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NP: Treatment procedures for stray dogs

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Dear all,


Does anyone have sample treatment protocols/procedures for stray dogs who

are being rehabilitated either on the street or in a shelter?


As you probably know regular protocols for pet dogs often do not apply to

stray dogs, especially when they are in very bad conditions.


Animal Nepal's Chobar Animal Sanctuary is looking for sample procedures that

have been developed by senior shelter staff, building on their experiences.




Lucia de Vries

Volunteer Director Animal Nepal





Lucia de Vries

Freelance Journalist

Nepal - Netherlands




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Our SOPs covering ABC, Mange treatment, Surgery,and justification for

euthanasia are attached.


Regards and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010


S. Chinny Krishna

Blue Cross of India





Page 1/4












The following is the procedure to be followed for successful

implementation of the street dog Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme

with effect from February 2, 2001.


No changes can be made in this procedure unless a authorised revision

is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary






1) Catching of dogs: An employee/volunteer of the Blue Cross must

be present in the dog catching vehicle of the Corporation to ensure

that the exact location of capture of each animal is recorded along with

a physical description of the animal, including its sex. An

identification tag must be immediately tied around the neck of the

animal and this identification number entered next to its description.

The supervisor/volunteer must also keep reinforcing to the Corporation

dog catcher the need to be as gentle as possible while catching,

muzzling (if required) and loading the animal onto the dog van.


Wherever possible, dogs visibly infected with mange must be kept in

the back

compartment of the dog van to minimize infecting healthy dogs.


Not more than twenty dogs should normally be loaded onto one

standard dog van.

For the Maruthi ambulance, the permissible number is five.


2) Transportation of dogs: As far as possible, the captured dogs

must be taken to the

nearest ABC centre. Dogs from South Madras may be taken to Guindy

or Lloyds

Road depending on which is closer to the last catching point.


In case of a break-down of the Corporation dog van during the

catching, it is the

responsibility of the supervisor to move the vehicle to a shady

area and to contact

the Blue Cross to arrange for another vehicle. In case of undue

delay, dogs should

be given water.




Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi

Feb 1, 2001 Chief


Honorary Secretary





Page 2/4




3) Admission to ABC Centre: When the vehicle reaches the nearest

centre, the vehicle must be taken into the unloading area and the outer

gate of this area closed and locked before attempting to unload any



The mange dogs should be kept separate. All the dogs should be

tied to individual



The dog van must be washed out and sprayed with a 0.1% solution of


before it is taken out of the enclosure. Enter compliance in



The outer gate must be closed and locked after the van leaves. If

any dog is

suspected to have parvo or is overly aggressive or behaving in an

unusual manner or

is suspected of being rabid, this should be brought to the notice

of the Vet on duty

immediately. Dogs obviously infected with parvo or distemper should

be put in the

isolation kennels immediately.


Nursing bitches with puppies must be removed to the appropriate



All the fresh arrivals other than those listed above must be bathed

and given a dip in

0.1% malathion solution taking care to avoid getting the solution

into and around

the eyes. Where the dog is overly aggressive, it may be carefully

sprayed with the

malathion solution without bathing. All dogs must be kept muzzled

during bathing,

dipping and spraying.


In case of ingestion of malathion solution, the veterinarian must

give the specified

antidote of atropine sulphate. The recommended dose is

..35milligrams per kg body

weight. One fourth of the dose should be given intravenously and

the rest by the

intramuscular route.


After the dogs are sufficiently dry, they must be moved into the

pre-op kennels.

Ensure that the kennels being used had been cleaned out

and sprayed with

malathion solution after the previous batch of dogs had been

discharged. As far as

possible, keep dogs caught from the same area in one kennel. If any

of the dogs are

much smaller or larger than the others in the batch, keep them in

different kennels.





Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi

Feb 1, 2001 Chief


Honorary Secretary




Page 3/4 SOP-01-R0



Check to see that clean water is available in the kennel. Place

food in the kennel

making sure that as many plates of food as the number of dogs is

kept.Ensure the

kennel door is secured from within. Gently remove the chain and

the muzzle from

each dog while at the same time checking that the identification

number around the

neck is secure. Remove the chains and muzzles from the kennel.

Close and lock the

kennel door. Place the details of the dogs in the kennel on the

clipboard fixed on

the door.


Repeat the above till all the arrivals are put in the kennels. The

muzzles and chains

are then put in their respective buckets with the same 0.1%

malathion solution.

Soak for at least five minutes and remove from buckets and allow

to dry.


4) Feeding: On the day of admission, the animals can be given the

normal food given to other shelter dogs - namely vegetables and rice,

bread and milk etc. In the normal course, the animals would be operated

on the next day. Ensure that all food plates are removed from these

kennels in the evening. Clean drinking water should be available.


On the next day, the animals which continue to appear healthy are


following and observing all specified procedures. Animals showing

any signs of

distress should be checked by the veterinarian and treatment given

if necessary.

These animals should not be operated on till certified fit by the



After the animal has come around after the operation, milk can be

given. Only milk

is to be given on the day of the operation. *For the next two

days, milk and bread

and gruel can be given.


5) Release of animals: The veterinarian must certify that an animal

is fit for discharge only after the*second day after the operation in

the case of males and the *third day in the case of females. Anti-rabies

vaccine should be administered to each animal as it is brought out of

its kennel. The animal should not be fed less than one hour before

removal. Ensure that the outer gate of the enclosure is kept locked till

all animals are put into the vehicle.




Issued on * Revised on Dr. T. P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi

Feb 1, 2001 March 16, 2005 Chief Veterinarian

Honorary Secretary







Page 4/4 SOP-01-R0



Plan the route to be followed by the vehicle and it is imperative

that each animal is

released from the vehicle at the same spot from which it was

picked up. The actual

release must be done very carefully to make sure that the animal

does not run onto

the road in fear. The identification tag must be removed from the

animals neck

before release. Where ever possible, explain to the people nearby

that the animal

has been sterilized and vaccinated and indicate the ear notching.

