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(TH) ITD Update 05/12/09

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December 5th, 2009


Dogs in Thailand Update

Dear Friends


Further to the Reuters report we sent you a couple of days ago,

the following report appeared in the Thai online newpaper Pattaya Daily News

( http://www.pattayadailynews.com/shownews.php?IDNEWS=0000011317 ). Please

note, there is an option to leave your comments - feel free to tell them how

you feel about this blatant and corrupt breach of their OWN laws. Keep it

polite or it won't be published.






Updated: [December 4, 2009 ] :: 12:45:14 [view 1676]


A recent investigation by foreign journalists has uncovered the

gruesome dog meat trade that flourishes in North Eastern Thailand,

specifically in the village of Ta Rae, Nakhon Phanom.


Thailand, the 4th of December 2009 [PDN]: A recent report

uncovered the illegal trafficking of dog meat from Thailand to Vietnam,

where the price of the meat has exceeded that of pork and is considered

somewhat of a delicacy by locals. Due to alleged corrupt politicians and

police officers the trade has been allowed to continue for generations with

everyone benefiting from the profitable trafficking. The illegal business

provides workers with a better income and way off life than if they were to

be rice farmers like many other inhabitants of North Eastern Thailand.


Due to such a prevalence of stray dogs in Thailand (similar to

the Kangaroo situation in outback Australian), coupled with the demand for

the meat in Vietnam, the illegal trade has become very lucrative for some

enterprising villagers. The locals have taken to trapping, killing and

butchering the stray dogs before selling them to the Vietnam. The profitable

trade nets a big return for the poor farmers of the area and allegedly the

corrupt government officials.






In the small majority Catholic village of Ta Rae in the majority

Buddhist Thailand have become dependant on the underground market for dog

meat, with many quitting the farming life entirely in order to catch and

butcher stray dogs. Local farmers are eager to be rid of the stray dogs as

they a considered somewhat of a pest due to their propensity to eat the

farmer's chickens. The villagers - once the dogs are butchered - sell the

prepared meat to Vietnamese distributors for US$10 a dog.


A Nakhon Phanom parliament representative, Mr Phumpat Pachonsap,

explained that corruption within the local government has allowed the

illegal trade to continue, becoming more prevalent than ever. Mr Pachonsap

stated that " The exporting of dogs, it's a mafia. It's a big network

involving lower-level politicians up to high-level politicians. There's a

huge profit. The benefit is huge. The profit is huge. Even the police are

getting money out of it. "






On the other side of the story, a local villager who is involved

in the dog catching trade, Mr Wit (who wishes to remain anonymous) explained

" I've never stopped to ask if this is wrong, it's a way of life, passed down

from the older generations. This is what my family has taught me. "


Note: There is always two sides to a coin, in the midst of

poverty in the region locals have looked to find a better way to provide for

their families, illegal or otherwise the trade is giving some locals the

chance of a better life. Will something be done about the alleged

corruption? Who knows, but lets just hope that when this illegal market is

finally stopped, the government of the province does not leave it's citizens

high and dry with no way to survive.





We would just like to add to the last paragraph - Yes there are

indeed two sides to every coin, just as there are two sides to the law -

legal and illegal.


In the West, dealing in drugs is highly profitable and is a much

easier way of making money than working for a living. That doesn't make it

acceptable. Drug dealers are prosecuted (as in Thailand), and rightly so.

The dog butchers are breaking Thai law and must also be prosecuted, along

with the corrupt officials who turn a blind eye!


Laws that are not enforced are not laws at all.




A reminder (just in case you had forgotten....):-

The National Cat Society of Malta still has some desk calendars

for sale. These really do have some lovely photos that were taken by an ITD

member. All proceeds go to NCSM's sanctuary (as you may know, ITD doesn't

accept financial contributions). For £3.99 you could give an extra gift to

someone you love AND help a very worthy cause! Don't worry if you haven't

used eBay before, you can still buy them and pay in your local currency! Any

problems, contact itd

Ebay listing at

http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40 & _trksid=m38 & _nkw=tomasina+calendar


OK, we promise no more adverts this year!



Our continued thanks for your support and for caring enough to

want to make a difference.


From all the team at ITD


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