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Elephant polo campaign

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Dear Daniel,


Indeed it was a pleasure meeting all you wonderful people at the recently

concluded 'Asia for Animals' conference. I do certainly hope that since we

all were there on the same platform striving to reach out for a common goal,

victory therefore shall be ours sooner or later.


Thank you so much for taking interest in the anti- elephant polo drive and

initiating the informal meeting between the few of us present during the

lunch break.

I know a majority of those who have contributed to a huge extent in making

this 'United against Elephant Polo' such a BIG success were not present

there and so I am copying this email of yours and my response to all them

who are still standing 'United against Elephant Polo' even as I draft this



The reason why I wanted all of those present at the meeting to go through

the website: http://www.stopelephantpolo.com is to understand the

'uniqueness' of this campaign, and also why they should say 'NO' to Elephant



This is a campaign which has born out of connecting with each other and

positive networking.


Edward Berry (May his soul rest in peace), the moderator of a strong

elephant protection forum called the 'Elephant Commentator'. It was he who

developed this idea to have something like a word document compiling all the

wonderful reactions and research that was being generated out of this

campaign from experts so that it is just there for those who take interest.

And the end result you have this website.


Many a times we may have differences between individuals and organisations

and this is why 'MOST' of our goals are not reached even though seem to be

headed the same direction.

But 'United against Elephant Polo' was different.

Everyone of us set aside our differences with each other and were focussed

to just one goal- The abuse of Captive Polo playing jumbos and how best each

of us could contribute to help eradicate it from the society.


With all respect to your kind intentions on taking forward this campaign, I

feel it is my duty to pass your message to all those of us who are already

involved in this campaign. This is something me and my partner in crime Mr.

have been doing all throughout.

Very painstakingly we have managed to communicate to each one within our

capacity using just the one resource 'The Internet' and building this strong

foundation which perhaps is good enough to scare the @$^% out of the

elephant polo organisers.

We were criticised, ridiculed, threatened and even blacklisted.

But it was not our goodwill that we were bothered about, it was how best to

help the elephants.

Many of us went as far as cutting off relationships and associations with

friends and colleagues, and we had difference not from the outside world,

but from within us.

It was not easy, every person has sacrificed in his own way to join hands

and this is why you have this awesome campaign going.


I am not too sure if having a parallel campaign on the same lines is going

to help this the 'elephants'. Doing so would only mean that this gives

enough scope of giving birth to differences within ourselves and in the end

it is the abusers of elephants who would certainly win, while we may still

have a dozen of anti-elephant polo campaigns doing the rounds by the year



Daniel, in India barring a few organisations working for animals (who were

pro-elephant polo as this would bring them funds) almost every other

organisation is standing firm extending support to 'United against elephant

Polo' campaign.

So are many others in countries across the world.

But there is still a lot of vacuum that still lies from the Developed World

and those countries where the WEPA (World Association of Elephant Polo)

organises tournaments (Sri Lanka, Thailand and Nepal) believed to be for

Elephant Welfare and funding Organisations engaged in Elephant Welfare.


We should try and fill up that vacuum in order to help this campaign.


Coming to what you have suggested.


*>It was agreed that the coalition will establish a website, as its initial

task, from which the campaign will be launched and maintained. However,

before the website can be established, all country representatives need to

gather as much information as possible on the practice (past and present)

and its sponsors in their respective country. This information will be used

in the website and for the individual country campaigns.<*


There is already a website http://www.stopelephantpolo.com which is edited

and managed by me. Everything that is posted on the website is only after

the permission of those concerned. This website is being actively updated

and used as a reference by all across sections of the society including the

international and local media and press.

As and when there is any information trickling in with regards to this

campaign, it is updated asap.

There is NO disclaimer on the website that restricts or prohibits anyone to

use the materials if that is in the interest of the elephants.

So I think the proposal for another website is invalid and not necessary.

Having said that it would be very kind of you if 'Born Free' and other

organisations who already have a website of their own to dedicate a page on

'Elephant Polo' or perhaps share the link of

http://www.stopelephantpolo.comon their home site.

Many have already done this.