Request one of the

nearby residents/shop keepers to keep an eye on the dog and to

contact the Blue

Cross if necessary.


Enter details in register.










Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi

Feb 1, 2001 Chief


Honorary Secretary














Page 1/2










No changes can be made in this procedure unless an authorised revision

is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary




Euthanasia is defined in the dictionary and in our vocabulary as " mercy

killing " . This is being emphasized only because many organisation, both

in India and abroad, have been looking at the destruction of surplus

animals as " Euthanasia " .


Euthanasia can be resorted to only if it is in the individual animal's

best interest to provide it relief from suffering which seems likely to



Case where the decision to euthanise can be taken by Chief

Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty


If any animal is brought in to the Blue Cross and if the animal is badly

injured and in considerable pain, the decision to euthanise may be taken

by the Chief Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty. This would include

injured animals brought in by our ambulance service or injured animals

brought in by their owners or animals of unknown origin including street

dogs brought in by the public. However, where it seems likely that the

animal brought in is an owned pet (dogs with collars or pedigree

animals), it is strongly recommended that the animal be given a pain

killer/sedated and reasonable time be given for the owner to contact us.

In all cases, where euthanasia is deemed necessary by the Veterinarian,

method adopted should be by use of sodium pentathol. Immediately after

euthanasia, all relevant details of the animal including date and time,

how the animal was brought in to the Blue Cross etc. must be entered in

the register.


The cases where the decision to euthanise must be taken by the



If the animal is not in acute pain but is subject to conditions where

pain or suffering is likely to continue for a considerable period, the

decision to euthanise must be taken by the Chief

Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty in consultation with any one of the

members of the euthanasia sub-committee.



Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi

Feb 1, 2001 Chief


Honorary Secretary






Page 2/2





In case of non-unanimity between the above two people, the decision can

only be taken by a group consisting of the Veterinarian and at

least two members of the above sub-committee and the majority decision

would prevail. Instances of cases decided by the sub-committee would

include the following :


1) Animals suffering from Distemper

2) Animals suffering from Mange

3) Animals which are either visually or physically handicapped


The decision to euthanise will necessarily be subject to availability of

facilities at that time. It may be possible to continue treatment of

dogs with a higher degree of mange if kennels are available than would

be possible at a time when the available area is already full or

crowded. It must also be kept in mind that where treatment of any

individual animal is prolonged beyond four to six weeks, it becomes

difficult for the animal to re-adjust if left back in its original

area from where it was captured. All relevant details regarding

justification for euthanasia, method of entry in to the Blue Cross etc.

must be entered in the register and signed by the members involved in

the decision before euthanasia is done.


In rare cases, overly aggressive dogs or dogs suspected of rabies which

have bitten other people or animals may have to be considered for

euthanasia. The sub-committee must be kept informed of such cases.


The committee members must bear in mind that the resources are limited

and these scarce resources must be used to benefit the greatest number

of animals. It is also essential that the animals must be able to have a

minimum acceptable quality of life after recovery and prolonged

confinement in a kennel is not generally acceptable.


Only a qualified veterinarian can do the actual injection.


Disposal of the body will be done as per Standard Operating Procedure

with incineration the method of choice. In cases suspected of rabies,

procedures as laid down must be followed. Disinfect all areas where

dogs which were euthanised were housed. No animal should be euthanised

in the presence of visitors or other animals.





Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi

Feb 1, 2001 Chief


Honorary Secretary





Page 1/1









This procedure will come into force with immediate effect - March 28,

2001 - and will not be changed until a revision is issued duly

authorised by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary Secretary.


The present practice of bathing street dogs with 0.1% malathion upon

admission to the shelter will continue for dogs diagnosed with sarcoptic

and psoroptic mange. However, in view of some fears being raised

regarding the immune systems of dogs with demodectic mange being

compromised and the administration of strong chemicals like malathion

at this stage not being advisable, it is necessary that, if in the

opinion of the duty veterinarian the dog has demodectic mange, the dog

be bathed with RIDD and not with malathion. A note of which token

numbers have demodectic mange must be prominently displayed on the door

to the holding area. Volunteers handling these dogs must read and

confirm having read these procedures by signing a copy available with

the Administrative Officer.


It is also stressed that the ivermectin injection be given on the day of

admission itself after the dogs have dried after bathing.


The animals' diet must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals in

powder form mixed in measured quantities with the food. One teaspoon of

sunflower oil must be given to each dog. This diet can safely be given

to all street dogs, irrespective of whether they have mange or not.


All mange dogs must also be given three to five drops of Sulphur 30C and

Arsenicum album 30C per day in their feed for 15 days.














Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi


Mar. 28, 2001 Chief Veterinarian

Honorary Secretary




Page 1/2











The following is the procedure to be followed for the surgical operation

of the Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme with effect from November

2, 2004.


No changes can be made in this procedure unless a authorised revision

is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary



1) Transfer of dogs from holding area to preparation room : Dogs

should be transferred to the preparation room from the kennels with the

help of Graspers without discomfort to the dog. If found dirty, they

should be cleaned. They should be allowed to pass motion and urine

before entering the preparation room. Wherever a dog can be carried, it

should be carried.


2) Shaving and Scrubbing of dog : After induction of anesthesia the

surgical site is shaved and applied with povidone Iodine.


3) Pre-anesthesia : Dogs should be injected with pre-anesthetic and

antidote. Sufficient time has to be allowed for the pre-anesthetic to

take effect before injecting the anesthetic. While giving injections

all aseptic precautions are followed like wearing a sterile gloves,

using new syringe for each injection etc.


