogs, but

institutions of various kinds are catching whole loads of dogs in the whole area

and dump them at a far away place, even if all these dogs are sterilized and

vaccinated and the " explanation " given is something like: " it does not look good

to have so many dogs here " . The suffering inflicted on these dogs is as terrible

as the pain they had to bear up those days at the time they got caught with

lassos and killed in the most cruel manner. Some dogs are street-smart and after

some time find their way to their original territory ( I have seen dogs coming

back from places as far as 100 km), some dogs adjust to their new environment

after some time, make friends with people, find feeders and someone, who allows

them to sleep in their fire-wood-shed, but many are running around totally lost,

are dead-scared and panic-stricken and therefore can neither make friends with

dogs in the area to get a place in their territory, nor can they make friends

with people in order to get some food. even if we try to help such an animal, it

is difficult for us to get its trust and get anywhere near it. But if we manage

to get hold of such an unfortunate creature, we have keep it in our care. Some

of the dogs Laksri has adopted recently must have have been from that sad lot.

it would break anyone's heart to see a dog, up-rooted from its environment and

finding itself without any orientation.


It's good, that our Health-Ministry is continuing the government-funded

sterilization and recently for the first time in Sri Lanka a committee has been

set up in the Central Province, where animal-welfare organization have a seat

and can make their suggestions, but we have a long way to go and in the meantime

we cannot ignore those homeless pups and adult dogs. Laksri is one of those

people, who could not close his eyes and his heart and therefore he ended up in

a situation where he needs help.













Weintraub [weintraub]

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:45 AM


Cc: Herojig; Padma

RE: Smells like scam to me




FYI, re below post is not a scam, we received clarification that the person

exists and is helping animals in Sri Lanka.


Jigme wrote " At best, this is a lame attempt to get international aid from a

country that barely has any to begin to with " - yes agreed that is what is I

think also.






Smells like scam to me...and a heads up on CNN Interview!

Posted by: " Jigs Gaton " herojig herojig2

Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:12 pm (PST)



I got the following email addressed to animalnepal today with 3MB of rar

file labelled ³photos.² I did not open for obvious reasons (like I don¹t

need any more virus then I already have). I am not sure what can be done

about these sick individuals (if indeed this is a scam), but it sure is

annoying. At best, this is a lame attempt to get international aid from a

country that barely has any to begin to with. Although look for us tomorrow

on CNN International, in regard to the Gadhimai Massacre taking place now,

perhaps that will help!

Jigs in Nepal




" Victory "

296, Red Cross Drive,




Tel# Mobile : +94-0779810569

Tel# Office : +94-0812420069

24th November 2009


SOS Need Urgent Help Please -Provide Vaccination(Free of Charge) or Help by

Funding for Dogs & Cats Protection & Care


Dear Jig Gaton,




I am doing community service solely by myself giving

shelter, protection and care to Stray Dogs & Cats finding in streets.

But at the moment, I am having an economical problem of looking after and

giving protection & care to them, as the purchase cost of Animal Pet Food,

Necessary Medicines & Vaccination have tremendously gone up in prices.


Presently I am having a very hard & tough time of making shelter giving food

stuffs, medicine and vaccination as I am short of needful funds, as I do not

get any AID or Assistance from any body in this world for this worthy



As such, I am looking for Generous Person & Donor like you, who could make

some sort of a contribution by material i.e. -vaccination & medicines

towards this Service of Animal Protection & Care.


I shall be very much thankful if you could please be kind enough to provide

vacciantion and pet food in order to save the lives , care & protect these

innocent cats & dogs in this poor country.


Presently I need below vaccinationthese innocent Stray Dogs found in

Streets, as 19 of the Dogs Died by infecting DISTEMPER Disease & 18 Died bt

infecting PAVO


300 Nos ANTI RABIES Vaccination.

300 nos DHL Vaccination.

300 Nos PAVO Vaccination.


Please be kind enough to ship or send by air post the above indicated

Vaccination Free of Charge to below address.


C/o. L.A.C. Wickremasinghe

" Victory "

296, Red Cross Drive,





If you are unable to send or provide above vaccinations, I shall be very

much thankful if you could please be kind enough to remit any amount by

cash ,check or bank draft to below Bank Account, in order to save the lives

, care & protect these innocent cats & dogs in this poor country.


Even if you contribute $1, $2 or $100 anything will be deeply welcome &

appreciated. It will be very much helpful If you could please have your

contribution monthly.