*>It was agreed that Daniel, will help with the overall campaign strategy

and assist country representatives with their individual campaigns. Daniel

proposed that Azam is also involved in the developing the campaign



Any assistance to further strengthen this campaign is most welcome. Perhaps

'Born Free' can try and pursue organisations back there in the UK for

example 'Elephant Family' and others to stay away fro lending their support

to organising elephant polo in India.

Also maybe to begin with we can have 'Born Free' carry our campaigns in

places such as Scotland and London from where these polo playing celebrities

originate. This because we do not have funds to go and carry out things such

as a demonstration or protest in the UK or USA.

Also the fact that Daniel has managed to rope in representatives from Nepal,

Thailand and Sri Lanka, it is to be seen how best they can be assisted in

order to take this campaign to the ground there.


*>Azam – background information on


*, the mafia/political connections and media knowledge<*


As I already mentioned we are all playing surrogate mothers to the captive

elephants and speaking out on this platform website.

Therefore it is a warehouse of information with regards to the issue and

with its regular updates arising out of a teamwork, I assure you all that

nothing can be missed out. However there are many more things which cannot

be made public as this may hamper our campaign strategies and give an upper

edge to the organisers. Such things can be shared using the various modes of

communications among ourselves.


*>The success of the campaign will depend on the quality of information

gathered by the country representatives, which should include locations of

the events, the sponsors, media involved, individuals involved, incidences

(injuries, fatalities, etc.), relevant authorities and the opinion of the



This is already in practice on the website. In fact there are different

pages to entertain al of the above relevant issues. Any more additions

please suggest.


*>I look forward to moving this forward and establishing a campaign that

challenges this practice and stops this exploitation of elephants.<*


Dear Daniel, the campaign that challenges the practice and stops this

exploitation of elephants has already established itself since November


All we need to do if bring in more and more voices and strengthen it.


The logo of this campaign/ website is already being designed by a world

renowned artist (I would not like to reveal details of this as of now).

A very experienced web designer is looking after the deigning of the website

as a whole.


Please be informed that this campaign runs on ' ZERO FUNDING' and so it

takes a lot of time to get things done.


Perhaps it is the 'ZERO FUNDS' factor that is bonding us all and blessing us

with the strength to stand 'United against elephant polo'.



I welcome the comments and feedback of the new group and the existing people

in this campaign to throw in practical suggestions as to how best we each

one can contribute into pushing ahead this campaign.


Long live the Elephants, let us Kill the abuse.



Azam Siddiqui






On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 2:26 AM, Daniel Turner <danielwrote:




> Dear colleagues




> I hope you all returned to your homes safe and sound. It was a pleasure to

> meet you last week at the *Asia For Animals* Conference and I sincerely

> hope that this informal coalition will successfully address the issue of

> elephant polo in all relevant countries in Asia, through a worldwide

> campaign. As promised, I am sending you an overview of what we agreed during

> the lunchtime meeting. Please feel free to comment or add information to the

> information below but, please ensure that you copy everyone into the email.

> May I also introduce my colleague, Sarah (copied into this email), who works

> for Born Free addressing public concerns on issues such as elephant polo.




> Attendees to the meeting:




> *India***


> Amruta


> Rohit


> Azam


> Manoj




> *Nepal***


> Lucia


> Pramada


> Manoj




> *Sri Lanka***


> Deepani




> *Thailand***


> Sumolya


> Roger




> *International*


> Daniel






> *Discussion and agreements*:




> Azam, who has been working on an awareness-raising campaign against

> elephant polo for some time, has requested that all recipients of this email

> view the following website: www.stopelephantpolo.com




> It was agreed that the above persons will form an informal coalition to not

> only raise-awareness of the plight of elephants used in elephant polo, but

> to campaign and lobby governments and industry for change, to eventually

> stop the practice.




> It was agreed that the coalition will establish a website, as its initial

> task, from which the campaign will be launched and maintained. However,

> before the website can be established, all country representatives need to

> gather as much information as possible on the practice (past and present)

> and its sponsors in their respective country. This information will be used

> in the website and for the individual country campaigns.




> It was agreed that Daniel, will help with the overall campaign strategy and

> assist country representatives with their individual campaigns. Daniel

> proposed that Azam is also involved in the developing the campaign strategy.