4) After pre-medication : After preparation the dog has to be

shifted from the preparation table to the operation table using a



5) Surgery : All standard procedures to ensure the highest degree

of cleanliness, hygiene and asepsis to be followed. This point cannot

be overstressed. The veterinarian doing the operation must follow all

practices he/she would expect to be followed if he/she were undergoing

an operation on his/her body at the hands of a surgeon.





Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi


Nov. 2, 2004 Chief


Honorary Secretary








Page 2/2




6) Ear Notching : The ear to be marked has to be cleaned with

surgical spirit using sterile artery forceps and a new surgical blade

the cut ear is cauterized.


7) Placing on ground : Ensure that a stretcher is used.


8) Moving to Kennel : After surgery, an analgesic injection has to

be given. Eg:- Meloxicam. The dog has to be put inside a clean and dry

kennel after being moved on the trolley.


9) Post Recovery : Each dog has to be observed by a veterinarian

during its post recovery stage for its safe recovery. If the dog is

evincing pain or showing abnormal symptoms it has to be treated



10) Post Operation Care : Post operatively till the dog is discharged

each dog has to be inspected by a veterinarian for its signs of

sickness, appetite, wound, healing etc. Sick dogs have to be kept

separately and treated.


11) Feeding : Milk and water has to be kept inside the kennel for the

dog to drink after recovery. The operated dogs have to be fed with

liquid diet, preferably milk, on the second and third days. Solid food

can be given from the fourth day after the operation.


12) This SOP is to be read in conjunction with SOP-01-RO (SOP for

Street Dog ABC Programme)


13) Operation room should be fumigated immediately after operations are



14) Records to be kept for each animal indicating name of surgeon and

that all the above activities have been carried out as per SOP.


15) Please note that no visitors are permitted inside the surgery when

the operations are on unless such visitors are accompanied by the

director or one of the office bearers of the Blue Cross.









Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

M. Parthasarathi


Nov. 2, 2004 Chief


Honorary Secretary







aapn [aapn ] On Behalf Of

lucia de vries

30 December 2009 13:12


NP: Treatment procedures for stray dogs



Dear all,


Does anyone have sample treatment protocols/procedures for stray dogs


are being rehabilitated either on the street or in a shelter?


As you probably know regular protocols for pet dogs often do not apply


stray dogs, especially when they are in very bad conditions.


Animal Nepal's Chobar Animal Sanctuary is looking for sample procedures


have been developed by senior shelter staff, building on their





Lucia de Vries

Volunteer Director Animal Nepal




Lucia de Vries

Freelance Journalist

Nepal - Netherlands



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Share on other sites

I'm interested to know how other groups feel about the amount of time beyond

which it would be inhumane to return a dog or cat to the area where he or

she was picked up.


The Taiwan SPCA will not return a companion animal after more than 48 hours.

I'd like to know others' protocol in this regard, and the reasons why, if

you have time.


Thank you.



Sean McCormack


Co-Founder, Taiwan SPCA



My Amazon wish list (animal welfare reading):




2009/12/30 Dr. Chinny Krishna <drkrishna





> Our SOPs covering ABC, Mange treatment, Surgery,and justification for

> euthanasia are attached.


> Regards and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010


> S. Chinny Krishna

> Blue Cross of India




> Page 1/4





> (SOP-01-R0)



> The following is the procedure to be followed for successful

> implementation of the street dog Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme

> with effect from February 2, 2001.


> No changes can be made in this procedure unless a authorised revision

> is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary

> Secretary.





> 1) Catching of dogs: An employee/volunteer of the Blue Cross must

> be present in the dog catching vehicle of the Corporation to ensure

> that the exact location of capture of each animal is recorded along with

> a physical description of the animal, including its sex. An

> identification tag must be immediately tied around the neck of the

> animal and this identification number entered next to its description.

> The supervisor/volunteer must also keep reinforcing to the Corporation

> dog catcher the need to be as gentle as possible while catching,

> muzzling (if required) and loading the animal onto the dog van.


> Wherever possible, dogs visibly infected with mange must be kept in

> the back

> compartment of the dog van to minimize infecting healthy dogs.


> Not more than twenty dogs should normally be loaded onto one

> standard dog van.

> For the Maruthi ambulance, the permissible number is five.


> 2) Transportation of dogs: As far as possible, the captured dogs

> must be taken to the

> nearest ABC centre. Dogs from South Madras may be taken to Guindy

> or Lloyds

> Road depending on which is closer to the last catching point.


> In case of a break-down of the Corporation dog van during the

> catching, it is the

> responsibility of the supervisor to move the vehicle to a shady

> area and to contact

> the Blue Cross to arrange for another vehicle. In case of undue

> delay, dogs should

> be given water.




> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary





> Page 2/4

> SOP-01-R0



> 3) Admission to ABC Centre: When the vehicle reaches the nearest

> centre, the vehicle must be taken into the unloading area and the outer

> gate of this area closed and locked before attempting to unload any

> dogs.


> The mange dogs should be kept separate. All the dogs should be

> tied to individual

> rings.


> The dog van must be washed out and sprayed with a 0.1% solution of

> malathion

> before it is taken out of the enclosure. Enter compliance in

> register.


> The outer gate must be closed and locked after the van leaves. If

> any dog is

> suspected to have parvo or is overly aggressive or behaving in an

> unusual manner or

> is suspected of being rabid, this should be brought to the notice

> of the Vet on duty

> immediately. Dogs obviously infected with parvo or distemper should

> be put in the

> isolation kennels immediately.


> Nursing bitches with puppies must be removed to the appropriate

> kennels.


> All the fresh arrivals other than those listed above must be bathed

> and given a dip in

> 0.1% malathion solution taking care to avoid getting the solution

> into and around

> the eyes. Where the dog is overly aggressive, it may be carefully

> sprayed with the

> malathion solution without bathing. All dogs must be kept muzzled

> during bathing,

> dipping and spraying.


