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(IN): Is Nagaland changing for good?

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*Is Nagaland changing for good?*



The state where there was ZERO hope for any non-human living creature in

India seems is now witnessing a change.


Thanks to Smt. Maneka Gandhi for sowing the seed of compassion in the minds

of the Naga society and leading the way as always.

As her columns started appearing in the leading newspaper and web portal of

Nagaland- The Nagaland Post (http://www.nagalandpost.com), it sent out a

clear signals to the society as a whole as to why animals and other living

creatures were important to us.

These columns started appearing in regular intervals and have now become

quite a craze in the masses.


It may have been the impact of her columns which made the state BAN hunting

and restricting the village councils to not only stop the killing and sale

of wild animals and birds but also prevent the sale of its meat at eateries

or hotels. Something which I had never heard in my lifetime ever !

See news report :



Even insurgent organisations like NSCN-IM have been reported as

issuing diktats in the state asking the people to stay away from hunting

during breeding season etc.


Well, it is quite obvious to be still a little skeptic as to how far this

can actually help in bringing about a change for the wildlife and more

specially for the best friend of Man- the Dog?


Well, here you have it.


'Nagaland Post' does it once again.


Today's issue has a column dedicated to the wonderful Dog (see attached



I am sure this is just not enough to help Dogs from ending up in their

platter, but is certainly a BIG move towards the change that we all strive



A humane and compassionate Nagaland free from bloodshed, free from unjust.



Azam Siddiqui






Dog Days and Dog Thoughts..!


*Bob''s Banter, Nov 29:*

Article published on 11/30/2008 2:18:16 AM IST


*After the trauma the city and nation have gone through in the recent

carnage and cowardly terrorist acts in Mumbai it's not easy to write without

sadness and anger, but as I watched the soldiers at work outside the Taj, I

saw a strange sight, a dog coming out sniffing the air looking quizzically

at the men and then staring at the TV crew: *

Was there something that dog wanted to tell the world?

That you don't shoot an unarmed person, you don't kill women and children

and also what religion is it that teaches you to do such?

I thought about that dog and decided to drag myself away from bomb and

bullet and talk about my four- legged friends today:

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his

tongue. - Anonymous

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.

- Ben Williams

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

- Josh Billings

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.- Andy Rooney

Dogs love their friends & bite their enemies, quite unlike people.

- Anonymous

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.

- Franklin P. Jones

If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise - Unknown

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get

used to the idea. - Robert A. Heinlein

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you;

that is the principal difference between a dog and a man. - Mark Twain

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.- Roger Caras

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket

and then give him only two of them. - Phil Pastoret

So if there are among you some who've lost their faith in their fellow human

beings, try adopting a dog:

Many times in the middle of my writing, I walk through the house searching

for appropriate word or thought, I knew my stray dog Pluto wasn't too well,

so went to look for him, he was on the beanbag fast asleep, and there on the

adjacent bed was my huge German Shepherd, Geoff.

But what moved me was seeing Geoff's paw stretching right across bed to

beanbag and ever so lightly resting on Pluto's head.

Thank you my four legged friends, for showing me in the middle of death and

destruction that there still is a thing called caring and love, maybe it's

time we started relearning from God's other creatures what we in this hate

full world are beginning to forget today..!









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