> All members of the coalition have agreed to undertake a specific task to

> ensure the success of this campaign. The initial roles agreed are as

> follows:




> Amruta – logo and campaign name


> Manoj O – website format and design


> Azam – background information on www.stopelephantpolo.com, the

> mafia/political connections and media knowledge


> Rohit – India representative


> Manoj H (+ Lucia and Pramada) – Nepal representative


> Deepani – Sri Lanka representative


> Roger – Thailand representative


> Sumolya – information on the implications to elephant welfare


> Daniel – campaign development (national and international) and seeking

> international support of the campaign.




> The success of the campaign will depend on the quality of information

> gathered by the country representatives, which should include locations of

> the events, the sponsors, media involved, individuals involved, incidences

> (injuries, fatalities, etc.), relevant authorities and the opinion of the

> public.




> I look forward to moving this forward and establishing a campaign that

> challenges this practice and stops this exploitation of elephants.




> Best regards




> Daniel




> *Daniel Turner** BSc (Hons) MBiol CSB***


> Senior Operations Officer


> Zoo Check




> Born Free Foundation www.bornfree.org.uk


> T: +44 (0)1403 240 170 F: +44 (0)1403 237 838 M: +44 (0)7920

> 195594


> Email: daniel




> [image: Give orphan animals a home] <http://www.bornfree.org.uk/appeal>


> *This New Year, please help Born Free give orphan animals a home. *

> To find out more and donate visit www.bornfree.org.uk/appeal or call 01403

> 240170


> * *


> *Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you*


> This email is only for the intended recipient(s) and may contain

> confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient(s) please

> email the sender and then destroy the mail. Please do not disclose any

> information contained in this email, nor take copies. Neither Born Free nor

> the sender can accept any responsibility for viruses. It is your

> responsibility to check the email and attachments (if any).

















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Dear Azam,

Please find attached here with the petition moved against Elephant polo in

Jaipur which is under consideration before Hon'ble High Court Bench in

Jaipur, CZA orders as well about ban on Elephants in Zoo but not in circuses

for your information and record.


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:36 PM, azam24x7 <azam24x7 wrote:


> Dear Daniel,


> Indeed it was a pleasure meeting all you wonderful people at the recently

> concluded 'Asia for Animals' conference. I do certainly hope that since we

> all were there on the same platform striving to reach out for a common goal,

> victory therefore shall be ours sooner or later.


> Thank you so much for taking interest in the anti- elephant polo drive and

> initiating the informal meeting between the few of us present during the

> lunch break.

> I know a majority of those who have contributed to a huge extent in making

> this 'United against Elephant Polo' such a BIG success were not present

> there and so I am copying this email of yours and my response to all them

> who are still standing 'United against Elephant Polo' even as I draft this

> mail.


> The reason why I wanted all of those present at the meeting to go through

> the website: http://www.stopelephantpolo.com is to understand the

> 'uniqueness' of this campaign, and also why they should say 'NO' to Elephant

> Polo.


> This is a campaign which has born out of connecting with each other and

> positive networking.


> Edward Berry (May his soul rest in peace), the moderator of a strong

> elephant protection forum called the 'Elephant Commentator'. It was he who

> developed this idea to have something like a word document compiling all the

> wonderful reactions and research that was being generated out of this

> campaign from experts so that it is just there for those who take interest.

> And the end result you have this website.


> Many a times we may have differences between individuals and organisations

> and this is why 'MOST' of our goals are not reached even though seem to be

> headed the same direction.

> But 'United against Elephant Polo' was different.

> Everyone of us set aside our differences with each other and were focussed

> to just one goal- The abuse of Captive Polo playing jumbos and how best each

> of us could contribute to help eradicate it from the society.


> With all respect to your kind intentions on taking forward this campaign, I

> feel it is my duty to pass your message to all those of us who are already

> involved in this campaign. This is something me and my partner in crime Mr.

> have been doing all throughout.

> Very painstakingly we have managed to communicate to each one within our

> capacity using just the one resource 'The Internet' and building this strong

> foundation which perhaps is good enough to scare the @$^% out of the

> elephant polo organisers.

> We were criticised, ridiculed, threatened and even blacklisted.

> But it was not our goodwill that we were bothered about, it was how best to

> help the elephants.

> Many of us went as far as cutting off relationships and associations with

> friends and colleagues, and we had difference not from the outside world,

> but from within us.

> It was not easy, every person has sacrificed in his own way to join hands

> and this is why you have this awesome campaign going.