> In case of ingestion of malathion solution, the veterinarian must

> give the specified

> antidote of atropine sulphate. The recommended dose is

> .35milligrams per kg body

> weight. One fourth of the dose should be given intravenously and

> the rest by the

> intramuscular route.


> After the dogs are sufficiently dry, they must be moved into the

> pre-op kennels.

> Ensure that the kennels being used had been cleaned out

> and sprayed with

> malathion solution after the previous batch of dogs had been

> discharged. As far as

> possible, keep dogs caught from the same area in one kennel. If any

> of the dogs are

> much smaller or larger than the others in the batch, keep them in

> different kennels.





> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary




> Page 3/4 SOP-01-R0



> Check to see that clean water is available in the kennel. Place

> food in the kennel

> making sure that as many plates of food as the number of dogs is

> kept.Ensure the

> kennel door is secured from within. Gently remove the chain and

> the muzzle from

> each dog while at the same time checking that the identification

> number around the

> neck is secure. Remove the chains and muzzles from the kennel.

> Close and lock the

> kennel door. Place the details of the dogs in the kennel on the

> clipboard fixed on

> the door.


> Repeat the above till all the arrivals are put in the kennels. The

> muzzles and chains

> are then put in their respective buckets with the same 0.1%

> malathion solution.

> Soak for at least five minutes and remove from buckets and allow

> to dry.


> 4) Feeding: On the day of admission, the animals can be given the

> normal food given to other shelter dogs - namely vegetables and rice,

> bread and milk etc. In the normal course, the animals would be operated

> on the next day. Ensure that all food plates are removed from these

> kennels in the evening. Clean drinking water should be available.


> On the next day, the animals which continue to appear healthy are

> spayed/neutered

> following and observing all specified procedures. Animals showing

> any signs of

> distress should be checked by the veterinarian and treatment given

> if necessary.

> These animals should not be operated on till certified fit by the

> veterinarian.


> After the animal has come around after the operation, milk can be

> given. Only milk

> is to be given on the day of the operation. *For the next two

> days, milk and bread

> and gruel can be given.


> 5) Release of animals: The veterinarian must certify that an animal

> is fit for discharge only after the*second day after the operation in

> the case of males and the *third day in the case of females. Anti-rabies

> vaccine should be administered to each animal as it is brought out of

> its kennel. The animal should not be fed less than one hour before

> removal. Ensure that the outer gate of the enclosure is kept locked till

> all animals are put into the vehicle.




> Issued on * Revised on Dr. T. P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 March 16, 2005 Chief Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary

Page 4/4 SOP-01-R0



> Plan the route to be followed by the vehicle and it is imperative

> that each animal is

> released from the vehicle at the same spot from which it was

> picked up. The actual

> release must be done very carefully to make sure that the animal

> does not run onto

> the road in fear. The identification tag must be removed from the

> animals neck

> before release. Where ever possible, explain to the people nearby

> that the animal

> has been sterilized and vaccinated and indicate the ear notching.

> Request one of the

> nearby residents/shop keepers to keep an eye on the dog and to

> contact the Blue

> Cross if necessary.


> Enter details in register.




Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> Page 1/2




> (SOP-02-R0)




> No changes can be made in this procedure unless an authorised revision

> is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary

> Secretary.



> Euthanasia is defined in the dictionary and in our vocabulary as " mercy

> killing " . This is being emphasized only because many organisation, both

> in India and abroad, have been looking at the destruction of surplus

> animals as " Euthanasia " .


> Euthanasia can be resorted to only if it is in the individual animal's

> best interest to provide it relief from suffering which seems likely to

> endure.


> Case where the decision to euthanise can be taken by Chief

> Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty


> If any animal is brought in to the Blue Cross and if the animal is badly

> injured and in considerable pain, the decision to euthanise may be taken

> by the Chief Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty. This would include

> injured animals brought in by our ambulance service or injured animals

> brought in by their owners or animals of unknown origin including street

> dogs brought in by the public. However, where it seems likely that the

> animal brought in is an owned pet (dogs with collars or pedigree

> animals), it is strongly recommended that the animal be given a pain

> killer/sedated and reasonable time be given for the owner to contact us.

> In all cases, where euthanasia is deemed necessary by the Veterinarian,

> method adopted should be by use of sodium pentathol. Immediately after

> euthanasia, all relevant details of the animal including date and time,

> how the animal was brought in to the Blue Cross etc. must be entered in

> the register.


> The cases where the decision to euthanise must be taken by the

> sub-committee


> If the animal is not in acute pain but is subject to conditions where

> pain or suffering is likely to continue for a considerable period, the

> decision to euthanise must be taken by the Chief

> Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty in consultation with any one of the

> members of the euthanasia sub-committee.



> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> Page 2/2


> SOP-02-R0



> In case of non-unanimity between the above two people, the decision can

> only be taken by a group consisting of the Veterinarian and at

> least two members of the above sub-committee and the majority decision

> would prevail. Instances of cases decided by the sub-committee would

> include the following :


> 1) Animals suffering from Distemper

> 2) Animals suffering from Mange

> 3) Animals which are either visually or physically handicapped


> The decision to euthanise will necessarily be subject to availability of

> facilities at that time. It may be possible to continue treatment of

> dogs with a higher degree of mange if kennels are available than would

> be possible at a time when the available area is already full or

> crowded. It must also be kept in mind that where treatment of any

> individual animal is prolonged beyond four to six weeks, it becomes

> difficult for the animal to re-adjust if left back in its original

> area from where it was captured. All relevant details regarding

> justification for euthanasia, method of entry in to the Blue Cross etc.

> must be entered in the register and signed by the members involved in

> the decision before euthanasia is done.


> In rare cases, overly aggressive dogs or dogs suspected of rabies which

> have bitten other people or animals may have to be considered for

> euthanasia. The sub-committee must be kept informed of such cases.


