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(KR) KARA Newsletter

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Monthly Newsletter No. 14

February, 2010

Hi everyone,

February brings milder weather, and that means dogs stuck in steel cages all

over Korea will not have to suffer being exposed to the bitter cold 24 hours a

day ...

KARA to Become Incorporated

On February 1, 2010, everyone involved with KARA management had a meeting to

discuss the details of KARA becoming a corporation.

Once everything is sorted out, it should give us more powers when dealing with

the government ... more

Dog Abuse Reported and Dealt With By KARA

This month a foreigner working in Korea's south reported the abuse of some

puppies in a house nearby. She could see the abuse occurring from her window.

Fortunately, she was able to provide some video as evidence, which is often

crucial to us in such cases. KARA's manager travelled down to talk to the family

and the boy involved ... more

Huge Delivery to Grandpa Kim's Shelter

Last month we reported on the desparate situation at Grandpa Kim's shelter, as

his health is failing along with his ability to look after his dogs.

You can now read an update about a large delivery of food and supplies to the

shelter. We've also learned of some peculiarities about Grandpa Kim that

certainly aren't helping matters ... more

Animal Rights Group Targets Free Trade Agreement

Kinship Circle is lobbying the Obama Administration to reject the South Korean

Free Trade Agreement on ethical grounds, citing a failed animal welfare policy

and corruption.

However, the group incorrect says that South Korea is the only nation to openly

slaughter cats and dogs for human consumption, and even uses a picture that

appears to be from the Philippines ... Oh, well ... more

China's Animal Rights Law a Long Way Off

China of all places will possibly implement an animal rights law that bans dog

and cat eating. But while all of this sounds good, actually achieving any change

soon another story. In Korea, politicians and lawmakers were unmoved.

In the future in China, as in Korea now, enforcing animal protection laws could

be non-existent or rather hit and miss ... more

Anti-Dog Meat Petition Ongoing

At the time of writing, United Dogs' online petition against Korea's dog meat

industry is over 384,000--about 20,000 more than last month. This is a great

achievement, but the ambitious aim of a million signatures is still a long way


If you haven't signed already, head on over and sign the petition. If you need

to, you can see different language versions of the page using its top-right drop

down list. Please tell your friends!

But don't use Internet Explorer because it doesn't work!!! ... Use Firefox.

(Internet Explorer is not working in Korea. United Dogs has informed us that

they are recoding their site and it won't be completed for another week or so.)

This Issue's Net Highlights

* It is a relief and heartening to see the Australian government stand up to

Japan's barbaric whaling practice with the threat of legal action by November.


* West Hollywood is legislating towards ensuring pet shops only sell pets from

shelters. Hopefully, this great idea will spread everywhere. Two video news

reports here and here explain it all.


* The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has called

for governments to tax livestock production. Given the resource-intensive and

heavily polluting nature of the livestock business, it's about time a fart tax

was introduced.


* While on the subject, yet another sobering warning about the creation of

antibiotic-resistant bugs in meat production comes to us from a special CBS news

report in the US.


* And another news source reports on the use of a range of drugs that remain in

consumer meat.


* There has been around 10 million pounds of meat recalled in the US since

Obama took office, mainly due to disease contamination. Think of all the waste,

the pollution and the suffering of animals that represents.

This email was sent to you because you are registered or affiliated with the

Korea Animal Rights Advocates website at http://animalrightskorea.org.

If you have any queries, please contact







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