> I am not too sure if having a parallel campaign on the same lines is going

> to help this the 'elephants'. Doing so would only mean that this gives

> enough scope of giving birth to differences within ourselves and in the end

> it is the abusers of elephants who would certainly win, while we may still

> have a dozen of anti-elephant polo campaigns doing the rounds by the year

> 2020.


> Daniel, in India barring a few organisations working for animals (who were

> pro-elephant polo as this would bring them funds) almost every other

> organisation is standing firm extending support to 'United against elephant

> Polo' campaign.

> So are many others in countries across the world.

> But there is still a lot of vacuum that still lies from the Developed World

> and those countries where the WEPA (World Association of Elephant Polo)

> organises tournaments (Sri Lanka, Thailand and Nepal) believed to be for

> Elephant Welfare and funding Organisations engaged in Elephant Welfare.


> We should try and fill up that vacuum in order to help this campaign.


> Coming to what you have suggested.


> *>It was agreed that the coalition will establish a website, as its

> initial task, from which the campaign will be launched and maintained.

> However, before the website can be established, all country representatives

> need to gather as much information as possible on the practice (past and

> present) and its sponsors in their respective country. This information will

> be used in the website and for the individual country campaigns.<*


> There is already a website http://www.stopelephantpolo.com which is edited

> and managed by me. Everything that is posted on the website is only after

> the permission of those concerned. This website is being actively updated

> and used as a reference by all across sections of the society including the

> international and local media and press.

> As and when there is any information trickling in with regards to this

> campaign, it is updated asap.

> There is NO disclaimer on the website that restricts or prohibits anyone to

> use the materials if that is in the interest of the elephants.

> So I think the proposal for another website is invalid and not necessary.

> Having said that it would be very kind of you if 'Born Free' and other

> organisations who already have a website of their own to dedicate a page on

> 'Elephant Polo' or perhaps share the link of

> http://www.stopelephantpolo.com on their home site.

> Many have already done this.


> *>It was agreed that Daniel, will help with the overall campaign strategy

> and assist country representatives with their individual campaigns. Daniel

> proposed that Azam is also involved in the developing the campaign

> strategy.<*


> Any assistance to further strengthen this campaign is most welcome. Perhaps

> 'Born Free' can try and pursue organisations back there in the UK for

> example 'Elephant Family' and others to stay away fro lending their support

> to organising elephant polo in India.

> Also maybe to begin with we can have 'Born Free' carry our campaigns in

> places such as Scotland and London from where these polo playing celebrities

> originate. This because we do not have funds to go and carry out things such

> as a demonstration or protest in the UK or USA.

> Also the fact that Daniel has managed to rope in representatives from

> Nepal, Thailand and Sri Lanka, it is to be seen how best they can be

> assisted in order to take this campaign to the ground there.


> *>Azam – background information on


> *, the mafia/political connections and media knowledge<*


> As I already mentioned we are all playing surrogate mothers to the captive

> elephants and speaking out on this platform website.

> Therefore it is a warehouse of information with regards to the issue and

> with its regular updates arising out of a teamwork, I assure you all that

> nothing can be missed out. However there are many more things which cannot

> be made public as this may hamper our campaign strategies and give an upper

> edge to the organisers. Such things can be shared using the various modes of

> communications among ourselves.


> *>The success of the campaign will depend on the quality of information

> gathered by the country representatives, which should include locations of

> the events, the sponsors, media involved, individuals involved, incidences

> (injuries, fatalities, etc.), relevant authorities and the opinion of the

> public.<*


> This is already in practice on the website. In fact there are different

> pages to entertain al of the above relevant issues. Any more additions

> please suggest.


> *>I look forward to moving this forward and establishing a campaign that

> challenges this practice and stops this exploitation of elephants.<*


> Dear Daniel, the campaign that challenges the practice and stops this

> exploitation of elephants has already established itself since November

> 2006.

> All we need to do if bring in more and more voices and strengthen it.


> The logo of this campaign/ website is already being designed by a world

> renowned artist (I would not like to reveal details of this as of now).

> A very experienced web designer is looking after the deigning of the

> website as a whole.


> Please be informed that this campaign runs on ' ZERO FUNDING' and so it

> takes a lot of time to get things done.