> The committee members must bear in mind that the resources are limited

> and these scarce resources must be used to benefit the greatest number

> of animals. It is also essential that the animals must be able to have a

> minimum acceptable quality of life after recovery and prolonged

> confinement in a kennel is not generally acceptable.


> Only a qualified veterinarian can do the actual injection.


> Disposal of the body will be done as per Standard Operating Procedure

> with incineration the method of choice. In cases suspected of rabies,

> procedures as laid down must be followed. Disinfect all areas where

> dogs which were euthanised were housed. No animal should be euthanised

> in the presence of visitors or other animals.





> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> Page 1/1




> (SOP-03-R0)



> This procedure will come into force with immediate effect - March 28,

> 2001 - and will not be changed until a revision is issued duly

> authorised by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary Secretary.


> The present practice of bathing street dogs with 0.1% malathion upon

> admission to the shelter will continue for dogs diagnosed with sarcoptic

> and psoroptic mange. However, in view of some fears being raised

> regarding the immune systems of dogs with demodectic mange being

> compromised and the administration of strong chemicals like malathion

> at this stage not being advisable, it is necessary that, if in the

> opinion of the duty veterinarian the dog has demodectic mange, the dog

> be bathed with RIDD and not with malathion. A note of which token

> numbers have demodectic mange must be prominently displayed on the door

> to the holding area. Volunteers handling these dogs must read and

> confirm having read these procedures by signing a copy available with

> the Administrative Officer.


> It is also stressed that the ivermectin injection be given on the day of

> admission itself after the dogs have dried after bathing.


> The animals' diet must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals in

> powder form mixed in measured quantities with the food. One teaspoon of

> sunflower oil must be given to each dog. This diet can safely be given

> to all street dogs, irrespective of whether they have mange or not.


> All mange dogs must also be given three to five drops of Sulphur 30C and

> Arsenicum album 30C per day in their feed for 15 days.


Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi


> Mar. 28, 2001 Chief Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary




> Page 1/2







> (SOP-04-R1)



> The following is the procedure to be followed for the surgical operation

> of the Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme with effect from November

> 2, 2004.


> No changes can be made in this procedure unless a authorised revision

> is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary

> Secretary.


> 1) Transfer of dogs from holding area to preparation room : Dogs

> should be transferred to the preparation room from the kennels with the

> help of Graspers without discomfort to the dog. If found dirty, they

> should be cleaned. They should be allowed to pass motion and urine

> before entering the preparation room. Wherever a dog can be carried, it

> should be carried.


> 2) Shaving and Scrubbing of dog : After induction of anesthesia the

> surgical site is shaved and applied with povidone Iodine.


> 3) Pre-anesthesia : Dogs should be injected with pre-anesthetic and

> antidote. Sufficient time has to be allowed for the pre-anesthetic to

> take effect before injecting the anesthetic. While giving injections

> all aseptic precautions are followed like wearing a sterile gloves,

> using new syringe for each injection etc.


> 4) After pre-medication : After preparation the dog has to be

> shifted from the preparation table to the operation table using a

> stretcher.


> 5) Surgery : All standard procedures to ensure the highest degree

> of cleanliness, hygiene and asepsis to be followed. This point cannot

> be overstressed. The veterinarian doing the operation must follow all

> practices he/she would expect to be followed if he/she were undergoing

> an operation on his/her body at the hands of a surgeon.





> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi


> Nov. 2, 2004 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


Page 2/2

> SOP-04-R1



> 6) Ear Notching : The ear to be marked has to be cleaned with

> surgical spirit using sterile artery forceps and a new surgical blade

> the cut ear is cauterized.


> 7) Placing on ground : Ensure that a stretcher is used.


> 8) Moving to Kennel : After surgery, an analgesic injection has to

> be given. Eg:- Meloxicam. The dog has to be put inside a clean and dry

> kennel after being moved on the trolley.


> 9) Post Recovery : Each dog has to be observed by a veterinarian

> during its post recovery stage for its safe recovery. If the dog is

> evincing pain or showing abnormal symptoms it has to be treated

> immediately.


> 10) Post Operation Care : Post operatively till the dog is discharged

> each dog has to be inspected by a veterinarian for its signs of

> sickness, appetite, wound, healing etc. Sick dogs have to be kept

> separately and treated.


> 11) Feeding : Milk and water has to be kept inside the kennel for the

> dog to drink after recovery. The operated dogs have to be fed with

> liquid diet, preferably milk, on the second and third days. Solid food

> can be given from the fourth day after the operation.


> 12) This SOP is to be read in conjunction with SOP-01-RO (SOP for

> Street Dog ABC Programme)


> 13) Operation room should be fumigated immediately after operations are

> over.


> 14) Records to be kept for each animal indicating name of surgeon and

> that all the above activities have been carried out as per SOP.


> 15) Please note that no visitors are permitted inside the surgery when

> the operations are on unless such visitors are accompanied by the

> director or one of the office bearers of the Blue Cross.



Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi


> Nov. 2, 2004 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> aapn <aapn%40> [

> aapn <aapn%40>] On Behalf Of

> lucia de vries

> 30 December 2009 13:12

> aapn

> NP: Treatment procedures for stray dogs



> Dear all,


> Does anyone have sample treatment protocols/procedures for stray dogs

> who

> are being rehabilitated either on the street or in a shelter?


> As you probably know regular protocols for pet dogs often do not apply

> to

> stray dogs, especially when they are in very bad conditions.


> Animal Nepal's Chobar Animal Sanctuary is looking for sample procedures

> that

> have been developed by senior shelter staff, building on their

> experiences.


> Thanks!


> Lucia de Vries

> Volunteer Director Animal Nepal

> www.animalnepal.org


> --

> Lucia de Vries

> Freelance Journalist

> Nepal - Netherlands



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>The Taiwan SPCA will not return a companion animal after more than 48 hours.



