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FW: (CN) MORE ON THE DRAFT--ANIMAL LAW IN CHINA [People4ChineseAnimals] Digest Number 405

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Posted by: fluffydasha

Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:24 am ((PST))


After reading this email from Cynthia, I am glad that I haven't asked people

to stop writing to Prof. Chang -- he's received over 600 emails for now, and

I'll be posting the link to the website so visitors can click and send it

from there too. Please keep sending emails to him, and forward the link to

your lists. I will see if it is affordable to buy a newspaper poll so animal

people can have their say too, and Prof. Chang can see the other side of the

coin as well. This is will be a real uphill struggle.




Dear Rosa

Hardly had we hailed for this change of the draft, an announcement from Dr.

Chang shocked and put us down immediately! He claimed that in seeing so

many opponents of the law to prohibit eating cats and dogs, showing by the

on-line voting, (which can be easily manipulated) he changes it accordingly

in order to avoid misunderstanding. The amendment is actually meaningless

and everything turns to be Nero point. It states that the law does make it

illegal to eat cats and dogs, and this should be decided by the local

government. We know that this is near nothing has been changed in compare

with the old version.

We wonder why he should listen to the opponents and depend completely on

this on-line voting? This is totally untrustworthy. Those cats and dogs

sellers can easily buy the Internet media and buy someone to vote for them


Why does he do not care about our opinion, one the the billing show that we

win over the opponents!

And above all, this is not a question of argument.

A real man will not depend on the majority's opinion, but will always focus

what is right.

In this case, it is obviously who is right and righteous, those who really

care about animals, and who is wrong, those who want to make their profit

out of abusing animals!

We see no reason why the expert should listen to those cats and dogs sellers

and eater's opinion.

If the law can not even protect the companion aimals which is under our

animals lovers' scuntized from being tortured and eaten, how can we expect

such a law should give protection to those who are far out of our sence,

such those bears, wildlifes, farming animals?

Please if you can help us animals lovers in China to speak out the truth

under the name of Chinese animal lover and let the public knows what is

happening here.

Thank you ever so much





Please leave your comments. Also, our emotions run high on the issue

(judging for myself), but it is important to hold back we would like to say,

and be polite so as to influence many.






Whenever someone writes about an issue such as this, all the morons of the

world come out to say the most awful things. They are the types who would

not take the time to give a glass of water to a dying person, but their

favorite line is " why not take care of hungry children, etc, etc. " I usually

ask them " how many hungry children they feed " -- but never got an answer.


It's good to always be one step ahead of them, and post our comments in such

a way that leave no room for rebuttal. In my experience, here are some

things I always avoid:


1) Never make it sound like one animal is more important than the other (in

this case cats and dogs ) but instead focus on the fact that cats and dogs

were domesticated and how much love and happiness they've been to children,

old people, the sick, the handicapped, etc. That they not only have become

part of our families, that they are brutally tortured before they are

killed, and that one cannot have a pet and eat it too.


2) Chinese dog/cat eaters will say that the West is also savages when it

comes to animal slaughtering, and so many countless animal abuse.....That's

true, our hands are not clean either. So we're walking on a thin line here.


3) People will say that animals have been eaten by humans from the beginning

of their existence. True! But the world evolves, and humans no longer need

to eat meat in order to survive. They no longer live in caves, eating raw

meat...and specially not torturing their food first.


4) It's very important to focus on the Chinese as a very strong culture and

civilization which is tainted by the blood of defenseless animals, so

tortured to satisfy the primitive instinct of a minority. That most Chinese

citizens abhor these killings (which that could be only partially true) I

don't know if the word " most " is stretching the blanket, but in this case,

it is OK to fluffy it up a bit. Nothing to lose.


I find this approach much more productive than insults which I did in the

past many times but realized I was not helping animals at all.






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