I know that this contribution amount is very negligible to you.


You will note that considerable amount of cash will be required as NO BODY




Please be kind enough remit whatever your Contribution by check or Bank

draft or Money Order to below Account:


Name of Account : L.A.C.Wickremasinghe

Current Account Number: 31505

Bank Name & Address: Bank of Ceylon,Super Grade Branch,Kandy,Sri Lanka.


I am quite sure by helping me to save the lifes of these innocent pet

animals, you will definitely be Successful in all your Future Endeavors.

Your Business & Personal Life will be Prosper and Almighty God will

definitely help you as you are CARING & SAVING A LIFE OF AN INNOCENT ANIMAL.


May the Lord Our God Always Bless & Protect You & Please be sure of my

Prayers for you and your loved ones


I attach here to few photos for your information of the operations &

sterilization program which I conducted with the help of Vetinary Surgeons.






Sincerely Yours,

L.A.C. Wickremasinghe (Laksri)


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>In fact, I had two calls from Laksri in the meantime. During our first

>conversation I found out, that he has three not yet sterilized dogs, but

>they are still young



Sterilizing dogs, vaccinating them

against rabies, and deworming them all ought to

be far higher priorities for rescuers in

developing world situations than buying food for

them, for several reasons which should be



1) Animals don't breed successfully when

they don't have sufficient nutrition to do so.

Street dogs exist in the first place because of

the abundance of food available to them in places

where refuse and rodents thrive, due to

inadequate refuse collection, open sewers, a

lack of refrigeration, and common use of work

animals, whose droppings help to provide food to

both rodents and dogs.


2) The primary reason why dogs often are

malnourished, in the midst of abundant food for

dogs, is that they have intestinal parasites.

Deworming enables them to make use of the food

they already have. Feeding them just gives the

worms a richer diet.


3) The major reason why dogs are

mistreated is that they are perceived as

over-abundant, even where the food supply

supports them. Sterilizing dogs addresses that



4) The major threat that street dogs

pose to people is the potential for rabies

transmission. Vaccination prevents that.



Wanting to feed an animal proceeds from

instinct, and people feel good when they do it,

but effective animal rescue is not about doing

what makes oneself feel good; it is about doing

what most helps the animals.


Street dogs are extremely good at finding

food; if they were not, they would not exist.

Street dogs are not able to sterilize,

vaccinate, and deworm themselves; this is how

humans can best help them.



>Sri Lanka is witnessing a huge problem now and Laksri is facing part of

>this: Thanks to the no-kill-policy introduced by President Mahinda Rajapakse

>we do not have to witness the terrible slaughtering going on with cyanide

>and strychnine, but the dumping of dogs (sometimes called “re-location”) has

>increased tremendously...now not only individuals are dumping individual

>dogs, but institutions of various kinds are catching whole loads of dogs in

>the whole area and dump them at a far away place, even if all these dogs are

>sterilized and vaccinated


This goes on all over the world,

whenever killing dogs is prohibited without

adequate provision being made to reduce the

numbers by sterilization, and to prosecute the

hell out of anyone who is caught dumping dogs



Legislation needs to be in place that

treats dog-dumpers like poachers: their vehicles

will be seized and auctioned off, they will get

jail time, and whoever hired them will be jailed

and heavily fined.


This was done many decades ago in parts

of the U.S., but those times are now so far

behind us that hardly anyone remembers.



Jigme offered a series of tips to Laksri

Wickremasinghe, and indirectly to others who may

be trying to raise funds for similar purposes.

Jigme's tips are all worthwhile, but he omitted

the first and most important:


#1 - Incorporate as a nonprofit

organization and meet basic accountability



The difference between an altruistic

beggar and a nonprofit organization is that the

beggar promises to do X-Y-Z if given money; the

act of incorporating the nonprofit organization

creates a contract with society that reinforces

the promise and requires that the organization

must document how it is fulfillment. This

documentation, in turn, becomes the primary

vehicle for further successful fundraising.


People who just want to feed dogs and

feel good usually don't want to commit themselves

to that extent. The basic question, however,

is do you want to solve a problem, or just feel



People who really want to solve problems

will find my next seven e-mails useful. They

consist of the 2010 edition of the ANIMAL PEOPLE

fundraising & accountability handbook,

reformatted into plain vanilla text, without any



I can also forward the whole handbook to

anyone who would like it in the formatted

version, in which the page numbers actually

match, unlike in the plain vanilla version, but

you will need to have high-speed Internet access

to receive it -- not just dial-up.





Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent

newspaper providing original investigative

coverage of animal protection worldwide, founded

in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes

the decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal

protection organizations. We have no alignment

or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

for free sample, send address.]

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Merrit, many thanks for pointing out missing point #1, which I thought was a

given. Looking forward to reading the handbook (you can send a formatted

copy to studiosDOTphoenixATgmailDOTcom) and I will check to see if we are in









Merritt Clifton <anmlpepl

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 17:17:00 -0800

<aapn >

RE: Smells like scam to me


>In fact, I had two calls from Laksri in the meantime. During our first

>conversation I found out, that he has three not yet sterilized dogs, but

>they are still young



Sterilizing dogs, vaccinating them

against rabies, and deworming them all ought to

be far higher priorities for rescuers in

developing world situations than buying food for

them, for several reasons which should be



1) Animals don't breed successfully when

they don't have sufficient nutrition to do so.

Street dogs exist in the first place because of

the abundance of food available to them in places

where refuse and rodents thrive, due to

inadequate refuse collection, open sewers, a

lack of refrigeration, and common use of work

animals, whose droppings help to provide food to

both rodents and dogs.


2) The primary reason why dogs often are

malnourished, in the midst of abundant food for

dogs, is that they have intestinal parasites.

Deworming enables them to make use of the food

they already have. Feeding them just gives the

worms a richer diet.


3) The major reason why dogs are

mistreated is that they are perceived as

over-abundant, even where the food supply

supports them. Sterilizing dogs addresses that



4) The major threat that street dogs

pose to people is the potential for rabies

transmission. Vaccination prevents that.



Wanting to feed an animal proceeds from

instinct, and people feel good when they do it,

but effective animal rescue is not about doing

what makes oneself feel good; it is about doing

what most helps the animals.


Street dogs are extremely good at finding

food; if they were not, they would not exist.

Street dogs are not able to sterilize,

vaccinate, and deworm themselves; this is how

humans can best help them.



>Sri Lanka is witnessing a huge problem now and Laksri is facing part of

>this: Thanks to the no-kill-policy introduced by President Mahinda Rajapakse

>we do not have to witness the terrible slaughtering going on with cyanide

>and strychnine, but the dumping of dogs (sometimes called ³re-location²) has

>increased tremendously...now not only individuals are dumping individual

>dogs, but institutions of various kinds are catching whole loads of dogs in

>the whole area and dump them at a far away place, even if all these dogs are

>sterilized and vaccinated


This goes on all over the world,

whenever killing dogs is prohibited without

adequate provision being made to reduce the

numbers by sterilization, and to prosecute the

hell out of anyone who is caught dumping dogs



Legislation needs to be in place that

treats dog-dumpers like poachers: their vehicles

will be seized and auctioned off, they will get

jail time, and whoever hired them will be jailed

and heavily fined.


This was done many decades ago in parts

of the U.S., but those times are now so far

behind us that hardly anyone remembers.



Jigme offered a series of tips to Laksri

Wickremasinghe, and indirectly to others who may

be trying to raise funds for similar purposes.

Jigme's tips are all worthwhile, but he omitted

the first and most important:


#1 - Incorporate as a nonprofit

organization and meet basic accountability



The difference between an altruistic

beggar and a nonprofit organization is that the

beggar promises to do X-Y-Z if given money; the

act of incorporating the nonprofit organization

creates a contract with society that reinforces

the promise and requires that the organization

must document how it is fulfillment. This

documentation, in turn, becomes the primary

vehicle for further successful fundraising.


People who just want to feed dogs and

feel good usually don't want to commit themselves

to that extent. The basic question, however,

is do you want to solve a problem, or just feel



People who really want to solve problems

will find my next seven e-mails useful. They

consist of the 2010 edition of the ANIMAL PEOPLE

fundraising & accountability handbook,

reformatted into plain vanilla text, without any



I can also forward the whole handbook to

anyone who would like it in the formatted

version, in which the page numbers actually

match, unlike in the plain vanilla version, but

you will need to have high-speed Internet access

to receive it -- not just dial-up.





Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent

newspaper providing original investigative

coverage of animal protection worldwide, founded

in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes

the decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal

protection organizations. We have no alignment

or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

for free sample, send address.]





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