The time frame within which a street dog or feral cat can be

successfully returned to his/her habitat after sterilization,

vaccination, & any necessary medical treatment is the time frame

within which the animal will make every possible effort to go back



This will vary with the animal and the habitat, so applying

a hard-and-fast rule, while perhaps convenient for the

administrators of a neuter/return program, is not the ideal approach

for the benefit of the animals.


Some animals will try to return to their home range only for

a few days, some for a few weeks. Much depends on the

relationships of the animals to other animals in the habitat. If a

mother animal has young in an area, even grown young, she usually

will try to go back there, unless the young have been reunited with

her at a new location.


Many animals will also try hard to return to a particular

person who feeds them.


Ideally, an assessment of the strength of the attachment of

the animal to the habitat should be made at the time of pickup, if

there is reason to believe that the animal cannot be returned to the

habitat within two or three days.


Ignoring this possibility can result in adopting out animals

who promptly run away, and perhaps get hit by cars or become strays

in wholly unfamiliar locations that happen to be between wherever the

animal is trying to go and wherever the animal is when the

opportunity to run presents itself.





Merritt Clifton


P.O. Box 960

Clinton, WA 98236


Telephone: 360-579-2505

Fax: 360-579-2575

E-mail: anmlpepl

Web: www.animalpeoplenews.org


[ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing

original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,

founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the

decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.

We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity. $24/year;

for free sample, send address.]

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The Blue Cross tries to return all dogs and cats within 8 days after

being picked up.

We have found no problem so far.


Ocassionally, a dog with mange or some other problem may be kept much


In such cases, as long as this animal was part of a group brought from

the same area,

it is returned there. We have found no problem about it being accepted

by the pack.


Re cats, we honestly do not know. The majority are seen by their

care-givers in the same area

even if they are returned after two weeks or more.


My personal opinion is that it is better to return them to the original

area if they are friendly



S. Chinny Krishna

Blue Cross of India





aapn [aapn ] On Behalf Of

Sean McCormack

30 December 2009 14:34


Re: NP: Treatment procedures for stray dogs



I'm interested to know how other groups feel about the amount of time


which it would be inhumane to return a dog or cat to the area where he


she was picked up.


The Taiwan SPCA will not return a companion animal after more than 48


I'd like to know others' protocol in this regard, and the reasons why,


you have time.


Thank you.


Sean McCormack


Co-Founder, Taiwan SPCA


My Amazon wish list (animal welfare reading):

http://www.amazon. <http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1NFHUWKPD3P3K>



2009/12/30 Dr. Chinny Krishna <drkrishna (AT) aspick (DOT)

<drkrishna%40aspick.com> com>





> Our SOPs covering ABC, Mange treatment, Surgery,and justification for

> euthanasia are attached.


> Regards and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010


> S. Chinny Krishna

> Blue Cross of India




> Page 1/4





> (SOP-01-R0)



> The following is the procedure to be followed for successful

> implementation of the street dog Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme

> with effect from February 2, 2001.


> No changes can be made in this procedure unless a authorised revision

> is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary

> Secretary.





> 1) Catching of dogs: An employee/volunteer of the Blue Cross must

> be present in the dog catching vehicle of the Corporation to ensure

> that the exact location of capture of each animal is recorded along


> a physical description of the animal, including its sex. An

> identification tag must be immediately tied around the neck of the

> animal and this identification number entered next to its description.

> The supervisor/volunteer must also keep reinforcing to the Corporation

> dog catcher the need to be as gentle as possible while catching,

> muzzling (if required) and loading the animal onto the dog van.


> Wherever possible, dogs visibly infected with mange must be kept in

> the back

> compartment of the dog van to minimize infecting healthy dogs.


> Not more than twenty dogs should normally be loaded onto one

> standard dog van.

> For the Maruthi ambulance, the permissible number is five.


> 2) Transportation of dogs: As far as possible, the captured dogs

> must be taken to the

> nearest ABC centre. Dogs from South Madras may be taken to Guindy

> or Lloyds

> Road depending on which is closer to the last catching point.


> In case of a break-down of the Corporation dog van during the

> catching, it is the

> responsibility of the supervisor to move the vehicle to a shady

> area and to contact

> the Blue Cross to arrange for another vehicle. In case of undue

> delay, dogs should

> be given water.




> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary





> Page 2/4

> SOP-01-R0



> 3) Admission to ABC Centre: When the vehicle reaches the nearest

> centre, the vehicle must be taken into the unloading area and the


> gate of this area closed and locked before attempting to unload any

> dogs.


> The mange dogs should be kept separate. All the dogs should be

> tied to individual

> rings.


> The dog van must be washed out and sprayed with a 0.1% solution of

> malathion

> before it is taken out of the enclosure. Enter compliance in

> register.


> The outer gate must be closed and locked after the van leaves. If

> any dog is

> suspected to have parvo or is overly aggressive or behaving in an

> unusual manner or

> is suspected of being rabid, this should be brought to the notice

> of the Vet on duty

> immediately. Dogs obviously infected with parvo or distemper should

> be put in the

> isolation kennels immediately.


> Nursing bitches with puppies must be removed to the appropriate

> kennels.


> All the fresh arrivals other than those listed above must be bathed

> and given a dip in

> 0.1% malathion solution taking care to avoid getting the solution

> into and around

> the eyes. Where the dog is overly aggressive, it may be carefully

> sprayed with the

> malathion solution without bathing. All dogs must be kept muzzled

> during bathing,

> dipping and spraying.


> In case of ingestion of malathion solution, the veterinarian must

> give the specified

> antidote of atropine sulphate. The recommended dose is

> .35milligrams per kg body

> weight. One fourth of the dose should be given intravenously and

> the rest by the

> intramuscular route.