> Perhaps it is the 'ZERO FUNDS' factor that is bonding us all and blessing

> us with the strength to stand 'United against elephant polo'.



> I welcome the comments and feedback of the new group and the existing

> people in this campaign to throw in practical suggestions as to how best we

> each one can contribute into pushing ahead this campaign.


> Long live the Elephants, let us Kill the abuse.



> Azam Siddiqui






> On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 2:26 AM, Daniel Turner <danielwrote:




>> Dear colleagues




>> I hope you all returned to your homes safe and sound. It was a pleasure to

>> meet you last week at the *Asia For Animals* Conference and I sincerely

>> hope that this informal coalition will successfully address the issue of

>> elephant polo in all relevant countries in Asia, through a worldwide

>> campaign. As promised, I am sending you an overview of what we agreed during

>> the lunchtime meeting. Please feel free to comment or add information to the

>> information below but, please ensure that you copy everyone into the email.

>> May I also introduce my colleague, Sarah (copied into this email), who works

>> for Born Free addressing public concerns on issues such as elephant polo.




>> Attendees to the meeting:




>> *India***


>> Amruta


>> Rohit


>> Azam


>> Manoj




>> *Nepal***


>> Lucia


>> Pramada


>> Manoj




>> *Sri Lanka***


>> Deepani




>> *Thailand***


>> Sumolya


>> Roger




>> *International*


>> Daniel






>> *Discussion and agreements*:




>> Azam, who has been working on an awareness-raising campaign against

>> elephant polo for some time, has requested that all recipients of this email

>> view the following website: www.stopelephantpolo.com




>> It was agreed that the above persons will form an informal coalition to

>> not only raise-awareness of the plight of elephants used in elephant polo,

>> but to campaign and lobby governments and industry for change, to eventually

>> stop the practice.




>> It was agreed that the coalition will establish a website, as its initial

>> task, from which the campaign will be launched and maintained. However,

>> before the website can be established, all country representatives need to

>> gather as much information as possible on the practice (past and present)

>> and its sponsors in their respective country. This information will be used

>> in the website and for the individual country campaigns.




>> It was agreed that Daniel, will help with the overall campaign strategy

>> and assist country representatives with their individual campaigns. Daniel

>> proposed that Azam is also involved in the developing the campaign strategy.




>> All members of the coalition have agreed to undertake a specific task to

>> ensure the success of this campaign. The initial roles agreed are as

>> follows:




>> Amruta – logo and campaign name


>> Manoj O – website format and design


>> Azam – background information on www.stopelephantpolo.com, the

>> mafia/political connections and media knowledge


>> Rohit – India representative


>> Manoj H (+ Lucia and Pramada) – Nepal representative


>> Deepani – Sri Lanka representative


>> Roger – Thailand representative


>> Sumolya – information on the implications to elephant welfare


>> Daniel – campaign development (national and international) and seeking

>> international support of the campaign.




>> The success of the campaign will depend on the quality of information

>> gathered by the country representatives, which should include locations of

>> the events, the sponsors, media involved, individuals involved, incidences

>> (injuries, fatalities, etc.), relevant authorities and the opinion of the

>> public.




>> I look forward to moving this forward and establishing a campaign that

>> challenges this practice and stops this exploitation of elephants.




>> Best regards




>> Daniel




>> *Daniel Turner** BSc (Hons) MBiol CSB***


>> Senior Operations Officer


>> Zoo Check




>> Born Free Foundation www.bornfree.org.uk


>> T: +44 (0)1403 240 170 F: +44 (0)1403 237 838 M: +44 (0)7920

>> 195594


>> Email: daniel




>> [image: Give orphan animals a home] <http://www.bornfree.org.uk/appeal>


>> *This New Year, please help Born Free give orphan animals a home. *

>> To find out more and donate visit www.bornfree.org.uk/appeal or call

>> 01403 240170


>> * *


>> *Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you*


>> This email is only for the intended recipient(s) and may contain

>> confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient(s) please

>> email the sender and then destroy the mail. Please do not disclose any

>> information contained in this email, nor take copies. Neither Born Free nor

>> the sender can accept any responsibility for viruses. It is your

>> responsibility to check the email and attachments (if any).











> --

> http://www.stopelephantpolo.com

> http://www.freewebs.com/azamsiddiqui





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