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Animals & Pakistan.....ASMP

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 Animals  &  Pakistan












Even human beings are not rewarded with fundamental rights In Pakistan . But the

condition of animals are worst and miserable. They are treated ruthlessly,

cruelly, mercilessly killed and hunted and so they are disappearing from the

surface of earth.

Birds and animals are so frequently hunted as enemy army is killed. In this

heinous crime not only the hunters are indulged but also the persons and

organizations whose sole aim and duty is to prevent protect and save the animals

and their lives. Wild life saving department, forest department and the rulers

are also indulging in such a destruction and abolition.

Moreover Bankers, Industrialists, Politicians have also no exception and they

like brokers, call Arabian princes to come, hunt and abolish the rare species of

birds and animals of different regions. So the animal life is coming to an end

in Pakistan. How can an animal be protected and saved in country, where a former

Prime Minister (Mian Nawaz Sharif) was fond of taking his breakfast with animals

" SIRI PAIS " feat and heads of cows and goats, testicles and kidneys also and

lunch with hens, partridges and quails, in evening he fills his belly and

stomach with SPARROWS broasted in flour of pulse while in dinner he eats dishes

of meat etc. and whose country’s former president (Farooq Khan Leghari) is in

a craze of hunting hundreds of birds, partridges and quails etc.

Simultaneously on calling Governors, Ministers, Politicians, Industrialists,

Chief Ministers, Provincial Ministers, Governmental officials, and on calling

likewise cruel, merciless, statesmen, leaders and landlords of various regions

to ruin, abolish, curtail and kill the creeds of animals, camels, bulls, dogs,

bears and arrange the fighting competition between cock, quails which after

being wounded are being killed or on being defeated eaten. Then how will be the

future of animals in that country is bright and how can they survive such

terrible slaughter. How the future of the animals will be safe in a country,

where a politician who considers himself the future Prime Minister, hunts the

water-fowls, quails etc. and rare species of birds, holding a gun like a cowboy

and gets infracted and remains hunting and killing them, where the members of

" WILD LIFE SAVING DEPARTMENT " who just prevents him from this preparation such a

merciless crime, he becomes

rash and rendered him to beat and punish him.

The condition of water creatures is also not good. Fish, tortoises and other sea

creatures, and lives are also running and perishing, and abolishing positions,

which not only fells a victim of net but also with bombardment. Then it is the

heights points of cruelty that people do not stop killing tem and like way

Pakistan’s water creatures are also going to be finished. In spite of the law,

the animals that lay eggs or born children in particular season will not be

hunted during that particular season. Such hunters and killers even remain Scot

Free if they are imprisoned or captured by chance are escaped by greasing the

palm of executives, either by force, recommendation or bribe. So the people are

hunting the animals at each and every movement. What can be done for the

survival and safety and protection of animals in a country where there is no

check on citizens who kill and hunt the animals with legal or illegal weapons

and law is also not strict in

this matter. It is very astonishing that it has been legislated in the P.P..C.

" PAKISTAN PENAL CODE " under section 377 that the punishment for un-natural

offence of sexual intercourse with animals is only two years, it is just because

that it is immoral act of offence, not because the person raped the animals and

in section 429 P.P.C., the punishment to kill or to paralyze or disable the

animal is not due to perplexing the animals but loss occur to the owner of the

animals. But it has been stated under the minor acts for " PREVENTION OF CRUELTY

TO ANIMALS ACT 1890 " that to harm, to make them lose, to keep them in circus for

jugglery and beats the animals, to overloading, to keep the excessive and many

animals in narrow and small places, riding on weak and ailing animals, not

providing to cure to wounded animals etc.. for all these crime there is a

punishment of merely one or two hundred fine and imprisonment of one or two


But the problem is that this act is even not acted is not implemented upon or

being operated. No one protests or shows any reaction over it even Government

Authorities remain in different and the criminal wanders Scot Free, so this act

of cruelty is going on without fear and care, and animals killing mongers ending

the animals shamelessly and unsympathetically and no body asks them for this act

of cruelty. So the animals of Pakistan are carrying ..









1. The first and foremost cause is that no one pays any attention to this hot

issue, considering it a trivial matter from common man to Government that wild

life, sea life, air life (birds) are in danger here in Pakistan.

2. The organization that are responsible to save and protect animals, do not

protect animals, do not look after them properly instead of it they, themselves

hunt and after capturing sell them. So, the survival of animals is in danger.

The animals like elephants, lions, tigers, kangroo, deer, zebras, pigs can only

be found and seen in zoo. The animals like camel, buffalo, cows, goats, deer,

rabbits, peacocks, cocks, quails, pigeons, sparrows, water fowls, pelicans,

butterflies, partridge, red legged partridge, goose, doves, their numbers are

being reduce day by day after eating and hunting.

3. In the same way, rare animals and other small animals are also going to

abolishing as they are like hot cake to other countries, especially to Arabic

princes who hunt these animals like eagles, hawks, falcons etc.

4. Such hunters are so much cruel and greedy and they hunt these animals not

only with the help of nets and guns but also make them senseless by putting them

poisonous feed.

5. They are hunting fishes through bomb blasts. So, the sea life is also

abolishing and finishing.

Moreover, another cause is that the spray of agricultural drugs on crops and

gardens and agricultural production. So, most of the bird, honey bees and

animals meet their fate after eating dead warms, leaves and grass.

There are so many regions of Pakistan, like Sindh, Baluchistan, Cholistan. There

used to be numerous animals and birds but every year thousands and millions of

animals and birds fall victim of water logging.

Another reason is that trees and plants are cutting new plantation schemes are

fictitious. Another reason is that the human population is increasing and animal

population is decreasing.

There are no real hospitals in Pakistan for animals to look after and care,

neither life saving drugs are made nor imported.

There are so many organizations in Pakistan who claim to be the torch bearer of

human rights but there is not even a single organization who claim to be the

champion of animal rights. But the planning are made for dual fights of animals

in which higher authorities, " Chaudhry’s, Sardars, Numberdars and Zamindars "

all indulged in planning of fights among dogs, bears, camels, bulls and birds


Animals like horses, donkeys, bulls; camels are also pass through another

painful process when sometimes they are unable to bear the undeserved pain of

excessive burden and die. Sometimes in the month of June and July they are

loaded with iron or stone bricks whereas in the past such burdens were not

loaded and there used to be water and they need to take rest under shady trees

but such facilities are not provided nowadays. So animals are die, due to

intolerable pain. No one pays any attention to it even so called wild life

saving department to prevent mercilessness on animals. The basic reason to why

people turn a deaf ear to this cruelty upon animals is that the fault lies in

society. Government and other welfare organizations do not give birth to the

emotions of mercy and sympathy in hearts of human beings. But they are

slaughtered on different occasions and are eaten as they are not living thing

but are as vegetable or fruits etc.

Another important reason of not saving, protecting, perishing the animals and no

security to the lives of the animals is that all the Government Organizations,

forest departments, animals life saving and other people organizations never

give adds in newspapers, radio, TV for the protection of animals. No essays are

written, no seminars are being held in which the sympathetic and passionate

feelings of the people being arisen, for the betterment of wildlife’s survival

which is must and burning issue of the day in Pakistan.

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