> After the dogs are sufficiently dry, they must be moved into the

> pre-op kennels.

> Ensure that the kennels being used had been cleaned out

> and sprayed with

> malathion solution after the previous batch of dogs had been

> discharged. As far as

> possible, keep dogs caught from the same area in one kennel. If any

> of the dogs are

> much smaller or larger than the others in the batch, keep them in

> different kennels.





> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary




> Page 3/4 SOP-01-R0



> Check to see that clean water is available in the kennel. Place

> food in the kennel

> making sure that as many plates of food as the number of dogs is

> kept.Ensure the

> kennel door is secured from within. Gently remove the chain and

> the muzzle from

> each dog while at the same time checking that the identification

> number around the

> neck is secure. Remove the chains and muzzles from the kennel.

> Close and lock the

> kennel door. Place the details of the dogs in the kennel on the

> clipboard fixed on

> the door.


> Repeat the above till all the arrivals are put in the kennels. The

> muzzles and chains

> are then put in their respective buckets with the same 0.1%

> malathion solution.

> Soak for at least five minutes and remove from buckets and allow

> to dry.


> 4) Feeding: On the day of admission, the animals can be given the

> normal food given to other shelter dogs - namely vegetables and rice,

> bread and milk etc. In the normal course, the animals would be


> on the next day. Ensure that all food plates are removed from these

> kennels in the evening. Clean drinking water should be available.


> On the next day, the animals which continue to appear healthy are

> spayed/neutered

> following and observing all specified procedures. Animals showing

> any signs of

> distress should be checked by the veterinarian and treatment given

> if necessary.

> These animals should not be operated on till certified fit by the

> veterinarian.


> After the animal has come around after the operation, milk can be

> given. Only milk

> is to be given on the day of the operation. *For the next two

> days, milk and bread

> and gruel can be given.


> 5) Release of animals: The veterinarian must certify that an animal

> is fit for discharge only after the*second day after the operation in

> the case of males and the *third day in the case of females.


> vaccine should be administered to each animal as it is brought out of

> its kennel. The animal should not be fed less than one hour before

> removal. Ensure that the outer gate of the enclosure is kept locked


> all animals are put into the vehicle.




> Issued on * Revised on Dr. T. P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 March 16, 2005 Chief Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary

Page 4/4 SOP-01-R0



> Plan the route to be followed by the vehicle and it is imperative

> that each animal is

> released from the vehicle at the same spot from which it was

> picked up. The actual

> release must be done very carefully to make sure that the animal

> does not run onto

> the road in fear. The identification tag must be removed from the

> animals neck

> before release. Where ever possible, explain to the people nearby

> that the animal

> has been sterilized and vaccinated and indicate the ear notching.

> Request one of the

> nearby residents/shop keepers to keep an eye on the dog and to

> contact the Blue

> Cross if necessary.


> Enter details in register.




Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> Page 1/2




> (SOP-02-R0)




> No changes can be made in this procedure unless an authorised revision

> is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary

> Secretary.



> Euthanasia is defined in the dictionary and in our vocabulary as

" mercy

> killing " . This is being emphasized only because many organisation,


> in India and abroad, have been looking at the destruction of surplus

> animals as " Euthanasia " .


> Euthanasia can be resorted to only if it is in the individual animal's

> best interest to provide it relief from suffering which seems likely


> endure.


> Case where the decision to euthanise can be taken by Chief

> Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty


> If any animal is brought in to the Blue Cross and if the animal is


> injured and in considerable pain, the decision to euthanise may be


> by the Chief Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty. This would include

> injured animals brought in by our ambulance service or injured animals

> brought in by their owners or animals of unknown origin including


> dogs brought in by the public. However, where it seems likely that the

> animal brought in is an owned pet (dogs with collars or pedigree

> animals), it is strongly recommended that the animal be given a pain

> killer/sedated and reasonable time be given for the owner to contact


> In all cases, where euthanasia is deemed necessary by the


> method adopted should be by use of sodium pentathol. Immediately after

> euthanasia, all relevant details of the animal including date and


> how the animal was brought in to the Blue Cross etc. must be entered


> the register.


> The cases where the decision to euthanise must be taken by the

> sub-committee


> If the animal is not in acute pain but is subject to conditions where

> pain or suffering is likely to continue for a considerable period, the

> decision to euthanise must be taken by the Chief

> Veterinarian/Veterinarian - on-duty in consultation with any one of


> members of the euthanasia sub-committee.



> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> Page 2/2


> SOP-02-R0



> In case of non-unanimity between the above two people, the decision


> only be taken by a group consisting of the Veterinarian and at

> least two members of the above sub-committee and the majority decision

> would prevail. Instances of cases decided by the sub-committee would

> include the following :


> 1) Animals suffering from Distemper

> 2) Animals suffering from Mange

> 3) Animals which are either visually or physically handicapped


> The decision to euthanise will necessarily be subject to availability


> facilities at that time. It may be possible to continue treatment of

> dogs with a higher degree of mange if kennels are available than would

> be possible at a time when the available area is already full or

> crowded. It must also be kept in mind that where treatment of any

> individual animal is prolonged beyond four to six weeks, it becomes

> difficult for the animal to re-adjust if left back in its original

> area from where it was captured. All relevant details regarding

> justification for euthanasia, method of entry in to the Blue Cross


> must be entered in the register and signed by the members involved in

> the decision before euthanasia is done.


> In rare cases, overly aggressive dogs or dogs suspected of rabies


> have bitten other people or animals may have to be considered for

> euthanasia. The sub-committee must be kept informed of such cases.


> The committee members must bear in mind that the resources are limited

> and these scarce resources must be used to benefit the greatest number

> of animals. It is also essential that the animals must be able to have


> minimum acceptable quality of life after recovery and prolonged

> confinement in a kennel is not generally acceptable.


