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Elephant Pipeline in Edward Berry's Memory, Instructions for Donating

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*Elephant Pipeline in Edward Berry's Memory*, Instructions for Donating



We are donating funds in Edward Berry's Memory.


Instructions for donating are below.


This is the link for U. S. Friends of David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust




*Please note that they now have PAYPAL but there isn't a comment box. If you

use Paypal, please e-mail Kathryn Fenley at

kfenley to let her know the donation is from The

Elephant Commentator in Edward Berry's Memory. *


*Include a note that this donation is from The Elephant Commentator Group in

Edward Berry's Memory. *



If donating by check …




Mail check or money order to:




Kathryn Fenley


Treasurer & Assistant Secretary


U. S Friends of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust


One Indiana Square, Suite 2800


Indianapolis, IN 46204




*Include a note that this donation is from The Elephant Commentator Group in

Edward Berry's Memory. *




If donating by Credit Card …




Go to:






Send e-mail to: kfenley


*With a note that donation is from The Elephant Commentator Group in Edward

Berry's Memory. *




Send e-mail to Bunny: elephant.pipeline.tally


with amount donated for informal tally. This is voluntary. If you wish to

remain anonymous, you may do so.







On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:08 PM, azam24x7 <azam24x7 wrote:




> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> azam24x7 <azam24x7

> Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:00 PM

> Re: Obituary : Edward Berry, Moderator, The Elephant

> Commentator and friend of Asian Elephants


> Cc: AAPN List <aapn >



> This is just so shocking Shubho, I just cannot believe that 'ED' has left

> us so suddenly!


> My sincere condolences go to the whole family.


> Indeed, it was only because of ED that we now have this platform called

> 'United against Elephant Polo'.

> It was ED who posted on AAPN (if I am not mistaken) that since there so

> less talked about or heard of about 'Elephant Polo', maybe we should compile

> the notes/ comments/ etc on a word document and circulate or have ir ready

> for our campaign.

> What resulted is before all of us to see: http://www.stopelephantpolo.com

> Dr. John would it be possible to trace that particular email from ED, I

> will try searching the archive too.


> It was the platform of 'Elephant Commentator' which carried forward

> the campaign from Asia and sowed it in the minds of the developed world.

> 'Elephant Commentator' was abuzz with wide ranging issues involving the

> Asian elephant in crisis.


> His death is a BIG blow to the end number of issues that we are fighting

> for.

> It is a vacuum that will be felt for a long time to come.


> ED was a regular on MSN messenger and I have such fond memories of rushing

> upto him whenever I could see him online and coming out with sensible ideas.


> Shubho, please throw some more light on his tragic demise.


> May you rest in peace Dear ED and bless us all to continue the fight for

> the rights of the voiceless.



> Azam Siddiqui




> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 1:30 PM, <

> journalistandanimals wrote:




>> Dear all,

>> It is with great sadness and regret that I bring you news of the

>> death of Edward Berry, former Moderator of the Elephant Commentator, an

>> MSN

>> Group that was devoted to discussion and campaigning on elephant welfare.

>> As

>> many of you will know, Edward was at the forefront of many elephant

>> campaigns in USA, Canada, Africa and Asia that he tirelessly highlighted

>> in

>> The Elephant Commentator and I was very honoured when he asked me to join.

>> He wrote a very poignant statement against elephant polo that I reproduce

>> again. I very much doubt if the elephant polo campaign would have got

>> where

>> it did without Edward's constant support and encouragement.

>> I never met Edward but we corresponded often and shared many views on a

>> range of topics : animals, human rights, politics, Noam Chomsky and India.

>> He was unfailingly courteous and highlighted many AAPN Asian animal issues

>> on the Elephant Commentator website. Edward was also a devotee of the

>> Bengali mystic Ramkrishna.

>> His friend, Cora Moore informed me yesterday that he died on September

>> 9th.

>> Thank you for all your help Edward, nice to have known you and rest in

>> peace. We can assure you that your beloved elephants will not be

>> forgotten.

>> Best wishes and warm regards,



>> edpipeline <edpipeline <edpipeline%40>>

>> Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 6:37 PM

>> Re: Elephant Polo Issues

>> aapn <aapn%40>


>> Dear and Azam,

>> According to a recent book, THE MEDICI GIRAFFE And Other Tales of Exotic

>> Animals and Power by Marina Belozerskaya,1. the New York Times reviewer,

>> William Grimes, noted that Pompey, an infamous Roman emperor,


>> .... gathered hundreds of animals for a mass slaughter in the Circus

>> Maximus to restore his fading popularity with the Roman public. For four

>> days, before crowds of 150,000 or more, man and beast fought to the

>> death. Predators attacked terrified prey. The crowd roared with delight.

>> And then something strange happened. Late in the games, a group of

>> elephants, realizing that they were cornered by hunters with spears,

>> began to wail and moan. The sentiment of the crowd moved in favor of the

>> elephants, regarded by the Romans as intelligent and virtuous. (Pliny

>> told the story of an elephant who once wrote in the sand, in Greek

>> letters, " I, the elephant, wrote this. " ) Miscalculating, Pompey ordered

>> the elephants slain, bringing the curses of the crowd down on his head.

>> The games failed....2.


>> Now, over 2000 years later, in the 21st century, we are using elephants

>> for the entertainment of the populace, arranged by our rulers, in the

>> form of " elephant polo " . Well, the populace is once again just beginning

>> to side with the elephants. Not only does elephant polo bring to mind

>> the Roman Circus, it also brings to mind fox-hunting, big game hunting,

>> circus acts, elephant culls, the ivory industry, and the many miserable

>> zoos all over the world. The exploitation and torment of elephants goes

>> on. And with the blessing of the elite and of course, governments.


>> The members of The Elephant Commentator have occasionally discussed

>> elephant polo, but as the " sport " isn't well known in North America,

>> there has been a lack of background information, whereas there is with

>> circuses and zoos. There isn't the plethora of information about the

>> abuses happening behind the scenes, as there is with our usual subjects

>> of investigation. So the discussions have drifted off, without the

>> needed factual background to make sense of this somewhat alien

>> entertainment. Now, with Azam, , and Dame Daphne pointing out

>> what should, perhaps, have been obvious to elephant-lovers, we are

>> beginning to develop a slow burn about this spectacle. Much needs to be

>> ferreted out about the behind-the-scenes treatment of the elephants and

>> to reflect about why this is allowed to continue in our times, and to

>> take appropriate action.


>> Edward Berry, Moderator,


>> The Elephant Commentator


>> http://groups.msn.com/TheElephantCommentator

>> <http://groups.msn.com/TheElephantCommentator>


>> 1. Belozershaya, Marina. The Medici Giraffe And Other Tales of Exotic

>> Animals and Power. Little, Brown & Company, 2006


>> 2. William Grimes, " Where Wild Things Are Perks of Power " The New York

>> Times August 25, 2006

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