> Only a qualified veterinarian can do the actual injection.


> Disposal of the body will be done as per Standard Operating Procedure

> with incineration the method of choice. In cases suspected of rabies,

> procedures as laid down must be followed. Disinfect all areas where

> dogs which were euthanised were housed. No animal should be euthanised

> in the presence of visitors or other animals.





> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi

> Feb 1, 2001 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> Page 1/1





> (SOP-03-R0)



> This procedure will come into force with immediate effect - March 28,

> 2001 - and will not be changed until a revision is issued duly

> authorised by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary Secretary.


> The present practice of bathing street dogs with 0.1% malathion upon

> admission to the shelter will continue for dogs diagnosed with


> and psoroptic mange. However, in view of some fears being raised

> regarding the immune systems of dogs with demodectic mange being

> compromised and the administration of strong chemicals like malathion

> at this stage not being advisable, it is necessary that, if in the

> opinion of the duty veterinarian the dog has demodectic mange, the dog

> be bathed with RIDD and not with malathion. A note of which token

> numbers have demodectic mange must be prominently displayed on the


> to the holding area. Volunteers handling these dogs must read and

> confirm having read these procedures by signing a copy available with

> the Administrative Officer.


> It is also stressed that the ivermectin injection be given on the day


> admission itself after the dogs have dried after bathing.


> The animals' diet must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals in

> powder form mixed in measured quantities with the food. One teaspoon


> sunflower oil must be given to each dog. This diet can safely be given

> to all street dogs, irrespective of whether they have mange or not.


> All mange dogs must also be given three to five drops of Sulphur 30C


> Arsenicum album 30C per day in their feed for 15 days.


Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi


> Mar. 28, 2001 Chief Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary




> Page 1/2







> (SOP-04-R1)



> The following is the procedure to be followed for the surgical


> of the Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme with effect from November

> 2, 2004.


> No changes can be made in this procedure unless a authorised revision

> is issued duly signed by the Chief Veterinarian and the Honorary

> Secretary.


> 1) Transfer of dogs from holding area to preparation room : Dogs

> should be transferred to the preparation room from the kennels with


> help of Graspers without discomfort to the dog. If found dirty, they

> should be cleaned. They should be allowed to pass motion and urine

> before entering the preparation room. Wherever a dog can be carried,


> should be carried.


> 2) Shaving and Scrubbing of dog : After induction of anesthesia the

> surgical site is shaved and applied with povidone Iodine.


> 3) Pre-anesthesia : Dogs should be injected with pre-anesthetic and

> antidote. Sufficient time has to be allowed for the pre-anesthetic to

> take effect before injecting the anesthetic. While giving injections

> all aseptic precautions are followed like wearing a sterile gloves,

> using new syringe for each injection etc.


> 4) After pre-medication : After preparation the dog has to be

> shifted from the preparation table to the operation table using a

> stretcher.


> 5) Surgery : All standard procedures to ensure the highest degree

> of cleanliness, hygiene and asepsis to be followed. This point cannot

> be overstressed. The veterinarian doing the operation must follow all

> practices he/she would expect to be followed if he/she were undergoing

> an operation on his/her body at the hands of a surgeon.





> Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi


> Nov. 2, 2004 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


Page 2/2

> SOP-04-R1



> 6) Ear Notching : The ear to be marked has to be cleaned with

> surgical spirit using sterile artery forceps and a new surgical blade

> the cut ear is cauterized.


> 7) Placing on ground : Ensure that a stretcher is used.


> 8) Moving to Kennel : After surgery, an analgesic injection has to

> be given. Eg:- Meloxicam. The dog has to be put inside a clean and dry

> kennel after being moved on the trolley.


> 9) Post Recovery : Each dog has to be observed by a veterinarian

> during its post recovery stage for its safe recovery. If the dog is

> evincing pain or showing abnormal symptoms it has to be treated

> immediately.


> 10) Post Operation Care : Post operatively till the dog is discharged

> each dog has to be inspected by a veterinarian for its signs of

> sickness, appetite, wound, healing etc. Sick dogs have to be kept

> separately and treated.


> 11) Feeding : Milk and water has to be kept inside the kennel for the

> dog to drink after recovery. The operated dogs have to be fed with

> liquid diet, preferably milk, on the second and third days. Solid food

> can be given from the fourth day after the operation.


> 12) This SOP is to be read in conjunction with SOP-01-RO (SOP for

> Street Dog ABC Programme)


> 13) Operation room should be fumigated immediately after operations


> over.


> 14) Records to be kept for each animal indicating name of surgeon and

> that all the above activities have been carried out as per SOP.


> 15) Please note that no visitors are permitted inside the surgery when

> the operations are on unless such visitors are accompanied by the

> director or one of the office bearers of the Blue Cross.



Issued on Dr.T.P. Sekar

> M. Parthasarathi


> Nov. 2, 2004 Chief

> Veterinarian

> Honorary Secretary


> aapn (AT) (DOT) <aapn%40> com

<aapn%40> [

> aapn (AT) (DOT) <aapn%40> com

<aapn%40>] On Behalf Of

> lucia de vries

> 30 December 2009 13:12

> aapn

> NP: Treatment procedures for stray dogs



> Dear all,


> Does anyone have sample treatment protocols/procedures for stray dogs

> who

> are being rehabilitated either on the street or in a shelter?


> As you probably know regular protocols for pet dogs often do not apply

> to

> stray dogs, especially when they are in very bad conditions.


> Animal Nepal's Chobar Animal Sanctuary is looking for sample


> that

> have been developed by senior shelter staff, building on their

> experiences.


> Thanks!


> Lucia de Vries

> Volunteer Director Animal Nepal

> www.animalnepal.org


> --

> Lucia de Vries

> Freelance Journalist

> Nepal - Netherlands



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